School of Computer Science and Technology
Harbin Institute of Technology
1. 1990-1994, School of Opto-electronic Information Science and Technology, Yantai University, Bachelor
2. 1998-2001, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University, Master
3. 2003-2007, School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Ph.D.
Work Experience:
1. 2011~Present Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology
2. 2008~2012 Assistant Research Officer, National Research Council Canada
3. 2001-2003 Lenovo Research Institute, Engineer
Bioinformatics, Biomarker discovery, Complex network,Data Mining
• LI Jie, CHU Yan-Shuo, CHENG Liang, WANG Ya-Dong#, KONG Lei-Lei. Disease Ontology-based Methods for Disease Similarity Measurement [J]. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2015, 42(2): 115-122
• JJ Hill, Tammy-Lynn Tremblay, François Fauteux,Jie Li,Edwin Wang,Adriana Aguilar-Mahecha,Mark Basik,Maureen OConnor McCourt,Glycoproteomic Comparison of Clinical Triple-Negative and Luminal Breast Tumors,J. Proteome Res., 2015, 14 (3), pp 1376–1388
• Liang Cheng, Jie Li*, Yang Hu, Yadong wang#, et al. Using semantic association to extend and infer literature-based relativity between terms, IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.2015, 9:1
• Zhang Haichuan, LI Jie*, WANGYa-Dong#, Progress on Web-based Genome Browser Technology. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics 2014, 41(11): 1182~1190
• Liang Cheng, Jie Li*, Peng Ju, Jiajie Peng, Yadong Wang#. SemFunSim: a new method for measuring disease similarity by fusing semantic association and gene co-function, PLoS ONE 9(6): e99415,2014
• Juan Liran,Teng Mingxiang,Zang Tianyi,Hao Yafeng,Wang Zhenxing,Yan hengwu,LiuYongzhuang,Li Jie,Zhang Tianjiao,Wang Yadong.The Personal Genome Browser: Visualizing Functions of Genetic Variants. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 May 5
• Liang Cheng, Guohua Wang,Jie Li,Yadong Wang, SIDD: a Semantically Integrated Database towards a Global View of Human Disease, PLoS ONE. 8(10):e75504.2013
• Jennifer J. Hill, Tammy-Lynn Tremblay, Ally Pen, Jie Li, Anna C. Robotham, Anne E. G. Lenferink, Edwin Wang, Maureen O’Connor- McCourt, and John F. Kelly. Identification of vascular breast tumor markers by laser capture microdissection and label-free LC-MS, Journal of Proteome Research, 10:2479- 2493, 2011
• Jie Li, Edwin Wang,A Multiple Survival Screening algorithm (MSS) for identifying high-quality cancer prognostic markers,NatureProtocol Exchange (2011)doi: 10.1038 /protex.2011.211
• Jie Li, Anne E.G. Lenferink,Yinghai Deng,Catherine Collins,Qinghua Cui,Enrico O. Purisima,Maureen D. O'Connor-McCourt,Edwin Wang, Identification of high quality cancer prognostic markers and metastasis network modules, Nature Communications,1:34,2010
• Cong Fu, Jie Li, Edwin Wang. Signaling network analysis of ubiquitin-mediated proteins suggests correlations between the 26S proteasome and tumor progression. Molecular Biosystems,5:1809-1816, 2009
• Jie Li, Xianglong Tang, Jiafeng Liu, Jianhua Huang,Yadong Wang. A novel approach to feature extraction from classification models based on information gene pairs.Pattern Recognition,41(6):1975-1984,2008
• Jie Li, Xianglong Tang, Wei. Zhao, Jianhua Huang. A new framework for identifying differentially expressed genes. Pattern Recognition, 40 (11):3249-3262,2007
• Jie Li, Xianglong Tang. A new classification model with simple decision rule for discovering optimal feature gene pairs. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 40(11):1637-1646, 2007
• Jie Li, Xianglong Tang, Xia Li. A novel visualization classifier and its applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3614:1190-1199, 2005