Superconducting Properties of (MnFe2O4)x/CuTl-1223 Composites
Rashid Khan, M. Mumtaz*
Materials Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences (FBAS), International Islamic University (IIU) Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
Corresponding Author
M. Mumtaz, Materials Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences (FBAS), International Islamic University (IIU) Islamabad 44000, Pakistan. Tel: +92-51-9019926 (Office), Fax No: +92-51-9210256; E-mail:
Mumtaz, M., et al. Superconducting properties of (MnFe2O4)x/CuTl-1223 composites. (2017) J Nanotechnol Material Sci 4(1): 1- 5.
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© 2017 Mumtaz, M. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The effects of nanometer size MnFe2O4 particles addition on different properties of (Cu0.5Tl0.5) Ba2Ca2Cu3O10−δ (CuTl-1223) superconducting phase was studied. MnFe2O4 nanoparticles were synthesized by sol-gel method and were added to CuTl-1223 superconducting phase synthesized by solid-state reaction to get (MnFe2O4)x/CuTl-1223; x = 0 ~ 2.0 wt. % composites. The effects of these magnetic nanoparticles on structural, morphological and superconducting transport properties of host CuTl-1223 phase were investigated via X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-rays (EDX) spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and Four-Probe Resistivity (ρ) measurements. Inclusion of these nanoparticles exhibited no change in crystal structure of host CuTl-1223 superconducting phase. Suppression of superconducting properties was probably due to enhanced effective scattering of carriers across magnetic natured MnFe2O4 nanoparticles residing at the grain-boundaries of CuTl-1223 superconductor.