Dr. Seema Mishra is a professor of Anaesthesiology at IRCH, All India Institute of Medical Sciences ( AIIMS), New Delhi, India.She is also trained in Palliative Medicine. Dr. Seema has numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals. Her research interests have focused on Cancer pain, Palliative care, Onco –Anaesthesia and Critical care.
Cancer Pain Management,Palliative Care,Onco- Anaesthesia and Critical care
1. Seema Mishra, MD, Sushma Bhatnagar, MD, Shiv P. S. Rana, MD, Deepa Khurana, MD, and Sanjay Thulkar, MD Original Research Article. Efficacy of the Anterior Ultrasound-Guided Superior Hypogastric Plexus Neurolysis in Pelvic Cancer Pain in Advanced Gynecological Cancer Patients . Pain Medicine 2013; 14: 837–842.
2. Seema Mishra, Prakash Choudhary,Saurabh Joshi, Sushma Bhatnagar, Successful Use of Flupirtine in Refractory Neuropathic Pain Due to Small Fiber Neuropathy. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2013 Feb;30(1):91-3.
3. Anchal Satija, Syed Mehmood Ahmad, Rahul Gupta, Arif Ahmed, S.P.S. Rana,Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar. Breast Cancer Pain Management: A review of current and novel therapies. Indian J Med Res , 2014;103:216-225.
4. Arif Ahmed, Sushma Bhatnagar, Shiv Pratap Sing Rana, Syed Mehmood Ahmad, Saurabh Joshi, Seema Mishra,. Prevalence of Phantom Breast Pain And Sensation Among Post Mastectomies Patients Suffering From Breast Cancer: A Prospective Study. Pain Practice; 2014;14:E17-E28.
5. Bhatnagar, S., Joshi, S., Rana, S.P.S., Mishra, S., Garg, R. and Ahmed, S. M., Bedside Ultrasound-Guided Celiac Plexus Neurolysis in Upper Abdominal Cancer Patients: A Randomized, Prospective Study for Comparison of Percutaneous Bilateral Paramedian vs. Unilateral Paramedian Needle-Insertion Technique. Pain Practice 2014; 14(2): E 63-68.
6. Durgatosh Pandey, Palaniappan Ramanathan, Bharat Bhushan Khurse, Sachidanand Jee Bharati & Seema Mishra. Bronchoscopic Debulking Followed by Bronchoplastic Procedure Helps in Limiting Lung Resection in a Bronchial Carcinoid: A Case Report Indian J Surg Oncol. 2014 Sep;5(3):214-6
7. Bhatnagar, S., Khanna, S., Roshni, S., Goyal, G. N, Mishra, S., Rana, S. P. S. and Thulkar, S. Early Ultrasound-Guided Neurolysis for Pain Management in Gastrointestinal and Pelvic Malignancies: An Observational Study in a Tertiary Care Center of Urban India. Pain Practice ; 2012: 12: 23–32..
8. Vikas Gogia, Chaudhary P, Arif Ahmed, Mishra S, Bhatnagar S.Intrathecal Morphine Pump for Neuropathic Cancer Pain: A Case Report. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2012: 29; 409-411: 2012 .
9. Rana SPS, Ahmed A, Kumar V, Chaudhary P, Khurana D, Mishra S. Successful management of difficult cancer pain patient by appropriate adjuvant and morphine titration.. Indian J Palliat Care 2011:17; 162-165.
10. Seema Mishra, Shiv Pratap Singh Rana, Surjya Prasad Upadhyay, and Sushma Bhatnagar. Use of Epidural Steroid as an Adjuvant in Neuropathic Cancer Pain Management: Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2010 27: 482-485,
11. Sushma Bhatnagar, Surjya Updhaya, Seema Mishra. Prevalance and Characteristics of Breakthrough pain in patients with head and neck cancer: A cross –Sectional study.Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2010; 13(3): 291-295.
12. Arif Ahmed, Himanshu Khurana, Vikas Gogia, Seema Mishra, and Sushma Bhatnagar. Use of Sustained Release Oral Morphine as a Bridge in Withdrawal of Morphine in Patients on High Doses of Oral Immediate Release Morphine for Cancer Pain. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2010; 27: 413-415.
13. Upadhyay SP, Chauhan H, Jain R, Mishra S, Bhatnagar S. Perioperative Gabapentine for postoperative pain and early functional recovery after Modified Radical Mastectomy for Carcinoma Breast. Indian J. Pain 2010; 23:388-392.
14. Upadhyay SP, Rana SP, Mishra S, Bhatnagar S. Successful Treatment of an Intractable Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN) Using Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation (PNFS). Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2010; 27; (1):59-62.
15. Gaurav N. Goyal, Deepak Gupta, Roopesh Jain, Sunil Kumar, Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar.Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation for Intractable Post-Thoracotomy Scar Pain not Relieved by Conventional Treatment. Pain Practice 2010;10(4):366-369.
16. Mishra S, Bhatnagar S, Gupta D, Goyal GN, Agrawal R, Jain R, Chauhan H. Respiratory Support in Oncology Ward Setting: A Prospective Descriptive Study. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2009; 26:159-164.
17. Seema Mishra, Nasa Prashant, Gaurav Nirwani Goyal, Himanshu Khurana, Deepak Gupta, Sushma Bhatnagar. Rate dependant Bundle branch block- Transition from left bundle branch block to intraoperative normal sinus rhythm. Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology 2009; 20(2):295-298.
18. Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar, Prakash Chaudhary, Shiv Pratap Singh Rana. Breakthrough Cancer Pain: Review of Prevalence, Characteristics and Management. Indian Journal of Palliative Care.2009; 15 (1):14-18.
19. S. Mishra, S. Bhatnagar, D. Gupta, S. Thulkar.Anterior ultrasound-guided superior hypogastric plexus neurolysis in pelvic cancer pain. Anaesthesia Intensive care 2008; 36(5):732-735.
20. Seema Mishra, Sushma Bhatnagar, Deepak Gupta, Gaurav Nirwani Goyal, Roopesh Jain, and Himanshu Chauhan. Management of Neuropathic Cancer Pain Following WHO Analgesic Ladder: A Prospective Study. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2009;25 447-451.
21. Himanshu Khurana, Seema Mishra, Roopesh Jain, Gaurav Nirwani Goyal, Sushma Bhatnagar. Management of postoperative chylothorax in a patient with carcinoma thyroid with lymphadenopathy. M.E.J.Aneasth 2009; 20(1) :121-124
22. Shiv Pratap Singh Rana, Himanshu Khurana, Surjya Prasad Upadhya, Arif Ahmed, Seema Mishra and Sushma Bhatnagar. Successful treatment of phantom limb pain with Intrathecal Morphine Pump. Indian J Pain 2009; 23: 344-346.
23. Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra, Madhurima Srikanti, Deepak Gupta. Cancer Pain Management at a Tertiary Care Cancer Centre in India –A Retrospective Analysis of 3238 patients. Journal of Opioid management 2008; 4 (6): 361 -368.
24. Das SC, Khurana H, Gupta D, Mishra S, Bhatnagar S. Co morbidities in a Cancer Patient: Problems in Pain Management and Palliation. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2009; 26(1):60-3.
25. Sushma Bhatnagar, Deepak Gupta, Seema Mishra; Sanjay Thulkar. Himanshu Chauhan. Bedside Ultrasound-Guided Celiac Plexus Neurolysis with Bilateral Para-median Needle Entry. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2008;11(9):1195- 1199.