A pathway for families to cope with alcohol and drug problems: A case-control group for resilience of a Brazilian context
Roberta Paya1,2*, Sandra Pillon2, Neliana Buzi Figlie1,3
- 1Psychiatric Department, Psychologist and family Therapist, University Federal of Sao Paulo
- 2Faculty of Nursing at Ribeirao Preto, Psychiatric Nursing and Human Science Department, University of Sao Paulo
- 3Department of Psychiatric Research, Psychologist and Consulter Member of IMPAD, University Federal of Sao Paulo
Corresponding Author
Roberta Paya, Ph.D, Psychiatric Department, Psychologist and Msc Family Therapist, University Federal of Sao Paulo, Rua Dr. Veiga Filho, 350, conj 1007, Higienopolis, Sao Paulo, Brazil, CEP: 01229-901, E-mail: robertapaya@hotmail.com
Paya, R., et al. Measuring Resilience in Brazilian Families with Substance Abuse Problems Resilience in Families with Substance Abuse. (2017) J Addict Depend 3(1): 1- 7.
Copy rights
© 2017 Paya, R. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Gather information on the functions and characteristics of families with substance abusers contributes to explore possible strategies to strengthen and change family behaviors. Investigate family resilience not only eases abroad understanding of familiar system, able of change and cope, but also underlines the need to include specific tools to develop desirable family attributes in the field of clinical and communitarian interventions. The Index of Regenerativity and Adaptation-General (FIRA-G) was developed to investigate dimensions of family functioning, including resilience. This paper aims to evaluate of FIRA-G reliability in a case-control study of 305 families from Sao Paulo with and without substance abuse members. Based on the methodology, there is no clear evidence that FIRA-G scale is a completely reliable instrument to measure components of family resilience, but it has proved valuable to compare differences between groups as the control group (M = 20.8; SD = 11.8) presented lower resilience condition than the alcohol group (M = 29.6; SD = 16). Thus, further studies should be conducted to assess samples living in different social conditions.