Ashim K Mitra received his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry in 1983 from the University of Kansas. He is currently a Curators’ Professor of Pharmacy at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He is also the Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Research and Chairman of the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Co-director of the Vision Research Center at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine. He has conducted extensive research in various drug delivery technologies, including ocular drug delivery for the past three decades. He and his research personnel has published more than 315+ peer reviewed research articles in high impact international journals, 550+ abstracts at scientific meetings, including the annual American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), the Society of Toxicology, and The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) conferences, have given over 115 presentations to a wide audience (including several universities, pharmaceutical companies and scientific organizations), and has been issued nine U.S. patents. He has edited five books in 2013-2014 and contributed 60 book chapters. Several articles are recognized as the most downloaded articles in several journals.
Research interest can be categorized into two main areas:
1) delivery and targeting of antiviral agents and development of noninvasive delivery systems for peptides and protein
2) serves on several National Institutes of Health Study Sections including AIDS and Related Research.
The other major research area of interest is the noninvasive delivery of peptides and proteins like calcitonin, insulin, human growth hormone, fibroblast growth factors pulmonary, nasal and buccal routes of delivery are being investigated. Major area of research interest is to develop semi-invasive controlled delivery system for the treatment of posterior segment ocular diseases. Novel tailor-made pentablock (PB) copolymers have been developed and evaluated for the controlled delivery of macromolecules to back of the eye tissues (retina-choroid).
1. Vaishya RD, Khurana V, Patel S, Mitra AK., Controlled Ocular Drug Delivery with Nanomicelles, Wiley Advanced Review (published online) DOI:10.1002/wnan.1272. June 2014 [IN PRESS].
2. Patel S, Vaishya R, Mishra GP, Tamboli V, Pal D, Mitra AK., Tailor-made Pentablock Copolymer Based Formlulation for Sustained Ocular Delivery of Protein Therapeutics, J Drug Delivery, April 2014 [IN PRESS].
3. Cholkar K, Hariharan S, Gunda S, Mitra AK, Optimization of Dexamethasone Mixed Nanomicellar Formulation, AAPS PharmSciTech, May 2014, [IN PRESS].
4. Gunda S, Earla R, Cholkar K, Mitra AK., Pharmacokinetic studies and LC-MS/MS method development of ganciclovir and dipeptide monoester prodrugs in sprague dawley rats, Eur J Drug Meta Pharmaco, 2014 [IN PRESS].
5. Khurana V, Minocha M, Pal D, Mitra AK, Role of OATP-1B1 and/or OATP-1B3 in Hepatic Disposition of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors, Drug Metabol Drug Interac, 2014 Mar 18 [IN PRESS].
6. Patel A, Gaudana R, Mitra AK., \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"A novel approach to antibody nanocarriers development through hydrophobic ionpairing complexation\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Journal of Microencapsulation, 2014, [IN PRESS].
7. Yang X, Patel S, Sheng Y, Pal D, Mitra AK. Statistical Design for Formulation Optimization of Hydrocortisone Butyrate-loaded PLGA Nanoparticles. AAPS PharmSciTech. 2014 Feb 7 [IN PRESS].
8. Karmel M, Cantor LB, Iwach AG, Mitra AK, Novack GD., “Glaucoma Novel Approaches to Drug Delivery”, (Publisher) American Academy of Ophthalmology, Eyenet, Dec 2013, [IN PRESS].
9. Vadlapudi AD, Mitra AK., Sustained Delivery of Biologics to Back of the Eye, Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials, August 2013 [IN PRESS].
10. Kwatra D, Mitra AK., Drug Delivery in Ocular Diseases: Barriers and Strategies, World J of Pharmacol 2013 [IN PRESS].
11. Patel M, Mandava N, Gokulgandhi M, Pal D, Mitra AK., Amino Acid Prodrugs: An Approach to Improve the Absorption of HIV-1 Protease Inhibitor, Lopinavir, Pharmaceuticals, doi:10.3390/ ph7040433, 7:433-452, 2014
12. Kwatra D, Vadlapudi AD, Vadlapatla RK, Khurana V, Pal D, Mitra AK., Binary and Ternary Combinations of Anti-HIV Protease Inhibitors: Effect on Gene Expression and Functional Activity of CYP3A4 and Efflux Transporters. Drug Metabol Drug Interact, 8:1-10, 2014.
13. Patel AÇ‚, Cholkar KÇ‚, Mitra AK., Recent Developments in Protein and PeptideParenteral Delivery Approaches, Therp Delivery 5(3):337-365, 2014. Ç‚First two authors contributed equally to the preparation of manuscript.
14. Vadlapatla RK, Vadlapudi AD, Pal D, Mukherji M, Mitra AK. Ritonavir Inhibits HIF-1α Mediated VEGF Expression in Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells in Vitro, Nature Eye (Lond), 1:93-101, 2014.
