Do Not Resuscitate Guiding Principle: Analysis and Evaluation
Department of Nursing, Zarqa University
Corresponding Author
Huthaifah Khrais, Department of Nursing, Zarqa University, Tel: +962795637887; E-mail:
Khrais, H. Do Not Resuscitate Guiding Principle: Analysis and Evaluation. (2016) J Palliat Care Pediatr 1(2): 18- 21..
Copy rights
© 2016 Khrais, H. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The DNR order is complex and interrelated with multidimensional factors. The cancer patients during end stage of disease process need a pure palliative care to be die as peaceful as possible. To achieve such outcome, much medical order must be hold like CPR.
To avoid any dilemma regarding CPR holding, the DNR policy must be stated. In this analysis a one policy was chosen to be evaluated. After comprehensive evaluation to the policy, many missed parts are founded. The major alternatives focused on complete description about CPR; DNR should be planned order; the options for mentally ill patients; and the patients right to request the DNR or/and to hold the DNR order later.
The above alternatives were used, added and supported by research and policies evidences. Each alternative was evaluated; the negatives and positives points were stated clearly as well. The new policy was reported and planned to be implemented in future.