Dr. Kouichi Hasegawa is Senior Lecturer at Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS), Kyoto University, Japan, and Assistant Professor at Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (inStem), NCBS, India. He received his Doctor of Science degree in chemistry from Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan and completed his postdoctoral training of developmental biology and stem cell biology at Prof. Norio Nakatsuji lab, Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University. He studied as a researcher in a national human embryonic stem cell establishment team at Stem Cell Research Center, Kyoto University. And then he moved to Prof. Martin Pera lab at University of Southern California, and started his principal investigator career at Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, University of Southern California. He moved back to Kyoto University and is holding dual appointment in Kyoto University and inStem NCBS, India for expanding his research. He is one of the reading experts in technical innovation and basic research in human pluripotent stem cell self-renewal and differentiation.
1) Molecular mechanisms in pluripotent stem cell self-renewal and differentiation
2) Disease modeling with human pluripotent stem cells
3) Technical innovation and application of pluripotent stem cells
4) Developments of mammalian pre-implantation embryo
1. Mark Denham, Kouichi Hasegawa, Trevelyan Menheniott, Ben Rollo, Dongcheng Zhang, Shelley Hough , Abdullah Alshawaf, Fabia Febbraro, Samiramis Ighaniyan, Jessie Leung, David Elliott, Donald F Newgreen, Martin F Pera and Mirella Dottori“Multipotent caudal neural progenitors derived from human pluripotent stem cells that give rise to lineages of the central and peripheral nervous system”Stem Cells, 2015, 33(6) 1759-1770
2. Li Liu, Momoko Yoshioka, Minako Nakajima, Arata Ogasawara, Jun Liu, Kouichi Hasegawa, Sisi Li, Jianli Zou, Norio Nakatsuji, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Yong Chen“Nanofibrous gelatin substrates for long-term expansion of human pluripotent stem cells”Biomaterials, 2014, 35(24) 6259-6267
3. Tomomi G. Otsuji, Jiang Bin, Azumi Yoshimura, Misayo Tomura, Daiki Tateyama, Itsunari Minami, Yoshihiro Yoshikawa, Kazuhiro Aiba, John E. Heuser, Taito Nishino, Kouichi Hasegawa and Norio Nakatsuji“A Novel 3D Sphere Culture System Containing Functional Polymers for Large-scale Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Production”Stem Cell Report, 2014, 2(5) 734-745
4. Mirella Dottori, Mary Familari, Stefan Hansson and Kouichi Hasegawa“Stem Cells as in vitro Models of Disease”Stem Cells International, 2012, 2012, Article ID 565083
5. Lincon A. Stamp, David R. Braxton, Jun Wu, Veronika Akopian, Kouichi Hasegawa, Parakrama T. Chandrasoma, Susan M. Hawes, Catriona McLean, Lydia M. Petrovic, Kasper Wangand and Martin F. Pera“The GCTM-5 epitope associated with the Mucin-like glycoprotein FCGBP marks progenitor cells in tissues of endodermal origin” Stem Cells, 2012, 30(9) 1999-2009
6. Nan Sook Lee, Joyce G. Rohan, Madison Zitting, Sonia Kamath, Andrew Weitz, Arnold Sipos, Paul M. Salvaterra, Kouichi Hasegawa, Martin Pera and Robert H. Chow“A novel dual-color reporter for identifying insulin-producing beta cells and classifying heterogeneity of insulinoma cell lines”PLoS One, 2012, 7(4), e35521
7. Kouichi Hasegawa, Shinya Yasuda, Jia-Ling Teo, Cu Nguyen, Michael McMillan, Chih-Lin Hsieh, Hirofumi Suemori, Norio Nakatsuji, Masashi Yamamoto, Tomoyuki Miyabayashi, Martin F Pera and Michael Kahn“Small molecule orchestration of Wnt signaling provides long-term xeno-free human pluripotent cell expansion”Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2012, 1(1), 18-28
8. Kouichi Hasegawa, Peilin Zhang, Zong Wei, Jordan E Pomeroy, Wange Lu and Martin F Pera“Comparison of reprogramming efficiency between transduction of reprogramming factors, cell-cell fusion, and cytoplast fusion”Stem Cells, 2010, 28(8), 1338-1348
