Prenatal Intraamniotic Surfactant Administration Improves Lung Function at Birth and the Effects of Conventional Postdelivery Treatment in Animal Model
Claudio Solana3, Guillermo Lobenstein2, MatÃas Uranga Imaz2, Diego Häbich2
- 1Department of Obstetrics, Buenos Aires University, Fellow ACOG Buenos Aires Argentine Section, Chief of Obstetrics Service, Hospital Alemán, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 2Department of Obstetrics and Pediatrics, Hospital Alemán, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 3Department of Neonatology, Hospital Materno - Infantil “Dr. R. Sardá,” Buenos Aires, Argentina, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Alemán, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Corresponding Author
Ricardo Illia, MD, Department of Obstetrics and Pediatrics, Buenos Aires University, Fellow ACOG Buenos Aires Argentine Section, Chief of Obstetrics Service, Hospital Alemán, Avenida Pueyrredón - 1640, Buenos Aires - 1118, Argentina, Tel: +54 11 4827-7000; Fax: +54 11 4827-7000; E-mail:
Illia, R., et al. Prenatal Intra amniotic Surfactant Administration Improves Lung Function at Birth and the Effects of Conventional Post delivery Treatment in Animal Model: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (2016) J Gynecol Neonatal Biol 2(2): 20-23.
Copy rights
© 2016 Illia, R. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Introduction: Surfactant diluted in the pulmonary fluid at birth promove airway formation and prevents lung injury, for this reason some investigators have proposed that actual surfactant prophylaxis in high risk preterm deliveries, should be done before the first breath, perhaps in-uteri.
Objective: To evaluate if intra amniotic surfactant plus conventional neonatal instillation improves respiratory outcome compared with only conventional neonatal instillation.
Materials and Methods: Randomized, controlled and double blinded protocol in a model of very immature born lambs. 125 days pregnant ewes received, with ultrasound guide, an intra amniotic injection of 240 mg of natural bovine surfactant or normal saline solution. After one hour of fetal breathing movement’s stimulation with aminophylline the premature lambs fetuses were delivered by C-section, and a 3-mm endotracheal tube was placed by tracheotomy. Heart rate, aortic blood pressure, central temperature, respiratory rate and hemoglobin saturation, as well as mechanical ventilator settings, were continuously monitored. Variables under study were: Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP), Mean Airway Pressure (MAP), Oxygenation Index (OI) and Arterio-Alveolar Ratio (a/A).
Conclusion: Prenatal intra amniotic surfactant instillation improves short-term respiratory outcome compared with conventional postpartum treatment in this animal model.