Successful conservative treatment of free wall rupture following acute myocardial infarction: the role of cardiac CT monitoring
Gianluca Piccoli MD, Davide Zanuttini MD, Daisy Pavoni MD, Ugolino Livi Prof.
1Department of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, “S. Maria della Misericordia” Academic Hospital, Udine, Italy
2Institute of Diagnostic Radiology, “S. Maria della Misericordia” Academic Hospital, Udine, Italy
3Department of Cardiothoracic Sciences, “S. Maria della Misericordia” Academic Hospital, Udine, Italy
Corresponding Author
Paolo Divis, Department of Medical and Biological Sciences Institute of Diagnostic Radiology,“ S. Maria della Misericordia” Academic Hospital, Udine, Italy,E-mail:
Paolo, D., et al. Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Heart Failure with Nearly Complete Resolution after Implantation of a Left Ventricular Assist Device. (2014) J Heart Cardiol 1(1): 4-5.
Copy rights
©2014 Paolo, D. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
A 80 years old male with a cardiac blow-out type rupture of the inferior wall after acute myocardial infarction underwent successful conservative management guided by cardiac CT images and stable hemodynamic condition. In our case, cardiac CT provided adjunctive imaging data supporting the successful non-operative approach demonstrating the occlusion of the myocardial tear at 48 hour