Dr.Natalia Elson done her DDS Advanced Placement Program from New York University College of Dentistry for period 2007-2010. Presently she is working as Clinical Instructor, Cariology and Comprehensive Care, NYUCD.Received Oral Health Champion, Certificate of Appreciation in the year 2014.He is member of American Academy of Periodontology.
1) DentalRadiology
3) ImplantProsthetics
4) Periodontology
5) Endodontics
1) Elson,N Rational Approach to Antibiotics in Dentistry Estonian Medical Journal Hippokrates, pp 321-330, May 2002(35)
2) Elson,N Infection Control in DentistryEstonian Medical Journal Health, pp-23-26, June 1995
3) Online publication( RADA) -Guide for Foreign Trained Dentist How to Become a Dentist in USA
4) Ortho-Perio-Implant: Interdisciplinary Approach for Periodontaly Compromised Dentition- Case report – in progress
5) Laser Assisted Root Canal Treatment-Case report – In progress
1) 2014 Professional Of The Year In Dentistry – WorldWide publishing
2) 2014 Oral Health Champion -Certificate of Appreciation
3) 2012 Certificate of Appreciation – Give Kids A Smile Suffolk County Dental Society
4) 2012 ProfessionaL of the Year Representing Dentistry -Worldwide Who’s Who