Periodontal Regenerative Therapy in Deep Intrabony Defects Associated with Maxillary Central Incisors Using Cortico-Cancellous Block Allograft with Chorion Membrane: A Case Report
Shaila Kothiwale
Department of Periodontics, Kahe’s Kle V.K. Institute of Dental Sciences, Belagavi, India
Corresponding Author
Shaila Kothiwale, Department of Periodontics, Kahe’s Kle V.K. Institute of Dental Sciences, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research, Nehru Nagar, India, E-mail:
Kathiwale, S., et al. Periodontal Regenerative Therapy in Deep Intrabony Defects Associated with Maxillary Central Incisors Using Cortico-Cancellous Block Allograft with Chorion Membrane: A Case Report. (2018) J Dent Oral Care 4(2): 47- 51.
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© 2018 Kathiwale, S. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Teeth with severely compromised periodontal statusoften present a challenge regarding their long term maintenanceand most clinicians consider such teeth as either having a questionable or ahopeless prognosis. However, recent advances in researchhave made periodontal regenerationa clinical veracity ratherthan a theoretical hypothesis. Conventional periodontal regenerative therapy to reconstruct intra-bony defects includes particulate osseous substitute grafts of autogenous, allogeneic, alloplastic, or xenogeneic origin combined with barrier membranes. Yet, in some clinical scenarios where the intra-bony defects are not contained it is difficult to use particulate grafts in combination with membranes. Consequently, block grafts can be indicated in such clinical scenarios. Block grafts possessstrength and rigidityto allow its fixation in the recipient site. In the present case report, thetreatment protocol includedresolution of inflammation and the long term retention and maintenance of periodontally compromised, pathologic migrated maxillary central incisors associated with intra-bony defectsusing freeze-dried cortico-cancellous blockallograft in combination with chorion membrane.