Biodiversity studies on bioeroding sponges infesting brown mussel of the south west coast of India
P. Sunil kumar*, P.A. Thomas
*Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute Kochi, India
Corresponding Author
P. Sunil kumar. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, India. E-mail:
Sunil Kumar, p., et al. Biodiversity Studies on Bioeroding Sponges Infesting Brown Mussel of the South West Coast of India. (2015) J Marine Biol Aquacult 1(2): 1- 3.
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© 2015 Sunil Kumar, P. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
A study on the biodiversity indices of boring sponges infesting the brown mussel population of the southwest coast of India was attempted in this paper. Four species, Cliona lobata, Cliona vastifica, Cliona celata and Cliona margaritifera were identified from Station 1, Vizhinjam. From Station II maximum number of species were identified and they are in the order of abundance; Cliona lobata, Cliona vastifica, Cliona celata, Cliona margaritifera, Cliona carpenteri, Thoosa armata, Thoosa hancocki, Aka minuta and Alectona millari. Cliona lobata, Cliona vastifica, Cliona celata and Cliona margaritifera were identified from station III, Colachel and Cliona lobata, Cliona vastifica, Cliona celata, Cliona margaritifera and Cliona carpenteri from Station IV, Kadiyapatnam. Pielou’s[1] index (D) was the highest at Station I (1.17) and the lowest at station 2 (0 .89). Shannon Weaver function[2], H (S), was the highest at Station II (1 .85), showing maximum number of species (s = 8), while it was lowest at Station 1 (1 .62) with the least number of species (s = 4).