Dr. Christian P. Müller is a tenured professor in Addiction Biology at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. Dr. Müller received his training as an experimental psychologist at the University of Düsseldorf, Germany. He did postdocs at SUNY Upstate Medical University at Syracuse, US, and at the Primate Center of the University of Brasilia, Basil, before he joined as a Senior Lecturer in Addiction and Behavioural Neuroscience the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London, UK. In his research Dr. Müller focuses on the role of serotonin, dopamine and calcium signaling in psychiatric disorders and drug addiction. New focus became the role of sphingolipids and the instrumentaliztation of addictive drugs.
1) Role of serotonin, dopamine and calcium signaling in psychiatric disorders and drug addiction.
2) The role of sphingolipids and the instrumentaliztation of addictive drugs.
1) Amato, D., Pum, M.E., Groos, D., Lauber, A.C., Huston, J.P., Carey, R.J., de Souza Silva, M.A., Müller, C.P. (2015) Neuropharmacology of light-induced locomotor activation, Neuropharmacology, 95: 243-251.
2) Easton, A.C., Lourdusamy, A., Havranek, M., Mizuno, K., Solati, J., Golub, Y., Clarke, T.K., Vallada, H., Laranjeira, R., Desrivières, S., Moll, G.H., Mössner, R., Kornhuber, J., Schumann, G., Giese, K.P., Fernandes, C., Quednow, B.B., Müller, C.P., The establishment of cocaine’s reinforcing, but not hyperlocomotor effects are controlled by autophosphorylation of αCaMKII, Translational Psychiatry, 4:e457.
3) Easton A.C.*, Rotter A.*, Lourdusamy A.*, Desrivieres S., Fernández-Medarde A., Biermann T., Fernandes C., Santos E., Kornhuber J., Schumann G., Müller C.P. (2014) Rasgrf2 controls noradrenergic involvement in the acute and subchronic effects of alcohol in the brain. Psychopharmacology, 213, 4199-4209.
4) Gulbins, E., Palmada, M., Reichel, M., Lüth, A., Böhmer, C., Amato, D., Müller, C.P., Tischbirek, C.H., Groemer, T.W., Tabatabai, G., Becker, K.A., Tripal, P., Staedtler, S., Ackermann, S.F., Brederode, H.v., Alzheimer, C., Weller, M., Lang, U.E., Kleuser, B., Grassmé, H., Kornhuber, J. (2013) Acid sphingomyelinase/ceramide system mediates effects of antidepressant drugs, Nature Medicine 19:934-938.
5) Easton, A.C., Lourdusamy, A., Loth, E., Toro, R., Giese, K.P., Kornhuber, J., de Quervain D.J., Papassotiropoulos A., Fernandes, C.*, Müller, C.P.*, Schumann, G.*, IMAGEN, Consortium (2013) alphaCaMKII gene (CAMK2A) polymorphisms predict spatial working memory performance in humans, Molecular Psychiatry 18:850-852 (*equal contribution).
6) Easton, A.C., Lucchesi, W., Lourdusamy, A., Lenz, B., Solati, J., Golub, Y., Lewczuk, P., Fernandes, C., Desrivieres, S., Dawirs, R.R., Moll, G.H., Kornhuber, J., Frank, J., Hoffmann, P., Soyka, M., Kiefer, F. and the GESGA consortium, Schumann, G., Giese, K.P., Müller, C.P. (2013) αCaMKII autophosphorylation controls the establishment of alcohol drinking behavior. Neuropsychopharmacology 38:1636-1647.
7) De Souza Silva, M.A., Lenz, B., Rotter, A., Biermann, T., Peters, O., Ramirez, A., Jessen, F., Maier, W., Hüll, M., Schröder, J., Fröhlich, L., Teipel, S., Gruber, O., Kornhuber, J., Huston, J.P.*, Müller, C.P.*, Schäble, S.* (2013) The neurokinin3 receptor as a new target to predict and improve learning and memory in the aged organism, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 110(37): 15097-15102. (*equal contribution).
8) Barros, M.A., Dempster, E.L., Illott, N., Chabrawi, S., Maior, R.S. Tomaz, C., De Souza Silva, M.A., Huston, J.P., Mill,. J., Müller, C.P. (2013) Decreased methylation of the NK3 receptor coding gene (TACR3) after cocaine-induced place preference in marmoset monkeys. Addiction Biology, 18, 452-454.
9) Nuber, S., Harmuth, F., Kohl, Z., Adame, A., Trejo, M., Schönig, K., Zimmermann, F., Bauer, C., Casadei, N., Giel, C., Calaminus, C, Pichler, B.J., Jensen, P.H., Müller, C.P., Amato, D., Kornhuber, J., Teisman, P., Yamakado, H., Takahashi, R., Winkler, J., Masliah, E., Riess, O. (2013) A progressive dopaminergic phenotype associated with neurotoxic conversion of alpha-synuclein in BAC transgenic rats. Brain, 136. 412-432.
10) Stacey, D., Bilbao, A., Maroteaux, M., Jia, T., Easton, A.C., Longueville, S., Nymberg, C., Banaschewski, T., Barker, G.J., Büchel, C., Carvalho, F., Conrod, P., Desrivières, S., Fauth-Buehler, M., Fernandez-Medarde, A., Flor, H., Gallinat J., Garavan, H., Bokde, A., Heinz, A., Ittermann, B., Lathrop, M., Lawrence, C., Loth, E., Lourdusamy, A., Mann, K., Martinot, J-L., Nees, F., Palkovits, M., Paus, T., Pausova, Z., Rietschel, M., Ruggeri, B., Santos, E., Smolka, M.N., Staehlin, O., Jarvelin, M.J., Elliott, P., Sommer, W.H., Mameli, M., Müller, C.P.*, Spanagel, R.*, Girault, J.A.*, Schumann, G.*, and the IMAGEN consortium, (www.imagen-europe.com). (2012) RASGRF2 regulates alcohol-induced reinforcement by influencing mesolimbic dopamine neuron activity and dopamine release, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 109(51): 21128-21133. (*equal contribution).
11) Tischbirek, C.H., Wenzel, E.M., Zheng, F., Huth, T.¬, Amato, D., Trapp, S., Denker, A., Welzel, O., Lueke, K., Svetlitchny, A., Rauh, M., Deusser, J., Schwab, A., Rizzoli, S.O., Müller, C.P., Alzheimer, C., Kornhuber, J., Groemer, T.W. Use-dependent inhibition of synaptic transmission by the secretion of intravesicularly accumulated antipsychotic drugs. Neuron, 74(5): 830-844.
12) Easton, A.C.; Walter, Schumann, G.; Giese, P.K.; Müller, C.P.*, Fernandes, C.* (2011) αCaMKII autophosphorylation controls behavioral response to threat in mice. Neuropharmacology, 61: 1424-1431 (*equal contribution).
13) Desrivières, S., Lourdusamy, A., Müller, C., Ducci, F., Wong, C.P., Kaakinen, M., Pouta, A., Hartikainen, A.L., Isohanni, M., Charoen, P., Peltonen, L., Freimer, N., Elliott, P., Jarvelin, M.R., Schumann, G. (2011) Glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) gene polymorphisms and onset of alcohol abuse in adolescents. Addiction Biology, 16: 510-513