Partial molar pregnancy with live fetus diagnosed on second trimester: a case report
Angela Santos1*, Vera Trocado2, Ana Paula Gama3, Paula Pinheiro4, Rosete Nogueira5
- 1Interna de Formação Específica de Ginecologia-Obstetrícia, Serviço de Ginecologia- Obstetrícia, Unidade Local de Saúde do Alto Minho, Viana do Castelo, Portugal
- 2Interna de Formação Específica de Ginecologia-Obstetrícia, Serviço de Ginecologia- Obstetrícia, Unidade Local de Saúde do Alto Minho, Viana do Castelo, Portugal e Assistente Convidada da Universidade do Minho, Surgical Sciences Research Domain, Life and Health Sciences Research Domain ICVS/3B´s – PT Government Associate Laboratory, Braga, Portugal
- 3Assistente Hospitalar de Ginecologia-Obstetrícia, Serviço de Ginecologia-Obstetrícia, Unidade Local de Saúde do Alto Minho, Viana do Castelo, Portugal
- 4Assistente Graduada de Ginecologia-Obstetrícia, Serviço de Ginecologia-Obstetrícia da Unidade Local de Saúde do Alto Minho, Viana do Castelo, Portugal
- 5Consultora em Anatomia Patológica, Diretora do Laboratório de Anatomia Patológica/Embriofetopatologia do CGC Genetics, Porto, Portugal e Professora Auxiliar da Universidade do Minho,Surgical Sciences Research Domain, Life and Health Sciences Research Domain ICVS/3B´s - PT Government Associate Laboratory, Braga, Portugal
Corresponding Author
Ângela Santos, Avenida Santo André, Edifício Mira Rio, n° 241, Apartamento 1001, 4755-281, Barcelinhos-Barcelos, Portugal, Tel: 00351914502783; E-mail:
Angela S., et al. Partial Molar Pregnancy with Live Fetus Diagnosed on Second Trimester: A Case Report. (2017) J Gynecol Neonatal Biol 3(2): 1- 4.
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© 2017 Angela S. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Hydatidiform mole is part of a group of diseases classified as gestational trophoblastic disease, which results from an aberrant fertilization. They are associated with an increase risk for the development of neoplasm, specifically choriocarcinoma, a malignant tumor that has a potential to locally invade the uterus and metastasize. Traditionally, moles have been categorized into complete or partial hydatidiform moles. Partial moles are most commonly triploid and are associated with the presence of a malformed fetus. Often partial moles are misdiagnosed as an incomplete or missed abortion of the first trimester. A case of a partial molar pregnancy with live fetus diagnosed on second trimester is reported. Hyperemesis gravidarum and hyperthyroidism were the clinical presentations. Human chorionic gonadotropin level was 1 891 264 mIU/mL. Fetal karyotype was 69, XXX. Surgical uterine evacuation was performed and the patient is in follow up. Partial molar pregnancy with a live fetus is a rare condition that presents a challenging diagnosis, particularly when it is detected during the second trimester of pregnancy