Detection and Quantification of Subgingival Plaque Bacteria in Beagle Dogs
Serafim A. Papadimitriou1*, Maria I. Kouki1, Ioanna Papadopoulou2, Theodora Slini3, Dimitra Sakellari4
- 1Companion Animal Clinic, School of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- 2Private Practitioner, Thermi, Thessaloniki, Greece
- 3Laboratory teaching staff, Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- 4Department of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Implant Biology, School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Corresponding Author
Serafim A. Papadimitriou, Associate professor, Companion Animal Clinic, School of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 11, Voutyra str., 54627, Thessaloniki, Greece, Tel: +00302310994575; Fax: +00302310994449; E-mail:
Papadimitriou, S.A., et al. Detection and Quantification of Subgingival Plaque Bacteria in Beagle Dogs. (2016) J Vet Sci Animal Welf 1(1): 1- 5.
Copy rights
© 2016 Papadimitriou, S.A. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Periodontal disease; Subgingival plaque; Dog; Bacteria
Subgingival plaque is the most important aetiological factor of periodontal disease. Specific ecologic relation between subgingival microbial species of different virulence initiates gingival inflammation and subsequently causes periodontal destruction. Purpose of this study was to investigate this relationship and correlate it with the periodontal pocket depth. For this purpose, 18 whole genomic DNA probes constructed for human periopathogens and the “checkerboard” DNA-DNA hybridization were used to evaluate 128 plaque samples collected from 16 Beagle dogs. All investigated species were detected in all sites and complex microbial communities were recognized. Microbial counts and biofilm complexity seem to differ depending on the animal’s periodontal pockets depth, although these differences did not reach statistical significance. Results of the current study suggested that i) the “checkerboard” DNA-DNA hybridization technique, despite its limitations, can provide interesting information about oral microbiota in dogs ii) potentially zoonotic bacteria were detected in all dogs iii) results are in accordance with other researchers’ findings regarding the synergistic activity of oral microorganisms in dogs’ periodontal disease.
Periodontal disease is the most frequently occurring disease affecting 80% of the dogs over the age of 5. The disease occurs in response to a variable bacterial environment, complex interactions among the plaque bacteria and between the host and bacteria. Periodontal destruction can be substantial, leading to tooth loss, but it has also been suggested that PD has a systemic impact on the organism of the dog.
The complexity of plaque bacteria has been studied with various techniques such as the light and electron microscopy, cultural and DNA techniques. Recent techniques have revealed a plethora of subgingival microorganisms. Davis et al., suggested that in contrast to human, healthy canine plaque is dominated by Gram -negative bacterial species whereas Gram –positive anaerobic species predominate in disease with Peptostreptococcus, Actinomyces and Peptostreptococcaceae species being the most abundant in mild periodontitis[1].
The periodontal microbiota is a very complex ecologic system with many structural and physiologic interactions among the resident bacteria and between the bacteria and the host. Understanding the nature of the plaque biofilm can contribute to treatment of the disease. Little is known about the fluctuations in subgingival bacteria during the dynamic transition from health to disease, but the biofilm community begins to establish as quickly as 24 hours after professional scaling. The development of periodontal disease[2] provides an example of microbial succession and habitat interaction in the biofilm.
In the developing biofilm ecosystem, pioneering species colonize first. Holcombe, et al[3]. studied the main bacterial interactions in the early colonization of the enamel. They have demonstrated that the species with the highest relative abundance were Bergeyella zoohelcum, Neisseria shayeganii and a Moraxella species. Streptococcal species, which tend to dominate early human plaque biofilms, had very low relative abundance. In vitro testing of biofilm formation identified Neisseria genus as the most prevalent primary colonizing species. Pioneering species are often replaced by other after they have altered the habitat, making it more suitable for their successors. Moreover, a microorganism can have a certain role in one habitat, but a different one in another. Certain microbial species cannot proliferate in the absence of other, synergistic ones, while species’ virulence has been correlated with the severity of clinical parameters and symptoms such as gingival inflammation, gingival bleeding and oral malodour.
It seems that changes in the plaque[4] composition affect the habitat, leading to clinical gingivitis. In fact, Wallis et al. suggest that the colonization of the gingiva by health associated species may be more important in maintaining good oral health than targeting bacterial species associated with periodontal disease. In turn, gingivitis encourages other species to flourish leading to further deterioration of the disease. Gingivitis is a completely reversible stage of periodontal disease. However, inflammation of the rest of the periodontal[5] tissues known as periodontitis is irreversible and can only be halted to a certain magnitude of periodontal tissue destruction. The only way to stop this vicious circle is to eradicate dental plaque and limit early re-colonization. Professional scaling is an indispensable step towards treating periodontal disease. Antimicrobials, anti-inflammatory medications and antiseptics are ancillary or essential in specific cases after scaling, but treatment will not suffice unless the owner is committed to maintaining his pets’ oral hygiene by brushing daily and/or using other products that help in microbial plaque control.
Periodontal disease is the most common canine disease which can cause pain and discomfort and can also affect the whole organism of the animal. Complex microbial communities[6] act synergistically and interact with host defense eliciting inflammation and periodontal destruction. Antimicrobial therapy is ineffective in periodontal disease treatment without the mechanical removal of the calculus and microbial plaque from teeth surfaces and subgingival area, among others due to the nature of the plaque biofilm.
- 1. Davis, Ι.J., Wallis, C., Deusch, O., et al. A cross-sectional survey of bacterial species in plaque from client owned dogs with healthy gingiva, gingivitis or mild periodontitis. (2013) PLos One: 8(12): e83158.
- 2. Kouki, M.I., Papadimitriou, S.Α., Kazakos, G.M., et al. Periodontal disease as a potential factor for systemic inflammatory response in the dog. (2013) J Vet Dent 30(1): 26-29.
- 3. Holcombe, L.J., Patel, N., Colyer, A., et al. Early canine plaque biofilms: characterization of key bacterial interactions involved in initial colonization of enamel. (2014) PLos One 9(12): e113744.
- 4. Socransky, S.S., Haffajee, A.D., Cugini, M.A., et al. Microbial complexes in subgingival plaque. (1998) J Clin Periodontol 25(2): 134-144.
- 5. Socransky, S.S., Haffajee, A.D. Periodontal microbial ecology. (2005) Periodontol 2000 38: 135-187.
- 6. Wallis, C., Marshall, M., Colyer, A., et al. A longitudinal assessment of changes in bacterial community composition associated with the development of periodontal disease in dogs. (2015) Vet Microbiol 181(3-4): 271-282.