Rohit Saluja, Ph.D., is a Ramalingaswami fellow (Assistant Professor) in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) India. He had earlier worked as a research scientist (Naturwissenschaftler) in Department of Dermatology and Allergy at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and also in in Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. Dr. Saluja received his Ph.D. in Life Sciences from the Central Drug Research Institute, India. He had previously worked. His areas of expertise pertain to mast cell biology, allergy and inflammation. He has 17 peer-reviewed published articles. Dr. Saluja is a reviewer of more than 20 professional journals and had also participated in many international conferences.
2)Mast cell biology
4)Infection biology
5)Allergy, Asthma Immunology, Allergic rhinitis
7)Cell biology
9)Microscopy ( TEM and SEM)
1. Saluja R , Hawro T, Church MK, Eberle J, Maurer M , Interleukin-33 promotes proliferation of mouse mast cells through ST2 and p38 MAPK -dependent pathway. Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents (2014) accepted. (Impact factor =5.1).
2. Metz M, Krull C, Hawro T, Saluja R , Groffik A , Stanger C, Staubach P, Maurer M. Substance P is upregulated in serum of patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria. Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2014) accepted (Impact factor =6.3). 3. Saluja R, Are Soluble ST2 Levels in the Picogram or Nanogram Range in Serum of Healthy Subjects/Disease Patients? J Korean Med Sci. 2014 Jan;29(1):153-4 (Impact factor = .99)
4. Tomasz H, Saluja R, Karsten W, Sabine A, Martin M, Maurer M , IL-31 does not induce immediate itch in atopic dermatitis patients and healthy controls after skin challenge. Allergy 2013 (Impact factor =6.2)
5. Jyoti A, Singh AK, Dubey M, Kumar S, Saluja R, Keshari RS, Verma A, Chandra T, Kumar A, Bajpai VK, Barthwal MK, Dikshit M. Interaction of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase with Rac2 Regulates Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species Generation in the Human Neutrophil Phagosomes: Implication in Microbial Killing. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2013. (Impact factor= 8.4)
6. Lundstrom S*, Saluja R*,Wheelock C , Haeggström J Z , Nilsson G, Lipid mediator metabolic profiling demonstrates differences in eicosanoid patterns in two phenotypically distinct mast cell populations. J Lipid Res. 2013 54(1):116-26 * equal contribution.( Impact factor =6.1).
7. Saluja R, Delin I, Nilsson GP, Adner M. FcεR(1)-Mediated Mast Cell Reactivity Is Amplified through Prolonged Toll-Like Receptor-Ligand Treatment. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e43547. (Impact factor =4.4).
8. Saluja R, Jyoti A, Chatterjee M, Verma A, Bajpai V. K. and Dikshit M., Molecular and Biochemical Characterization of Nitric Oxide Synthase Isoforms and their Intracellular Distribution in Human PBMCs. BBA Mol Cell Res, 1813 (2011) 1700-1707. (Impact factor =4.7)
9. Saluja R, Saini R, Bajpai V. K. and Dikshit M, Ultrastructural immunogold localization of nitric oxide synthase isoforms in rat and human eosinophils.Cell and Tissue Research 340 (2010) 381-8. (Impact factor =2.8).
10. Chatterjee M, Saluja R, Kumar V, Jain GK and Dikshit M. Ascorbate sustains neutrophil NOS expression, catalysis and oxidative burst. Free Radic Biol Med. 45 ( 2008) 1084-93. (Impact factor =5.7)
11. Chatterjee M, Saluja R , Kanneganti S, Chinta S, Dikshit M, Biochemical and Molecular evaluation of neutrophil NOS in spontaneously hypertensive rats, Cell. Mol.Biol.53 (2007) 84-93. (Impact factor =1.4)
12. Chatterjee M, Saluja R, Tiwari S, Goel SK , Barthwal MK, Dikshit M. Augmented Nitric Oxide Generation in Neutrophils: Oxidative and Pro-inflammatory Implications in Hypertension. Free Radical Research, 43 (2009) 1195-1204. (Impact factor =2.8)
13. Saini R, Patel S, Saluja R, Sahasrabuddhe AA, Singh MP, Habib S, Bajpai VK, Dikshit M , Nitric oxide synthase localization in the rat neutrophils: immunocytochemical, molecular and biochemical studies, J.Leukoc.Biol. 79 (2006) 519-528. (Impact factor =4.6)
14. Patel S, Kumar S, Jyoti A, Srinag BS, Keshari RS, Saluja R, Verma A, Mitra K, Barthwal MK, Krishnamurthy H, Bajpai VK, Dikshit M. Nitric oxide donors release extracellular traps from human neutrophils by augmenting free radical generation. Nitric Oxide. 22 (2010) 226-234. (Impact factor =3.3)
15. Kothari H, Kumar P, Saluja R, Sundar S, Singh N. Translation of open reading frame in kinetoplast DNA minicircles of clinical isolates of L. donovani. Parasitol Res. 2007 ;100(4):893-7. (Impact factor =1.8)
Travel Grant award for 9th EAACI-GA2LEN Winter School “Basic Immunology Research in Allergy and Clinical Immunology” in Davos, February 3-6, 2011 Davos Switzerland