Excellent outcome of intractable psychosis induced by methamphetamine intoxication after 20 sessions of Electro Convulsive Therapy
Department of Addiction Psychiatry, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
Corresponding Author
Ahmadi, J, MD, professor of Psychiatry, Founder and Director, Substance Abuse Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, E-mail: Jamshid_Ahmadi@yahoo.com
Ahmadi, J. Excellent Outcome of Psychosis Induced by Methamphetamine Intoxication After 20 Sessions of Electro Convulsive Therapy. J Addict Depend 1(2): 1- 2.
Copy rights
© 2015 Ahmadi, J. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Severe psychosis induced by methamphetamine abuse is a growing problem in the world. We report the usefulness of Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT) as an alternative option in the management of methamphetamine psychosis. Our findings indicated that ECT was beneficially employed in the treatment of severe methamphetamine psychosis. This case illustrates although medications could be effective in treating methamphetamine psychosis, however, ECT is more useful and also faster than medications. This is an interesting result. In addition to our understanding we might say that ECT could be an appropriate option in the treatment of methamphetamine psychosis, therefore this experience of an Iranian patient could add innovative information to the literature.