Assessment of Mutation Genetics in HTT (Hi-CAG), Gene for Induced Huntington’s disease in Tabriz, Iran
Shahin Asadi1*, Zahra Gholizadeh1, Maryam Safi2, Mina Niknia2, Mahsa Jamali2
- 1Research Center for Stem Cell and Drug Applied Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in modern biology, Iran
- 2Young Researchers and Elite Club,Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Corresponding Author
Shahin Asadi, Research Center for Stem Cell and Drug Applied Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in modern biology, Iran, Tel: +989379923364; E-mail:
Asadi, S., et al. Assessment of Mutation Genetics in HTT (Hi-CAG), Gene for Induced Huntington’s disease in Tabriz, Iran. (2017) Cell Immunol Serum Biol 3(2): 93- 98.
Copy rights
© 2017 Asadi, S. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
In this study we have analyzed 120 people. 59 Huntington’s disease (HD) and 61 control group. The gene HTT analyzed in terms of genetic mutation made. In this study, people who have genetic mutation were targeted, with nervous disorders, Huntington’s disease (HD). In fact, of all people with Huntington’s disease (HD), 59 Huntington’s disease (HD) had a genetic mutation in the gene HTT Huntington’s disease (HD). Any genetic mutations in the target genes control group, did not show.