A Comparison of Male and Female Saliva and Plasma Osmolality in Response to Mild Dehydration
Patel, S1, Thompson, G.A2* and Runyan, D.A3
- 1Safety and Environmental Compliance Manager, Chicago District, Federal Aviation Administration, Aurora, IL
- 2Postgraduate Program in Prosthetic Dentistry, Marquette University School of Dentistry, Milwaukee, WI
- 3Office of Research Oversight, Veterans Health Administration, Chicago, IL
Corresponding Author
*Corresponding Author: Dr. Geoffrey A. Thompson, D.D.S., M.S, Program Director, Postgraduate Program in Prosthetic Dentistry, Marquette University School of Dentistry, 1801 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881, Tel: (414)288-8415/ Fax: (414) 288-6516; E-mail: geoffrey.thompson@marquette.edu
Patel, S., et al. A Comparison of Male and Female Saliva and Plasma Osmolality in Response to Mild Dehydration. (2017) J Environ Health Sci 3(2): 1-7.
Copy rights
© 2017 Patel, S. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Purpose: Firstly, to investigate how changes in whole saliva osmolality (Sosm) compares with changes in plasma osmolality (Posm) during mild dehydration as measured by BML; secondly, to determine whether there are differences between male and female responses and finally, to assess whether Sosm and Posm return to pre-exercise levels following ad libitum re-hydration.
Materials and Methods: Thirty-nine healthy volunteers (29 males and 10 females) were dehydrated, resulting in 1.10 - 3.06% body mass loss (BML), by walking on a treadmill for 60 minutes at 40°C and 20% relative humidity. Post-exercise participants were given water ad libitum to drink and post-rehydration samples were collected 30 minutes after the onset of water consumption. Blood and unstimulated whole saliva were collected and analyzed for osmolality pre-exercise, post-exercise and post-rehydration. All data were evaluated for differences between male and female responses.
Results: Saliva osmolalities increased from pre- (73.29 ± 15.42) to post-exercise (102.10 ± 25.28) and by a greater percentage than Posm. Generally, Sosm and Posm returned to pre-exercise levels following rehydration. With dehydration, shifts in Posm and Sosm were in the same direction for males and females but females showed morevariability in the response.
Conclusion: Although neither Posm nor Sosm correlated closely with BML associated with mild dehydration, Sosm demonstrated sufficient measurable differences, especially in males, and shows potential as a dehydration screening biomarker.