History of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Leading to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Hyderabad Population
Roya Rozati1,2*, A. G. Mehdi1, Akila CH1, Surayya Tahseen1, Avinash Bardia3, Aleem A Khan3
- 1Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Owaisi Hospital & Research Centre, Hyderabad-58, INDIA
- 2MHRT Hospital & Research Centre, Maternal Health Research Trust, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-34, INDIA
- 3Centre for Liver Research & Diagnostics, Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad-58, INDIA
Corresponding Author
Roya Rozati, Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Owaisi Hospital & Research Centre and MHRT Hospital & Research Centre, Maternal Health Research Trust, Banjara Hills Hyderabad-58,34 INDIA, Tel/Fax: +91(0)40 23552525; E-mail: drroyarozati@gmail.com; drrozati@rediffmail.com
Rozati, R., et al. Emergency Management of Heavy Uterine Bleeding in a Jehovas Witness. J Gynecol Neonatal Biol 2(1): 1- 4.
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© 2015 Rozati, R. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Background: Women having gestational diabetes mellitus are at greater risk of effecting type 2 diabetes mellitus. Particularly because of the scarcity of data in India, there is requirement for understanding the distribution and possibility factors of dysglycaemia (types 2 diabetes mellitus and prediabetes) in women having affected earlier with gestational diabetes mellitus.
Methods: All women (n = 751) with past history of GDM attending two obstetric units in Hyderabad were invited to participate in the study. Among them 279(37.15%) accepted to take part in the present study. Socio-demographic, medical and anthropometric information were collected; and 75 gm OGTT performed.
Results: 213 (76.34%) women were found dysglycaemic within 5 year (median 14 months) of the pregnancy. Age was found to be 1.27 fold increase risk of having dysglycaemia (OR 1.27, 95% CI 1.03 - 1.35 p = 0.03). Presence of acanthosis nigricans (OR 2.09, 95% CI 1.89 - 6.56 p = 0.002), postpartum screening interval (OR 1.41, 95% CI 1.15 - 1.92 p = 0.02) were found to be risk factors to have dysglycaemia. The ADA suggested threshold HbA1c value of > 39 mmol/mol (5.6%) have a sensitivity and specificity of 72.3% and 67.3% respectively for detecting the occurrence of T2DM postpartum.
Conclusion: In conclusion, this study found a high possibility of development of t2dm among with a history of gdm and there is an immediate need to improve postpartum screening rates.