My professional experience and academic training has prepared me for my current role as director of the Biostatistics and Data Management Core (BDMC). My primary responsibilities in this role are to supervise the day to day running of the core, ensure timely and exemplary data management and Biostatistical support to faculty and fellows in their cutting edge research, and to work as a collaborative biostatistician to provide a broad array of methodological and applied research endeavors related to both clinical and basic science research.
My research interests are in joint modeling of censored longitudinal and event time data, latent group trajectory models, generalized linear models, Hierarchical Linear, survival, and clustering models, and analysis of randomized controlled trials. My recent work has led to the development of novel joint models that can evaluate the impact of one or more censored longitudinal outcomes on the survival experience of a critically ill population in the presence or absence of competing events.
Refereed Articles
1. Moss, D.R., Cluss, P.A., Watt-Morse, M., Pike, F., 2009. "Targeting pregnant and parental smokers: Long-term outcomes of a practice-based intervention", Journal of Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 11(3):278-85.
2. Rodriguez, K., Sun, G.H., Pike, F., Mandel, E., Casselbrant, M.L., and Chi, D.H., 2010. “Post-Tonsillectomy Bleeding in Patients with Von-Willebrands Disease: a Single Institutional Experience”, Journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 142(5):715-21.
3. Mason, P., Huang, D., Pike, F “Copeptin as a biomarker in community-acquired pneumonia: multicenter validation cohort study", Critical Care Medicine (In review)
4. Liang, K., Pike, F., Argyropoulos, C., Weissfeld, L., Teuterberg, J., Dew, M.A., and Unruh, M.L., 2011. “Heart Failure Severity Scoring System and Medical and Health Related Quality of Life Outcomes: the HEMO Study”, American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 58(1):84-92.
5. Jhamb, M., Pike, F., Ramer, S., Argyropoulos, C., Steel, J., Dew, M.A., Weisbord, S.D., Weissfeld, L., and Unruh, M., 2011. “Impact of Fatigue on Outcomes in the Hemodialysis (HEMO) Study” Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 33(6):515-23.
6. Pike, F, Weissfeld, L. Accounting for a doubly censored longitudinal covariate in survival analysis via joint modeling, Statistics in Medicine (Under review).
7. Pike, F, Weissfeld, L. Bivariate Joint Modeling of Event Time and Censored Longitudinal Data. (In preparation)
8. Pike, F, Weissfeld, L. Joint Modeling of Event Time and Censored longitudinal data using SAS Proc NLMIXED: an informal guide. (In preparation)