Our Results in the Surgical Treatment of Acute Hemorrhoidal Thrombosis
S.A. Aliyev, E. Aliyev, F.M. Qapaqov
Azerbaijan Medical University, Department of surgical disease 1, Azerbaijan, Baku
Corresponding Author
Ahmadova Esmira Vaqif, Azerbaijan Medical University, Department of surgical disease 1, Azerbaijan, Baku, Tel: +994503624015; E-mail: aqaboba@mail.ru
E.V. Ahmadova., et al. Our Results in the Surgical Treatment of Acute Hemorrhoidal Thrombosis. (2017) J Gastrointest Disord Liver Func 3(1): 98- 99.
Copy rights
© 2017 E.V. Ahmadova. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Hemorrhoids are common human afflictions known since the dawn of history. More than half of patients with hemorrhoids are complicated by acute thrombosis of hemorrhoids. It is unknown whether surgery is the gold standard for therapy of thrombosed. In article were described the results of surgical treatment 99 patients with acute hemorrhoidal thrombosis. All patients underwent hemorrhoidectomy during some days after hospitalization. Complications were observed at 28 patients (28,3%), from which in early postoperative period were 25, late complications were at 3 patients. The frequency of early and late postoperative complications is similar to those after elective hemorrhoidectomy.