Biaoru Li is a Associate Member in the Division of Haematology and Oncology, GA Cancer Centre and Faculty of Research Scientist, Dept. of Pediatrics, MCG, Augusta, GA. His clinical hematology and oncology focuses on clinical genomics analysis and diagnosis (including clinical bio-banking, primary-cell proliferation and differentiation, genomic analysis in DNA, mRNA and protein, quantitative network and machine-learning modeling). For over 15 years, he had used the system to work on stem cell differentiating into erythroid, lymphocyte, myeloid, fibroblast and to study behavior of cancer stem cells and cancer stem cell reverse differentiation into normal stem cell. In clinical genomics diagnosis for hematology and oncology he also worked for clinical genomic database and genomics analysis/diagnosis from NGS, microarray and GWAS/SNP for oncology/hematology from clinical specimens. In clinical genomics analysis,he had set up different platform and used different software to study clinical bioinformatics modules. Now he is working in Children Hospital of GA (CHOG) in Medical College of GA as (1) in clinical research, study CD34 stem cell induced into erythroid progenitors from adult bone marrow and fetal cord blood to identify drugs and genes related with gamma to beta globin switch; (2) in clinical work, investigate clinical genomics related to different drugs for hematology disease.
(1) Single cell isolation from circulating blood by PALM system (3.2 laser catapult microscope from Zeiss)
(2) Genomic analysis and diagnosis by digital count PCR; digital PCR (Biomarker system), quantitative fluorescent PCR, Array CGH by Agilent system
(3) Bioinformatics analysis including DNA Analytics 4.0 and Golden helix and GeneMapper 4.0 and HID3.1
1. Hu HL, Zhang QH, Li S, Zhang XN, Han JS, Xiao HS, Yan D, Zheng J and Biaoru Li*. A therapeutic targeting identification from microarray data and quantitative network analysis- A case report to treat multiple metastases from breast cancer. JST;2015(1):83-90. 4
2. Peterson KR, Costa FC, Fedosyuk H, Neades RY, Chazelle AM, Zelenchuk L, Fonteles AH, Dalal P, Roy A, Chaguturu R, Biaoru Li, Pace BS.A cell-based high-throughput screen for novel chemical inducers of fetal hemoglobin for treatment of hemoglobinopathies. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 16;9(9):e107006.
3. Promsote W, Makala L, Biaoru Li, Smith SB, Singh N, Ganapathy V, Pace BS, Martin PM. Monomethylfumarate Induces γ-Globin Expression and Fetal Hemoglobin Production in Cultured Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial (RPE) and Erythroid Cells, and in Intact Retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014;55(8):5382-93
4. Biaoru Li, Ding L, Yang C, Kang B, Liu L, Story MD, Pace BS. Characterization of Transcription Factor Networks Involved in Umbilical Cord Blood CD34 Stem Cells-Derived Erythropoiesis. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 16;9(9):e107006.
5. Yunbo Xu, Hongliang Hu, Jie Zheng and Biaoru Li*. Feasibility of whole RNA sequencing from single-cell mRNA amplification. Genetics of Research International 2013, 4:1.
6. Biaoru Li, Ding L, Li W, Story MD, Pace BS. Transcriptome Characterization During Primary Erythroid Cell Maturation. BMC Genomics 2012, 13:153.
7. Biaoru Li, Ding L, Li W, Lou TF, Story MD, Pace BS. Identification of proteins involved in globin gene expression during erythroid maturation using an in vitro erythroid liquid culture system. Blood 2010, 116 (21): 857.
8. Wei Zhang, Jiangqing Ding, Yan Qu, Hongliang Hu, Meihua Lin, Amit Datta, Alan Larson, Ge Liu and Biaoru Li*. Genomic expression analysis of quiescent CD8 T-cells from tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes of in vivo liver tumor by single-cell mRNA differential display, Immunology 2009, 127 (1):83 – 90.
9. Biaoru Li, Nelson B Phillips, Agnes Jancso-Radek, Varda Ittah, Rupinder Singh, David N Jones, Elisha Haas, Weiss MA, SRY-directed DNA bending and human sex reversal: reassessment of a clinical mutation uncovers a global coupling between the HMG box and its tail. Journal of molecular biology 2006, 360(2): 310-28.
10. Zhang W, Biaoru Li, Singh R, Narengra U, Zhu L and Weiss MA. Regulation of sexual dimorphism: mutational and chemogenetic analysis of the doublesex DM domain. Mol Cell Bio 2006, 26(2):535-47.
11. Biaoru Li*. A strategy to identify genomic expression profiles at single-cell level and a small number of cells (review paper). Journal of Biotechnology 2005, 71-82.
12. Liping Luo, Biaoru Li and Theresa P. Pretlow. DNA Alterations in human aberrant crypt foci and colon cancers by random primed PCR reaction. Cancer Res 2003, 1;63(19):6166-9.
13. Huang XK, Meyer P, Biaoru Li, Raza A, Preisler HD. The effects of the farnesyl transferase inhibitor FTI L-778,123 on normal, myelodysplastic, and myeloid leukemia bone marrow progenitor proliferation in vitro. Leuk Lymphoma. 2003, 44(1):157-64.
14. Biaoru Li*, Perabekam S, Liu G, Yin M, Song S, Larson A. Experimental and bioinformatics comparison of gene expression between T cells from TIL of liver cancer and T Cells From UniGene. J Gastroenterol 2002, 37(4):275-82
. 15. Biaoru LI*. Identification of mRNAs expressed in tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes by A strategy for rapid and high throughput screening. GENE 2000, 255: 273-279
16. Uma Narendra, Zhu L, Biaoru Li, Jill Wilken and Weiss MA. Sex-specific Gene Regulation: The Doublesex DM Motif is a Bipartite DNA-Binding Domain. JBC 2002.
17. Biaoru Li, Wei Zhang, Shunhe Liu and Mike A. Weiss. Human Sex Reversal due to Impaired Nuclear Localization of SRY. JBC 2001, 276(49): 46480-46484.