Electricity Generation From Sugar Processing Wastewater Using Environmental Friendly Dual Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell
Department of Chemical Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan
Corresponding Author
Anand, Parkash. Department of Chemical Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan; E-mail: parwani_anand@yahoo.com
Parkash, A. Electricity Generation from Sugar Processing Wastewater Using Environmental Friendly Dual Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell. (2016) Lett Health Biol Sci 1(1): 18- 23.
Copy rights
© 2016 Parkash, A. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Energy crises in Pakistan are evaluated in terms of inclination since last few years and these crises mainly dependable on the depletion of petroleum. The focus of world is diverting towards the sustainable renewable energy sources. Microbial fuel cell is one of the emerging technologies that use the concept of clean energy using environmental friendly process with the utilization of microbes. In this research a microbial activity is observed that generates electricity from sugar processing wastewater using a dual chamber microbiological reactor. Different observations has been carried out to analyze the wastewater and microbiological parameters with respect to time and it was analyzed that fuel cell generates electricity of 1.28 mA, 0.9 volts and 0.304 Watt/m². Along with the energy generation, the waste water is also treated with this microbial cell having effectiveness of TDS 56.35%, COD 69.3% and BOD 68.1% removal. Due to this efficiency, the microbial fuel cell may replace the conventional harmful energy sources.