Dr.Choudhery completed hisMPhil and Doctorate in Molecular Biology (with specialization in regenerative medicine) from National Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB) in 2012. He completed a part of his PhD research work in Professor David Harris’s Laboratory at College of Medicine, Department of Immunobiology, The University of Arizona, Tucson,USA.Latter Dr Choudhery worked asa Post-Doctorate Fellow at the College of Medicine, Department of Immunology, The University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. In December 2012 he joined the faculty at the King Edward Medical University as an Assistant Professor in the Advance Center of Research in Biomedical Sciences.Dr Choudhery established the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Laboratory at King Edward Medical University. He is the author of several papers and abstracts.
1) Stem cells and regenerative medicine
2)Cardiovascular research and stem cell transplantation
3)Caloric restriction
$)Tissue engineering
5) in vitro disease models (disease in a dish) and gene therapy
1. Choudhery MS, Khan M, Mahmood R, Mehmood A, Khan SN, Riazuddin S. Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells from aged mice have reduced wound healing, angiogenesis, proliferation and anti-apoptosis capabilities. Cell Biology International. 2012;747-753.
2. Choudhery MS, Khan M, Ruhma Mahmood, Sadia Mohsin, Shoaib Akhtar, Fatima Ali Shaheen N Khan, Sheikh Riazuddin. Mesenchymal stem cells conditioned with glucose depletion augments their ability to repair -infarcted myocardium. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicne 2012 Oct;16(10):2518-29.
3. Choudhery MS, Michael Badowski Angela Muise, David T Harris. Comparison of Human Adipose and Cord Tissue Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Cytotherapy. 2013 Mar;15(3):330-343.
4. Mohsin Khan, Fatima Ali, Sadia Mohsin, Shoaib Akhtar, Azra Mehmood, Choudhery MS, Shaheen N Khan and Sheikh Riazuddin. Diabetic mesenchymal stem cells preconditioned with myogenic medium increases their ability to repair diabetic heart . Stem Cell Res Ther. 2013 May 24;4(3):58.
5. Choudhery MS, Michael Badowski Angela Muise, John Pierce, David T Harris. Utility of Cryopreserved Umbilical Cord Tissue for Regenerative Medicine. Curr Stem Cell Res Ther. 2013 Jun 10.
6. Choudhery MS, Michael Badowski Angela Muise, John Pierce, David T Harris. Cryopreservation of Whole Adipose Tissue for Future Use in Regenerative Medicine. Journal of Surgical Research 2013 Oct 8. pii: S0022-4804(13)00902-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2013.09.027. [Epub ahead of print]
7. Harris DT, Choudhery MS and Badowsk M. Comparison of cord tissue and adipose tissue for use in tissue engineering: Effects of cryopreservation and donor age. J Tissue Sci Eng 2012, 3:3. (abstract):
8. Choudhery MS, Brown KS, Harris DT. Differentiation of MSCs Isolated From Cryopreserved Cord Tissue. Journal of Transfusion, 52, 188A-188A. (Abstract)
9. Harris DT, Choudhery MS, Badowski M. Effects of Cryopreservation and Donor Age on Cord Tissue and Adipose Tissue Use in Regenerative Medicine. Nature Molecular Therapy, 21: S96-S96. (Abstract)
10. Choudhery MS, Michael Badowski Angela Muise, John Pierce, David T Harris. Adipose Derived Stem Cell Utility is Independent of Anatomical Harvest Site. Tissue Engineering Part A (submitted).
11. Choudhery MS, Michael Badowski Angela Muise, John Pierce, David T Harris. Donor Age Negatively Impacts Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Expansion and Differentiation. Journal of Translational Medicine, 2014 Jan 7;12(1):8. [Epub ahead of print]
12. Choudhery MS, David T Harris. Cryopreservation can be used as an anti-aging strategy. Cytotherapy, Cytotherapy 16 (12), 1771-1773.
13. Choudhery MS, Michael Badowski, Angela Muise, David T Harris. Effect of mild heat stress on the proliferative and differentiative ability of human mesenchymal stromal cells. Cytotherapy
14. Choudhery MS, Michael Badowski, Angela Muise, David T Harris. Effect of glucose depletion on in vitro Regenerative Potential of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (in process)
15. Choudhery MS. Caloric Restriction: In Vitro Studies (in Process)
16. Ruhma M, Choudhery MS, Azra M, Khan SN. In Vitro differentiation potential of Placenta Derived Cells into Skin-Like Cells. (Stem Cell International) In Press