Dr.Ali Osman Gürol is presently working as Associate Professor in Department of Pharmacology, Istanbul Medicine Faculty, Istanbul University. previously worked as Researcher in Researcher, Department of Immunology, Institute of Experimental Medicine (DETAE), Istanbul University . Ali Osman Gürol has memberships in Turkish Society of Immunology,Turkish Microbiological Society,Istanbul Medical Chamber,Turkish Society of Molecular Medicine. He has Good number of publications .
2)Rat islets isolation
3)Rat islets allotransplantation
4)Human islet isolation
5)allo- and xenotransplatation.
1. Hacihanefioglu, B., H. Seyisoglu, K. Karsidag, K. Elter, F. Aksu, M. T. Yilmaz, A. O. Gürol, “Influence of ınsulin Resistance on Total Renin Level in Normotensive Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”, Fertility and Sterility. 73, 261-265 (2000)
2. Yildiz, A., M. Hursit, A.V. Çelik, S. M. Kayacan, H. Yazici, V. Akkaya, A. O. Gürol, K. Karsidag, “Doxazosin, But Not Amlodipine Decreases Insulin Resistance in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure: A Prospective, Randomized-Controlled Study”, Clinical Nephrology. 58, 405-410 (2002)
3. Gürol, A.O., G. Yıllar, A. Ö. KurÅŸun, M. Küçük, G. Deniz, E. Aktas, N. Öncan, M. T. Yılmaz, “A Modified Automated Method for Isolation of Viable Pancreatic Islets in Laboratory Animals”, Transplantation Proceedings. 36, 1526-1527 (2004)
4. Gürol, A. O., G.Yıllar, A.Ö. KurÅŸun, B. Kıran, E. AktaÅŸ, S. Salman, G. Deniz, M. T. Yılmaz, “Effect Of Human Somatotropin Hormone on Cultured Rat Islets”, Transplantation Proceedings. 36, 1613-1614 (2004)
5. Üresin, Y., B. ErbaÅŸ, M. Özek, E. Özkök, A. O. Gürol, “Losartan May Prevent the Elevation of Plasma Glucose, Corticosterone and Catecholamine Levels Induced by Chronic Stress”, Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System. 5, 93-96 (2004)
6. Gürol, A.O., A. Ö. KurÅŸun, F. Süzergöz, U. C. Küçüksezer, B. Kıran, S. Kaya, M. Küçük, G. Deniz, M. T. Yılmaz, “Peri-Transplant and Long-Term Secretion of IL-1β in Cyclosporine Treated Syngeneic Rats Allografted with Islets of Langerhans,” Transplantation Proceedings. 37, 2375-2378 (2005)
7. Erten, G., A. O. Gürol, G. Deniz, I. Satman, M. T. Yılmaz, ’’Organ Specific Autoantibodies in Preclinical and Early Clinical Type 1 Diabetes in Turkey,’’ Upsala Journal Of Medical Sciences. 112, 231 – 243 (2007)
8. Süzergöz, F., S. Büyüköztürk, F. ÖzÅŸeker, A. O. Gürol, G. Deniz, “Lymphocyte Markers and Proliferative Responses to Microbial Antigens in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis,”Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences. 29, 625-631 (2009).
9. Kiran, B., T. Cagatay, P. Clark, F. Kosar, P. Cagatay, S. Yurt, F. Suzergoz, A. O. Gurol, “Can Immune Parameters Be Used as A Predictor To Distinguish Between Pulmonary Multi-Drug Resistant and Drug Sensitive Tuberculosis?,” Archives of Medical Science. 6, 77-82 (2010)
10. Gurol, A. O., A. Kursun-Okten, F. Suzergoz, U. C. Kucuksezer, A. Cevik, O. Ornek, S. Kaya, K. Karsidag, G. Deniz, W. J. Malaisse, M. T. Yilmaz, “IL-1β and glycemia levels are inversely proportional in early period of allo- and xenotransplantation of islets of Langerhans” Metabolic and Functional Research on Diabetes (Online). 3, 15-19 (2010)
11. Karaoz E, Ayhan S, Okçu A, Aksoy A, Bayazıt G, Osman Gürol A, Duruksu G, “Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells co-cultured with pancreatic islets display ï¢ cell plasticity”, J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 5, 491-500 (2011)
12. Ali Osman Gurol, “An immunologic approach to the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes”, Global J Pathol Microbiol, 2, 47-52 (2014)
13. F. Suzergoz, S. Cinar, R. Oktay, F. Karakus, A.O. Gurol, “Effect of the Achille wilhelmsii extract intake upon blood lipid profile, haematologic and immunologic parameters in the rat”, Food Agric Immunol. 26, 46-59 (2015)
1• 1999 TURDIAB/Lilly Award for Second Best Publication “Evaluation of viability and transplantation of rat islet isolated by modified automated method”
2• 2000, The TURDIAB/Hoechst Marion Roussel Award for Second Best Project intitled “Human Islet Tissue Transplantation”
3• 2000 TURDIAB/Lilly Award for Third Best Publication “The effect of human somatotropin hormone on cultured rat islets”
4• 2005 Turkish Diabetes Foundation/Sanofi Aventis Award for Third Best Project “Isolation and Transplantation of Human Islets of Langerhans
5• 2007 Turkish Diabetes Foundation/ Sanofi Aventis Award for First Best Project “Importance of B cell activating factor (BAFF) in the auto- and allo-transplantation of the islets of Langerhans
6• 2014 Diabetes Mellitus Award for First Best Project intitled “Biomarkers in the relation between type 1 diabetes and pancreatic cancer