Xiaohong Wang from 2010-2012 worked in Aalto University, Finland as a Researcher. Received honor “Finland Distinguished Professor program”. She is Founder and Director of the Center of Organ Manufacturing. Member of the Biomanufacturing, Branch of the Mechanical Engineering Society of China. Reviewer for more than 20 refereed journals
1) Organ manufacturing techniques (Biomanufacturing)
2) 3D printing techniques
3) Biomaterials
1) Wang XH*, Huang YW, Liu C. A combined rotational mold for manufacturing a functional liver system. J. Bioact. Compat. Polym. (SCI), in press.
2) Xu YF, Wang XH*. Fluid and cell behaviors along a 3D printed alginate/gelatin/fibrin channel. Bioeng. Biotech. (SCI), in press.
3) Zhao XR, Du SQ, Chai L, Zhou XW, Liu LB, Xu YF, Wang JY, Zhang WM, Liu C-H, Wang XH. Anti-cancer drug screening based on a adipose-derived stem cell/hepatocye 3D printing technique. J. Stem Cell Res. & Ther. in press.
4) Wang XH*, Wang JY. Vascularization and adipogenesis of a spindle hierarchical adipose-derived stem cell/collagen/ alginate-PLGA construct for breast manufacturing. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). (SCI), 2015;4(8):1-8.
5) Wang XH*. 3D printing of tissue/organ scaffolds for regenerative medicine. Handbook of Intelligent Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine, 2nd Edition. Pan Stanford Publishing, (Book), in press.
6) Xu YF, Wang XH*. Application of 3D biomimetic models for drug delivery and regenerative medicine. Curr. Pharm. Des. (SCI), 2015; 21(12): 1618-1626.
7) Liu LB, Zhou XW, Xu YF, Zhang WM, Liu C-H, Wang XH*. Controlled release of growth factors for regenerative medicine. Curr. Pharm. Des. (SCI), 2015;21(12): 1627-1632.
8) Wang XH*. Spatial effects of stem cell engagement in 3D printing constructs. J. Stem Cells Res., Rev. & Rep. 2014;1(2): 5-9.
9) Zhao XR, Liu LB, Wang JY, Xu YF, Zhang WM, Khang G, Wang XH*. In vitro vascularization of a combined system based on a 3D printing technique. J. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med. (SCI), DOI: 10.1002/term.1863, 2014.
10) Huang YW, He K, Wang XH*. Rapid Prototyping of a hybrid hierarchical polyurethane-cell/hydrogel onstruct for regenerative medicine. Mater. Sci. Eng. C (SCI), 2013;33:3220-3229.
11) Zhao XR, Wang XH*. Preparation of an adipose-derived stem cell/fibrin- poly(DL-lactic-co-glycolic acid) construct based on a rapid prototyping technique. J. Bioact. Compat. Polym. (SCI), 2013;28(3):191-203.
12) Wang XH*, He K, Zhang WM. Optimizing the fabrication processes for manufacturing a hybrid hierarchical polyurethane-cell/hydrogel construct. J. Bioact. Compat. Polym. (SCI), 2013;28(4):303-319.
13) Wang XH*. Overview on biocompatibilities of implantable biomaterials. In: Lazinica R, ed. Advances in Biomaterials Science and Applications in Biomedicine. INTECH (www.intechopen.com), (Book), 2013;111-155.
14) Wang XH*, Tuomi J, Mäkitie AA, Poloheimo K-S, Partanen J, Yliperttula M. The integrations of biomaterials and rapid prototyping techniques for intelligent manufacturing of complex organs. In: Lazinica R, ed. Advances in Biomaterials Science and Applications in Biomedicine. INTECH (www.intechopen.com), (Book), 2013;437-463.
15) Wang XH*. Intelligent freeform manufacturing of complex organs. Artificial Organs (SCI), 2012;36: 951-961.
16) Wang XH*, Zhang QQ, Overview on “Chinese-Finnish workshop on biomanufacturing and evaluation techniques”. Artificial Organs (SCI), 2011, 35, E191- E193.
17) He K, Wang XH*. Rapid prototyping of tubular polyurethane and cell/hydrogel constructs. J. Bioact. Compat. Polym. (SCI), 2011, 26, 363-374.
18) Wang XH*, Yan YN, Zhang RJ. Gelatin-based hydrogels for controlled cell assembly. In: Ottenbrite RM, ed. Biomedical Applications of Hydrogels Handbook. New York: Springer, (Book), 2010, 269-284.
19) Wang XH*, Sui SC. Pulsatile culture of a PLGA sandwiched cell/hydrogel construct fabricated using a step by step mold/extraction method. Artificial organs (SCI), 2011;35:645-655.
20) Wang XH*, Mäkitie AA, Paloheimo K-S, Tuomi J, Paloheimo M, Sui SC, Zhang QQ. Characterization of a PLGA sandwiched cell/fibrin tubular construct and induction of the adipose derived stem cells into smooth muscle cells. Mater. Sci. Eng. C (SCI), 2011;31:801-808.
v 21) Wang XH*, Mäkitie AA, Paloheimo K-S, Tuomi J, Paloheimo M, Sui SC. A tubular PLGA sandwiched cell/Hydrogel fabrication technique based on a step-by-step mold/extraction process. Adv. Polym. Technol. (SCI), 2011;30:163-173.
22) Wang XH*, Sui SC, Liu C. Optimizing the step by step forming processes for fabricating a PLGA sandwiched cell/hydrogel construct. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (SCI), 2011;120:1199-1207.
23) Wang XH*, Paloheimo K-S, Xu HR, Liu C. Cryopreservation of cell/hydrogel constructs based on a new cell-assembling technique. J. Bioact. Compat. Polym. (SCI), 2010;25:634-653.
24) Wang XH*, Xu HR. Incorporation of DMSO and dextran-40 into a gelatin/alginate hydrogel for controlled cell cryopresergation. Cryobiolog (SCI), 2010;61:345-351.
25) Wang XH*, Yan YN, Zhang RJ. Recent trends and challenges in complex organ manufacturing. Tissue Eng Part B (SCI), 2010;16:189-197.