Dr. LissandraSoutoCavalli graduated in Biological Sciences in Porto Alegre city, Brazil. She received her Ph.D. in Oceanology in 2009 from the Federal University of Rio Grande, where she worked with the aquatic animal virus. In 2010, she also received post-doctoral fellowship in Aquatic Animal Virology. She is currently Researcher in the Technological Innovation Laboratory at the Research Foundation of Agriculture and Livestock (Fepagro) and is working with aquatic animal health, Aquaculture, Aquaculture and Biosafety, and Occupational Health. She has projects under her supervision in Animal Health, Aquaculture Biosafety and Occupational Health, Health and Safety Rural worker, Aquaculture and health facilities, Risk Perception, Risk Assessment, Prevention Measures to Work Accidents, Aquatic Animal Health and Production, and Tecnologic Innovation.
1)Aquatic Animal Health
2)Biosafety in Aquaculture
3)Occupational health and safety in Aquaculture
1)CAVALLI, LISSANDRA SOUTO ; BATISTA, CAROLINA REYES ; NORNBERG, BRUNA F.S. ; MAYER, FABIANA QUOOS ; SEIXAS, FABIANA ; ROMANO, LUIS ALBERTO ; MARINS, LUIS FERNANDO ; ABREU, PAULO CÉSAR . Natural occurrence of White spot syndrome virus and Infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus in Neohelicegranulata crab. JournalofInvertebratePathology, 114:86-88, 2013.
2)SANTOS, R. N. ; VARELA, A. P. M. ; CIBULSKI, S. P. ; LIMA, F. E. S. ; SPILKI, F. R. ; HEINZELMANN, L. ; LUZ, R. B. ; Abreu, P C ; ROEHE, P. M. ; Cavalli, L S . A BRIEF HISTORY OF White spot syndrome virus AND ITS EPIDEMIOLOGY IN BRAZIL. VirusReviewsandResearch, v. 18, p. 1-7, 2013.
3)CAVALLI, L. S. ; Romano, L. A. ; MARINS, L. F. ; ABREU, P. C. . First report of White spot syndrome virus in farmed and wild penaeid shrimp from Lagoa dos Patos estuary, southern Brazil. BrazilianJournalofMicrobiology, 42:1176-1179, 2011.
4)CAVALLI, L. S. ; NORNBERG, B. F. S. ; NETO, S. ; Poersch, L. ; Romano, L. A. ; MARINS, L. F. ; ABREU, P. C. . White spot syndrome virus in wild penaeid shrimp caught in coastal and offshore waters in the Southern Atlantic Ocean. JournalofFishDiseases, 33:533-536, 2010.