Clinical Pharmacist and Telemonitoring
Naama Al Kalbani
Pharmacology Department; College of Medicine and Health Sciences-UAE University.
Corresponding Author
Asim Ahmed Elnour, Associate Professor, Pharmacology Department; College of Medicine and Health Sciences-UAE University. Tel: +97137022571/+971506734096 E-mail:
Asim AE. Clinical Pharmacist and Telemonitoring (2014) J Pharma Sci Drug Des 1(1): 12-12.
Copy rights
©2014 Asim AE. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Pharmacist; Telemonitoring
Clinical pharmacists need to build stamina with to meet the rapid turns in patient care services in particular the imminent emergence of telemonitoring[1]. The home telemonitoring is a new approach targeting home patient management blending spectacular information technology for monitoring patient remote to the traditional healthcare settings i.e. at their community distance. This type of provision of care uses advanced technology to deliver direct care and timely information to patient via special monitoring devices which are connected with central tele - health network. Home telemonitoring encompasses the use of audio, video, and other telecommunication technologies to monitor patient status at a remote. This rapidly evolving care provides technology tools to support the patient (data transmitted solely by patient or patient's family member).
Telemonitoring objectively reduce requirement for clinic attendance, reduce frequency clinic contacts, keep clinic waiting times to a minimum, minimize need for home visits, utilize existing resources and reduce frequency of unnecessary hospital admissions[2].
Recent researches have revealed the value of the outcomes of telemonitoring programs across the world. These researches range from observation, randomized, systemic reviews to meta-analysis designed studies (mostly conducted in USA and Europe). The studies involved chronic illnesses, mainly; pulmonary conditions, diabetes, cardiac diseases and hypertension. The outcomes domains assessed were data quality, patient condition, patient’s attitudes and behavior, clinical effectiveness (structural effects) and economic variability. These studies have provided evidence confirming the accuracy and reliability of telemonitoring.
Home telemonitoring of chronic diseases was now evident in patient management as approach that yields accurate/reliable data, empowers patients; persuade patient's attitudes/behaviors and eventually improves their clinical outcomes[3].
We hereby, urge clinical pharmacists to take this challenge and join the efforts in strengthening telemonitoring via research, implementation, and marketing this unique patient care service.
- 1. Guy, Pare., Mirou, Jaana., Claude, Sicotte. Systematic Review of Home Telemonitoring for Chronic Diseases: The Evidence Base. (2007 JAMIA 14(3): 269-277.
- 2. Margolis, K.L., Asche, S.E., Bergdall, A.R., et al. Effect of Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring and Pharmacist Management on Blood Pressure Control: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. (2013) JAMA 310(1): 46-56.
- 3. Kerby, T.J., Asche, S.E., Maciosek, M.V., et al. Adherence to blood pressure telemonitoring in a cluster-randomized clinical trial. (2012) J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 14(10): 668-674.