YaÅŸam Kemal AKPAK, MD since 2013 working as an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and also chief of clinic services in Ankara Mevki Military Hospital. From July 2010 –July2013 woked as an Obstetrician in Sarıkamış Military Hospital. He has a good no of publications and given presentations
1)Assisted reproduction techniques
2) Maternal and fetal medicine
3)Obstetrics and gynaecology
4)Perinatology 5)Oncology 6)Endoscopic surgery 7)Robotic surgery 8)Menopause 9)Women health
11)Adolescent Gynecology 12)Urogynecology.
1. YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Ä°smet Gün, Nuri Kaya, Vedat Atay. A comparison of pregnant subgroups with positive 50-gram glucose challenge test results to those with negative results in terms of obstetric and perinatal outcomes. Med Glas (Zenica) 2012 Aug; 9(2): 262-267.
2. YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Ä°smet Gün, Nuri Kaya, Gökhan Gönen. The role of fetal gender in prolonged pregnancies. Healthmed Journal 2012; 6(7): 2304-2307.
3. Ä°smet Gün, Serkan ErtuÄŸrul, Nuri Kaya, YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak. Seroprevalence among Turkish pregnant women. Healthmed Journal 2012; 6(7): 2471-2476.
4. Ä°smet Gün, YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Ercüment Müngen. Common sonographic characteristics of trisomy 8 mosaicism. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2012 Oct; 119(1): 85-86.
5. YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Özgür Dandin, Ä°smet Gün, Vedat Atay, Apdullah Haholu. A rare case of vulvar skin metastasis of rectal cancer after operation Int J Dermatol 2014 Jun;53(6):e337-8. doi: 10.1111/ijd.12230.
6. Hüseyin Åžahin, YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Ufuk Berber, Ismet Gün, Dilaver Demirel, Ali RüÅŸtü Ergür. Expression of P-Cadherin (Cadherin-3) and E-selectin in the villous trophoblast of first trimester human placenta. J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 2014;15 (1): 13-7. DOI: 10.5152/jtgga.2014.56563.
7. Umit Savasci, N. Cem Oren, Yasam Kemal Akpak, Gokcen Gokce, Kemal Tekin, H. Cem Gul, Ahmet Karakas, Omer Coskun, H. Atil Atilla, Murat Zor, Mustafa Guney, Can Polat Eyigun. Comparison of the probe disinfection procedures in routine ultrasonography; Hot water versus Antiseptic wiping. Intern Med 2014; 53 (19): 2201-2204. (DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.53.2256).
8. Taner DandinoÄŸlu, Özgür Dandin, YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak. Can lupus mastitis be terated surgically? Orthop Muscul Syst 2014 3(1): 148. doi:10.4172/2161-0533.1000148.
9. Emsal Aydin, Ahmet Karakas, Umit Savasci, Yasam Kemal Akpak, Sibel Ozsu Caymaz, Sergulen Aydin, Dilek Yesim Metin, Onur Ozgenc, Meltem Avci, Hanefi Cem Gul, Omer Coskun, Seher Ayten Coskuner, Can Polat Eyıgun. Identification of candida species isolated from clinical samples and investigating antifungal susceptibility in Turkey. Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2014; 30: 561-568.
10. Ali Babacan, YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Cem Kızılaslan, Ä°smet Gün, Ercüment Müngen, Vedat Atay. A rare case of postmenopausal immature teratoma with a recurrent grave course. Int J Clin Exp Med 2014;7(4):1172-1174.
11. YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Özgür Dandin, Ä°smet Gün, Nuri Kaya, Vedat Atay. A rare cause of benign retroperitoneal mass mimicking adnexial malignancy in a postmenopausal woman: retroperitoneal fibroma. Pathol Discov. 2014; 2:4. http://dx.doi.org/10.7243/2052-7896-2-4.
