Cattle Transportation and Transport Wastage
Alper Yilmaz
1 Selcuk University, KarapinarAydoganlarVocational School, Konya, Turkey
2 Selcuk University, VeterinaryFaculty, Department of Zootechnics, Konya, Turkey
Corresponding Author
Onur Erzurum, SelcukUniversity, Karapinar Aydoganlar Vocational School, Konya, TURKEY, Tel: +905556117792; E-mail:
Onur, E., et al. Cattle Transportat?on and Transport Wastage. (2018) J Vet Sci Animal Welf 3(1): 1- 5.
Copy rights
© 2018 Onur, E. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Today, animal transport uses sea roads, railways, roads and airways. In livestock businesses, live animal transportation is one of the most important activities of cattle and sheep breeding.
Stress experienced by animals during transport affects animal welfare considerably. Stress in animal transport refers to the behavioral and physical state that animals have shown against threats. Prosperity is associated with the presence and absence of negative feelings in animal transport. Behavioral and physiological responses can be used to determine the response of the animal to the transport. Today there is a similarity between the problems experienced in the past and the rate of animal welfare and mortality.
Live animal transports are an important part of the livestock industry. In recent years, producers, consumers, governments, lawyers, welfare organizations and transporters have been attaching importance to improving the quality of transport by improving transport conditions. In transportation; Studies focusing on transport such as water and nutritional needs, nutrition time, loading density, weather conditions, characteristics of transport vehicle and travel distance are made. The other major problem after transportation is the transport wastage.