Dr.Jamshid Ahmadi is the Founder and Director of Substance Abuse Research Center and also presently working as a Professor in Department of Psychiatry in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. Dr. Ahmadi was awarded with the National Prize by the President of Iran for his excellence in Research in the year 2004. He was Awarded with the title "Model Professor for Excellence in Teaching" by Minister of Health, Remedy and Medical Education in 2007. He has published more than 50 publications in the international journals and also more than one hundred articles in non-refereed Iranian journals. He has more than 50 presentations at Iranian National Congresses.
His research interests include "different aspects of substance use disorders."
1. Ahmadi, J. Positive Effect of Low Dose of Buprenorphine in the Treatment of Severe Hashish Withdrawal Craving: An Original Arcade”. J Addict Depend. 2016; 2(2): 1- 3
2. Ahmadi J (2016) Conduct Disorder Related to Poly Substance Abuse in Adolescence. J Psychiatry 19: 371
3. Ahmadi, J. Cannabis induced psychosis treatment: An original approach. J Addict Depend. 2016; 2(2): 1- 2
4. Ahmadi, J. Buprenorphine for the detoxification of heroin dependence. J. Harmoniz. Res. Med. and Hlth.Sci.. 2016; 3(2)
5. Ahmadi J, Norouzi N. Expeditious opium detoxification. Int J Res Rep 2016;2(5):146-152.
6. Ahmadi J, Ghasemi F. Treatment of misuse of adult cold tablets: A new opening. Int J Res Rep 2016; 2 (5): 153-160
7. Ahmadi J. Ghanizadeh Kazerooni F. Psychiatric Disorders Induced By Abuse Of Non-addictive Substances: An Original Finding. Annals of Behavioural Science. 2016; Vol.2 No.1:14
8. Ahmadi J. Recurrent psychosis related to methamphetamine. J. Harmoniz. Res. Med. and Hlth.Sci. 2016, 3(1), 51-55
9. Ahmadi J. Treatment of cannabis related psychosis with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): a rapid approach. J. Harmoniz..Res. Med. and Hlth.Sci. 2016, 3(1), 44-50
10.Ahmadi J Fast Treatment of Methamphetamine Related Anxiety and Depressive Disorders: A Novel Approach. J Addict Med Ther Sci. 2016; 1(2): 044-046. DOI: 10.17352/2455-3484.000011
11. Ahmadi J. Combination of analgesics (NSAIDS), baclofen, clonidine and a single dose of buprenorphine for heroin detoxification, International Journal of Pharma Sciences and Research (IJPSR). Feb 2016; Vol 7. No 02: 92-96
12. Ahmadi J, Ahmadi F, Ahmadi F, Ahmadi S, Pridmore S. A firsthand launch: Heroin dependence treatment with a single dose of 48 mg of buprenorphine. Landmark Res. J. Med. Med. Sci February 2016; Vol 3(2): 019-022
13. Ahmadi J. Tic disorder occurred after opium smoking: an original finding. J. Harmoniz. Res. Med. And Hlth. Sci. 2016, 3(1), 08-13
14. Ahmadi J, Sarani EM, Jahromi MS, Pridmore S. Treatment of heroin dependence with 40 mg of buprenorphine: a novel passageway. Int J Original Res 2016; 2(2): 68-73.
15. Ahmadi J. Non-opioid drugs in the management of tramadol dependence: A novel approach. Int J Original Res 2016;2(2):40-45.
16. Ahmadi J. Instant Detoxification of Heroin with High Dose of Buprenorphine. J Addiction Prevention. 2016;4(1): 3.