Department of Dermatology and Post graduated from University of Carabobo, Venezuela
Department of Dermatology and Post graduated from University of Carabobo, Venezuela
Corresponding Author
Jose lapenta, Department of Dermatology and Post graduated from Carabobo University, Researcher, Venezuela; E-mail:
Lapenta, J. Stop Gardasil and Cervarix, Hpv, Human Papilloma Virus, After Vaccines. (2017) Invest Dermatol Venereol Res 3(1): 113-116.
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© 2017. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Dermagic Express brings you the HPV edition, Human Papilloma Virus, After the Vaccines. HPV has spread throughout the world since it was discovered and continues its dissemination process in spite of social preventive campaigns and the Investigation of Vaccines to avoid contagion.
That is the topic today, but first I will tell you that it was in year 1978 when the HPV 5 subtype associated with Skin Cancer was discovered for the first time, later in 1981 and 1984 the association of HPV subtypes 16 and 18 was discovered To Cervical Cancer in women. Despite these discoveries, HPV continued to spread throughout the world and that is when scientists Invented 3 Vaccines: Cervarix And Gardasil 4 AND 9 to prevent infection ... and here I will put you objectively what happened with these Vaccines and subsequently, I will give my opinion as a medical dermatologist with more than 20 years in this world of research on Dermatological And Non-Dermatological Medicines.
But first let’s talk a little about these Vaccines:
Gardasil (Quadrivalent, Hpv4), Also Known As Silgard:
1.) Was The First Fda Approved Vaccine To Prevent Hpv In June 8, 2006, Against 4 Types Of Hpv.
2.) Protects Against Types: 16, 18, (Oncogenic), 6 And 11 (Low Risk).
3.) To Be Used In Men And Women Between 9 And 26 Years.
4.) Composed By L1 Proteins Of The Described Hpv.
5.) Adjuvants: Alumber, Polysorbate 80, Sodium Borate, L Histidine And Sodium Chloride.
6.) Administration: Intramuscular: 3 Doses, To 0, 2 And 6 Months.
7.) Laboratory: Merck Sahrp & Dohme (Msd)
Cervarix (Bivalent Hpv2):
1.) Approved By The Fda In October 2009, Becoming The Second Approved Vaccine To Prevent Hpv.
2.) Protects Against Types Of Hpv: 16 And 18 (Oncogenic).
3.) To Be Used In Women Between 9 And 25 Years.
4.) Not Approved For Use In Men.
5.) Composed By L1 Proteins Of The Described Hpv.
6.) Adjuvants: Sodium Chloride (Nacl), Dihydrogen Sodium Dihydrate Phosphate (Nah2po4.2 H2O), Distilled Water.
7.) Administration: Intramuscular: 3 Doses of 0.5 Ml, At 0, 1 And 6 Months.
8.) Laboratory: Glaxosmithkline (GSK)
Gardasil 9 (Valente):
1.) Approved By The Fda On December 10, 2014 To Prevent Against 9 Types Of Hpv.
2.) Protects Against Hpv Types: 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, And 58 (Oncogenics), 6 And 11 (Low Risk).
3.) To Be Used In Women Between 9 And 26 Years And Men Between 9 And 15 Years.
4.) Prevents 90% Of The Cancer Of The Uterine Neck.
5.) Exceed The Previous Version Gardasil 4, Which Protects Only Against 4 Types Of Hpv.
6.) Components: L1 Proteins Of The Hpv Virus Before Described.
7.) Adjuvant: Aso4: Amorf Aluminum Sulphate Hydroxyphosphate.
8.) Administration: Intramuscular: 3 Doses Of 0.5 Ml, To 0, 2-6, 6-12 Months.
9.) Laboratory: Merck Sharp & Dohme. (Msd) And Sanofi Pasteur
Obviously there is more Laboratories Involved, which commercialized the Vaccines. But the Original authors were: Gardasil: Merck Sharp & Dohme (Ms), And Cervarix: Glaxosmithline (Gsk)
As you will be able to observe Aparently, they were Wonderful inventions, the population thought that, soon they would be free of the dreaded HPV, mainly the Oncogenics, and in addition you could have Sex without Protection and you would not be contagious by those Hpv Strains described in these vaccines, BUT The Reality Was Another. !!
