Distribution, Enrichment and Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Soil and Vigna Mungo L. Hepper (Black gram) after Irrigation with Distillery Wastewater
Vinod Kumar1*, A.K. Chopra1 and Sachin Srivastava2
- 1Agro-ecology and Pollution Research Laboratory, Department of Zoology and Environmental Science, Gurukula Kangri University, Haridwar-249404 (Uttarakhand), India
- 2Department of Life Science, School of Engineering and Technology, Desh Bhagat University, Mandi, Gobindgarh-147301 (Punjab), India
Corresponding Author
Kumar, V. Agro-ecology and Pollution Research Laboratory, Department of Zoology and Environmental Science, Gurukula Kangri University, Haridwar-249404 (Uttarakhand), India E-mail: drvksorwal@gkv.ac.in
Kumar, V. et al. Distribution, Enrichment and Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Soil and Vigna Mungo L. Hepper (Black Gram) After Irrigation with Distillery Wastewater. (2014) J Environ Health Sci 1(1): 1-8.
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© 2014 Kumar, V. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The present investigation was aimed to study the distribution, enrichment and accumulation of heavy metals in soil and Vigna mungo (Black gram, var. Pant U-30) after irrigation with distillery wastewater. A field experiment was conducted in the experimental garden of Gurukula Kangri University, Haridwar during the year 2012 and 2013. Treatments of distillery wastewater viz. 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% was used for irrigation of V. mungo along with bore well water (control). The results revealed that distillery wastewater showed significant (P < 0.05/ P < 0.01) effect on the soil characteristics viz., EC, pH, Cl-, OC, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, TKN, PO43-, SO42-, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn and Zn of the soil. The soil characteristics were recorded to be positively correlated with different concentration of distillery wastewater. The agronomical characteristics viz., shoot length, root length, number of flowers, pods, dry weight, chlorophyll content, leaf area index (LAI), crop yield and harvest index (HI) of V. mungo were recorded maximum with 40% concentration of distillery wastewater. The biochemical components viz., crude proteins, crude fiber and crude carbohydrates were noted maximum with 40% concentration of distillery wastewater. The enrichment factor of heavy metals was in the order of Cd>Cr>Zn>Cu>Mn for soil and Cu>Mn>Zn>Cr>Cd for V. mungo after irrigation with distillery wastewater. The accumulation of various heavy metals in different parts of V. mungo were in order of leaves>shoot>root> fruits for Cu, Mn and Zn, root>shoot>leaves>fruit for Cd and Cr after distillery wastewater irrigation. Therefore, the distillery wastewater with appropriate dilution can be used as a bio-fertigant for the V. mungo.