Dept of Physics
BARC Campus
Dr. Goutam Ghosh received Ph.D. in 2000. Joined as a Scientist in UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Mumbai Centre, Mumbai, India, in January 2002. Now he is a Senior Scientist in this Institution. His research experience in X-ray crystallography, Low temperature Physics, Magnetism, Sample synthesis, Functional Nanoparticles, Different Spectroscopic techniques (e.g., Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Light Scattering, Small Angle X-ray Scattering), Colloid systems of surfactants, block copolymer, drug, theoretical modeling etc.
1) Protein-nanoparticle interaction
2) Scattering techniques
3)Synthesis of functional nanoparticles
4) Applications of functional nanoparticles with counterions in biomedical therapy etc.