Potential Effect of Meloxicam and Tramadol on Neuropathic Wound Healing in Rats
Marwa Abass1,2, Esam Mosbah2, Adel Zaghloul2, Gamal Karrouf2,3*
- 1Department of Anesthesiology, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- 2Surgery, Anesthesiology and Radiology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt
- 3Faculty of Science, Medical Physics Department, King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Corresponding Author
Gamal Karrouf, Medical Physics Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Tel: +966595859168; Fax: +0096626952076; E-mail: drgamalkarrouf@yahoo.com
Karrouf, G., et al. Potential Effect of Meloxicam and Tramadol on Neuropathic Wound Healing in Rats. (2016) J Vet Sci Animal Welf 1(1): 1- 5.
Copy rights
© 2016 Karrouf, G. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Introduction: Pain management in animals can be increased by inappropriate housing, handling, and restraint and by utilizing unsuitable experimental techniques especially when surgery including in the protocol. Proper surgical techniques can decreased complications which contribute to postoperative comfort.
Objective: The study assessed the potential effect of meloxicam and tramadol or their combination as multi analgesic model on neuropathic wound healing in rats.
Methods: Rats had randomly assigned into 4 groups (10 rats for each treatment). G1 that didn’t receive any treatment, G2 receive postoperative tramadol hydrochloride (15 mg/kg; Tramal 5%, Minpharm, Gru¨nenthal, Germany; T15), G3 received meloxicam, (6 mg/kg; Anti-CoxII0.5 %, Adwia, Cairo, Egypt; M6) and G4 receive both T15 and M6 that include post-operative T15, M6, T15 + M6 from the 5th till 11th days post-operative.
Results: Granulation tissue was less neovascularization of the analgesic treatments was seen on day 10 postoperatively than in Control group. At day 14 postoperative the rats treated with M 6 mg/kg and T 15 mg/kg + M 6 mg/kg had increased of mononuclear cells in comparison to the others. Granulation tissue showed less proliferation of fibroblast and collagen in the analgesic treatments. Epithelial regeneration and collagen deposition were more prominent in the T 15 mg/kg compared to other treatments. There was decreased in granulation tissue inflammatory exudates in all treated animals.
Conclusion: The present study indicated that meloxicam and their combination leads to a slight delaying in the process of wound healing.