Protection Of Vaccines Covers Hpv Types: 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58 (Oncogenic), And 6 And 11 Low Risk (Genital Warts), In Total 9 Types, as the original Gardasil and The Cervarix include types 16, 18 and 6, 11 Included in the Gardasil 9. Before proceeding, let us make the following reflection: How Many Types of Hpv exist that infect the genital mucosa? Let’s take a look at the Pre-Edition of Dermagic Express: Hpv, Human Papilloma Virus, and Before Vaccines
“... For Today, 2017 there are approximately 120 types of HPV, of which 51 species affect the genital mucosa being the most carcinogenic types: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 73 and 82. Of probable high risk: 26, 53, and 66, and of low carcinogenic risk: 6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44, 54, 61, 70, 72, 81, and 108....”
Carcinogenics Are 15 Types of Hpv, Those That Are Probable High Risk 3, And Those of Low Risk: 12,
The Vaccines Described: Protect Against:
1.) Only 7 Types Of Hpv Of The 15 Described As Oncogenes. Less than 50%.
2.) Do Not Protect From Probable Hpv High Risk: 0%.
3.) Protect Only 2 Types of Low-Risk Hpv from the 12 Described: 16%
However the FDA approved these Vaccines and was sold AS “Maize Grains” being implemented in more than 120 countries. Big profits for the laboratories described above. The majority of the studies said that they were Safe and as only great adverse effect it was Pain in the Site of Injection and in rare occasions Sincope. Did you read well?
But the reality was another, Severe Adverse Effects and Even Deaths after the Vaccination began. Becoming a Tragedy for parents and relatives of Girls and Children who died or developed Severe Adverse Effects. At the level of the entire World were presented these cases, being the most affected Japan, Denmark, Ireland, Colombia, Sweden, New Zealand, Spain, India, Canada, and United States. Did you read well? Worldwide.
“... In European countries (Sweden) began to call the set of signs and symptoms produced post vaccination of Gardsil, with the name Post Gardsasil Syndrome (PGS), in other countries began to call them The “Murder’s” Vaccines (Chile) in other Paralyzing Disease ( New Zealand) ... “
“... In SPAIN, the situation became hotter and Merck-Sanofi Pasteur received from the national and regional sanitary authorities (La Rioja) of Spain, charges or penalty for:
Fraudulent marketing and or administration of an inadequately proven vaccine.
Do not inform the public about the potential risks of the use of Gardasil ... and others, being the most Emblematic case a Girl called Zuriñe of 18 years of age who suffered Demineralization of its body putting her in a state of a person OF 60 Years... “
“... In Japan: A total of 98 girls who developed health problems requested assistance from 2011 to 2014. Of the 90% vaccinated, 186 of the girls did not recover from these events.... A Japanese Expert asked that the Vaccine Be Removed from the Market because of its Harmful effects ... and a Demand was raised for 140 million Dollars for the damages caused to the population by the vaccines against HPV... “
“... In Colombia, many teenagers fainted within a few hours of Vaccination. And there are girls who do Not Recover of the Adverse Effects, being the first victim publicly known the girl Maria Paula Mejia. May 6, 2014, and Carmen Bolivar... “
“... In Ireland 130 GIRLS became ill after the Vaccination against HPV ... which caused a scandal... “
“... In India ... The First Gardasil Vaccine caused several Deaths at the beginning of 2009 and the Government ordered the suspension of all Hpv Vaccine Trials, which is still in effect today. In 2013 the Supreme Court admitted the petition and accused Merck and GlaxoSmithKline of “Child Abuse” for creating marketing with these Vaccines... “
“... In Canada, an article was published where The Adjuvant Aluminum and Antigens of Hpv Have the Ability to Release Neuroinflamation and Autoimmune Reactions, leading to future changes in behavior in susceptible people ...”