15. Vadlapatla RK, Patel M, Paturi DK, Pal D, Mitra AK. Clinically relevant drug-drug interactions between antiretrovirals and antifungals. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol. 10(4):561-580, 2014.
16. Patel M, Mandava NK, Pal D, Mitra AK. Amino Acid Prodrug of Quinidine: An Approach to Circumvent P-glycoprotein Mediated Cellular Efflux. Int J Pharm. 464(1-2):196-204, 2014. 13
17. Barot M, Gokulgandhi MR; Pal D, Mitra AK., In vitro moxiflxacin drug interation with chemotherapeutics: Implications for retinoblastoma management, Exp Eye Res 118:61-71, 2014.
18. Vadlapudi AD, Cholkar K, Vadlapatla RK, Mitra AK. Aqueous Nanomicellar Formulation for Topical Delivery of Biotinylated Lipid Prodrug of Acyclovir: Formulation Development and Ocular Biocompatibility, J Ocul Pharmacol Ther, 30(1):49-58), 2014.
19. Kwatra D1, Venugopal A1, Standing D1,2, Ponnurangam S1, Dhar A2,3, Mitra AK4, Anant S1,2., Bitter melon extracts enhance the activity of chemotherapeutic agents through the modulation of multiple drug resistance, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Drug Transport and Metabolism, J. Pharm Sci., 102(12):4444-4454, 2013.
20. Vadlapatla RK, Vadlapudi AD, Pal D, Mitra AK., Mechanisms of Drug Resistance in Cancer Chemotherapy: Coordinated Role and Regulation of Efflux Transporters and Metabolizing Enzymes, Curr Pharm Des., 19(40):7126-7140, 2013.
1. Mitra AK, Lee, CH, Cheng K., (Editors) Advanced Drug Delivery, Wiley & Sons (Publisher), New York, NY, B00GO3VT3E, 1 Edition, 24 Chapters (550 pgs) August 26, 2013.
2. Mitra AK, (Editor) Ocular Transporters and Receptors: Their Role in Drug Delivery, Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine (Publisher), Cambridge, UK, ISBN 1907568867, 1 Edition, 7 Chapters (276 pgs) October 18, 2013.
3. E-Book: Mitra AK. (editor), Treatise on Ocular Drug Delivery, [Kindle Edition], Bentham Science Publishers, Saif Zone, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, B00EHHLDTY, 10 Chapters, (335 pgs) June 26, 2013. ?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1387384822&sr=1-1&keywords=Treatise+on+Ocular+Drug+Delivery #reader_B00EHHLDTY
4. E-Book: Mitra AK. (editor), Advances in Ocular Drug Delivery, Research Signpost/Transworld Research Network (Publisher), Trivandrum, Kerala, India, 978-81-308-0490-3, 5 Chapters, (134 pgs) 2012 ( /
5. Mitra AK. (editor) Ophthalmic Drug Delivery Systems\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences) Marcel Dekker, New York, N.Y., Vol. 130, 21 Chapters, March 25, 2003.
Book Chapters
1. Khurana V, Pal D, Minocha M, Mitra AK., “The Role of Transporters and Efflux Systems in Drug Delivery”, Mitra AK, Lee, CH, Cheng K., (Editors) Advanced Drug Delivery, Wiley & Sons (Publisher), New York, NY, B00GO3VT3E, 1 Edition, Chapter 3, pages 47-74, August 2013.
2. Vadlapatla RK, Shah S, Vadlapudi AD, Mitra AK., “Prodrug and Bioconjugation”, Mitra AK, Lee, CH, Cheng K., (Editors) Advanced Drug Delivery, Wiley & Sons (Publisher), New York, NY, B00GO3VT3E, 1 Edition, Chapter 6, pages 123-140, August 2013.
3. Gokulgandhi MR, Patel A, Cholkar K, Barot M, Mitra AK., “Nanoscale Drug Delivery Systems”, Mitra AK, Lee, CH, Cheng K., (Editors) Advanced Drug Delivery, Wiley & Sons (Publisher), New York, NY, B00GO3VT3E, 1 Edition, Chapter 7, pages 141-156, August 2013].
4. Vadlapudi AD, Patel A, Vadlapatla RK, Paturi D, Mitra AK., “Implants”, Mitra AK, Lee, CH, Cheng K., (Editors) Advanced Drug Delivery, Wiley & Sons (Publisher), New York, NY, B00GO3VT3E, 1 Edition, Chapter 9, pages 183-200, August 2013.
5. Barot M, Gokulgandhi MR, Ray A, Mitra AK., “Nanofiber”, Mitra AK, Lee, CH, Cheng K., (Editors) Advanced Drug Delivery, Wiley & Sons (Publisher), New York, NY, B00GO3VT3E, 1 Edition, Chapter 11, pages 219-230, August 2013.