12. Derya Adıbelli, Nur Özlem Kılınç, YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Dilek Kılıç. Genital hygiene behaviors and associated factors in women living in rural areas of Turkey. El Mednifico Journal 2014; 2(3): 210-214.
13. YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Ä°smet Gün. Advance stage small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of cervix: case report. Eastern Journal of Medicine 2013; 18(1): 41-44.
14. Cihangir Yılanlıoğlu, Altuğ Semiz, Yaşam Kemal Akpak. Prenatal treatment of fetal goitrous hypothyroidism by intraamniotıc thyroxine. Medical Bulletin of Zeynep Kamil 2013; 44(3): 155-158.
15. Ali Babacan, Ismet Gun, Serkan Bodur, YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Murat Muhcu, Vedat Atay. Hemoperitoneum from corpus luteum cyst rupture in pregnancy of unknown location. Eastern Journal of Medicine 2015; 20(1): 58-61
16. Serkan Oral, YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Nilay Karaca, Ali Babacan, and Kadir Savan, “Cornual Heterotopic Pregnancy after Bilateral Salpingectomy and Uterine Septum Resection Resulting in Term Delivery of a Healthy Infant,” Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 2014, Article ID 157030, 3 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/157030
17. Ali Babacan, Ali Yılmaz, Yasam Kemal Akpak, Ercüment Müngen, Ismet Gün, Vedat Atay. Second trimester termination of pregnancy complicated with multiple fetal abnormalities and also placenta percreta. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2014;3:1167-8. doi:10.5455/2320-1770.ijrcog20141264.
18. Özgür Dandin, YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Dursun Özgür KarakaÅŸ, Batuhan Hazer, Tuncer Ergin, Taner DandinoÄŸlu, Uygar Teomete. A rare condition of anorectal dysfunction in a patient with multiple sclerosis: Coexistence of faecal incontinence and mechanical constipation: Report of case. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 2014; 5(12):1091–1094.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijscr.2014.11.024.
19. Mutlu Çayırlı, Mustafa Tunca, Ahmet Akar, YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak. Favorable outcome of pregnancy in a patient with pemphigus vulgaris. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2015. DOI: 10.3109/01443615.2014.993939
20. Ercüment Kılınç and YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, “A Rare Case of Unrecognized and Uncommon Bladder Perforation after Transobturator Tape Procedure,” Case Reports in Medicine, vol. 2015, Article ID 731593, 3 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/731593.
21. Ümit KorucuoÄŸlu, Anıl Içel Saygi, YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Özkan Özdamar, Aydan Biri. Successful treatment of lower urinary tract obstruction with peritonealamniotic and vesicoamniotic shunting. Journal of Acute Disease 2014; 3(4): 332-334. doi: 10.1016/S2221-6189(14)60071-8.
22. Karaca N, Akpak YK, Oral S, Durmus T, Yilmaz R. A Successful Healthy Childbirth in a Case of Total Globozoospermia with Oocyte Activation by Calcium Ionophore. J Reprod Infertil. 2015;16(1):116-120.
23. Ali Babacan,YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Okan Özden, Selami SüleymanoÄŸlu, Ersin Öztürk, Ercüment Müngen. Fetal interrupted aortic arch type B: Antenatal evaluation. Dicle Medical Journal 2015; 42 (2): 245-248. doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2015.02.0565.
24. Anıl Ä°çel Saygı, Özkan Özdamar, Ä°smet Gün, Hakan Emirkadı, Ercüment Müngen, YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak. Comparison of maternal and fetal outcomes among patients undergoing cesarean section under general and spinal anesthesia: a randomized clinical trial. Sao Paulo Med J. 2015; 133(3):227-34. doi: 10.1590/1516-3180.2014.8901012
25. TuÄŸçe Temel, YaÅŸam Kemal Akpak, Ä°smet Gün, Serkan Oral, and Kenan SofuoÄŸlu. Impact of paternal age on intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycle results. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2015;4:622-8. DOI: 10.18203/2320-1770.ijrcog20150063.