“... In the United States: Up to January 31, 2010, 49 unexplained deaths were reported after Gardasil injections by CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) ...”
For July of 2015 the EMA (European Agency Of Medicines) reports 311 deaths By Gardasil and 41 by Cervarix
Even after ALL these data that are a summary: The Vaccines Are Still in the Market.
I Will Now Put You The List Of Adverse Effects Associated With These Vaccines:
1) Sudden Death, In Some Cases Hours after the Injection.
2) Asia Syndrome: Autoinmune and Inflammatory Syndrome Induced By The Adjuvants Of Vaccines For Hpv. The Characteristics Of This Syndrome Are:
A) Pyrexia (58%).
B) Myalgia (27%)
C) Arthritis or Arthralgia (19%)
3) Optical Neuritis. (Some consider this inconclusive).
4) Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)
5) Pain In The Arm (Site Of The Injection).
6) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
7) Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).
8) Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).
9) Dizziness.
10) Psychosomatic Reaction.
11) Muscle Weaknes.
12) Bleeding From Nose and Gums.
13) Pain In The Kness And Ankle.
14) Vomiting.
15) Diarrhea.
16) Bone Pain.
17) Migraines.
18) Neck Pain.
19) Tingling.
20) Electrical “Zaps” Hips And Back.
21) Insomnia.
22) Wrist Pain.
23) Fai24) Lost Consciousness.
25) Convulsions
26) Pale.
27) Hands And Feets Feel Cold.
28) Fatigue.
29) Palpitations.
30) Sweating
31) Stimulation of Auto-Immunity by the Aluminum Content of the Vaccine, (Gardasil) Which Can Trigger: Muscle Spasm, Pain, Irritability, Arrhytmias, Headaches, Brittle Bones, Inflammation, Auto-Inmmune Reactions and More.
1) Invented Vaccines Only Protect Against Less Than 50% Of The Oncogenic Types Of Hpv Described. Therefore, They Do Not Have Scientific Justification From The Point Of View Of The Prevention.
2) The Fact That The Hpv Types 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, And 58, The Most Common And Oncogenic, Are Included In The Vaccines, Does Not Release You Of The Cervical Cancer, For The Previously Mentioned.
3) The Invention Is Bad Implemented, Since Proteins Are Used For Every Type Of Hpv, The Ideal Have Been A Protein Or “Antigen” Common To All Types Of Hpv.
4.) Mixing These Antigens Of Each Type Of Hpv In A Single Solution Seems To Me Like A Biological “Bomb”, Which Has Provoked Death And Thousands Of Affected Everywhere On The Planet, Many Of Those That Were Not Recovered Yet.
5) Using Aluminum As Adjuvant It Was Another Error, As It Is Known That The Same Is Involved In Inflammatory And Auto-Immune Reactions.
6) The Severe Side Effects: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Csf), Orthostatic Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (Pots), Chronic Syndrome Of Regional Pain ... And Of Course Sudden Death ... But Not Discard Any Of The Described.
7) The Vaccination Campaigns Were Badly Directed: The Idea Was Tell That These Vaccines Are The “Salvation Of Humanity Against Hpv ...”
8) Seriously Thought That They Were Not Well “Tested” Because In Most Of The Studies That You Found In The Databases, Almost Everyone Concludes That: They Are Safe, Nothing But False.
To conclude once again I want to say very responsibly that I Have Nothing About The Scientific Laboratories, who invented these vaccines, for that they are, to create solutions for our diseases. But in this case of Vaccines against HPV, I also very responsibly say that: Were A Big Failure And Will Continue To Kill And Damaging The Health Of The Population That Accesses These Vaccines ... So That:
“... If You Read This Article, You Are Girl Or Man And You Are In The Age Comprehended To Access These Vaccines ... Do Not Do It ... You Can Die In The Attempt ... Or Sick Of Life ...”
“... By that time, Before The Vaccines against this disease, HPV Death was produced by Cancer, today, After Vaccines for HPV; death is not only by Cancer ... Are Also the Vaccines...”
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