9. Kouichi Hasegawa, Jordan E Pomeroy and Martin F Pera“Current technology for the derivation of pluripotent stem cell lines from human embryos”Cell Stem Cell, 2010, 6(6), 521-531
10. Kenji Sakurai, Miho Shimoji, Candice G T Tahimic, Kazuhiro Aiba, Eihachiro Kawase, Kouichi Hasegawa, Yuji Amagai, Hirofumi Suemori and Norio Nakatsuji “Efficient integration of transgenes into a defined locus in human embryonic stem cells”Nucleic Acids Res. 2010, 38(7), e96
11. Zong Wei, Yang Yang, Peilin Zhang, Rosemary Andrianakos, Kouichi Hasegawa, Jungmook Lyu, Xi Chen, Gang Bai, Chunming Liu, Martin Pera and Wange Lu“Klf4 Directly Interacts with Oct4 and Sox2 to Promote Reprogramming”Stem Cells, 2009, vol. 27(12), 2969-2978
12. Kaori Yamauchi, Kouichi Hasegawa, Shinichiro Chuma, Norio Nakatsuji and Hirofumi Suemori “In vitro germ cell differentiation from cynomolgus monkey embryonic stem cells” PLoS One, 2009, vol. 4, e5388
13. Keiichiro Suzuki, Kaoru Mitsui, Emi Aizawa, Kouichi Hasegawa, Eihachiro Kawase, Toshiyuki Yamagishi, Yoshihiko Shimizu, Hirofumi Suemori, Norio Nakatsuji and Kohnosuke Mitani “Highly efficient transient gene expression and gene targeting in primate embryonic stem cells with helper-dependent adenoviral vectors”Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2008, 105(37), 13781–13786
14. Takamichi Miyazaki, Sugiko Futaki, Kouichi Hasegawa, Miwa Kawasaki, Noriko Sanzen, Maria Hayashi, Eihachiro Kawase, Kiyotoshi Sekiguchi, Norio Nakatsuji and Hirofumi uemori “Recombinant human laminin isoforms can support the undifferentiated growth of human embryonic stem cells” Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 2008, 375(1), 27-32
15. Martin F Pera and Kouichi Hasegawa “Simpler and safer cell reprogramming”Nature Biotechnology, 2008, 26(1), 59-60
16. Kouichi Hasegawa, Aaron B Cowan, Norio Nakatsuji and Hirofumi Suemori “Efficient multicistronic expression of a transgene in human embryonic stem cells” Stem Cells, 2007, 25(7), 1707-1712
17. Kouichi Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi Fujioka, Yukio Nakamura, Norio Nakatsuji and Hirofumi Suemori “A novel method for the selection of human embryonic cell sub-lines with high cloning efficiency” Stem Cells, 2006, 24 (12), 2649-2660
18. Shin-ya Yasuda, Norihiro Tsuneyoshi, Tomoyuki Sumi, Kouichi Hasegawa, Takashi Tada, Norio Nakatsuji and Hirofumi Suemori “Nanog maintains self-renewal of primate ES cells in the absence of a feeder layer”Genes to Cells, 2006, 11(9), 1115-1123
19. Kouichi Hasegawa, Shin-ya Yasuda and Hirofumi Suemori “Superior transfection of human embryonic stem cells with Fu GENE HD transfection reagent” Biochemica, 2006, 4, 19-21
20. Yasuko Fujimoto, Kouichi Hasegawa, Norio Nakatsuji, Hirofumi Suemori “Molecular cloning and function of Oct-3 isoforms in cynomolgus monkey embryonic stem cells” Stem Cells and Development, 2006, 15(4), 566-574
21. Hirofumi Suemori, Kentaro Yasuchika, Kouichi Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi Fujioka, Norihiro Tsuneyoshi and Norio Nakatsuji “Efficient establishment human embryonic stem cell lines and long-term maintenance with stable karyotype by enzymatic bulk passage” Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 2006, 345(3), 926-932
22. Kouichi Hasegawa, Shinichiro Chuma, Takashi Tada, Noriyuki Sakurai, Masaru Tamura, Hirofumi Suemori and Norio Nakatsuji “Testatin transgenic and knockout mice exhibit normal sex-differentiation, spermatogenesis and oogenesis” Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 2006, 341(2), 369-375
23. Kentaro Yasuchika, Tethuro Hirose, Hideaki Fujii, Shoshiro Oe, Koichi asegawa,Takahisa Fujikawa, Hisaya Azuma, Yoshio Yamaoka “Establishment of a highly efficient gene transfer system for mouse fetal hepatic progenitor cells”Hepatology, 2002, 36(6), 1488-1497
24. Kouichi Hasegawa and Norio Nakatsuji “Insulators prevent transcriptional interference between two promoters in a double gene construct for transgenesis” FEBS Letters, 2002, 520(1-3), 47-52
25. Tomomi Kiyota, Hideaki Jono, Sei Kuriyama, Kouichi Hasegawa, Seiji Miyatani and Tsutomu Kinoshita“X-Serrate-1 is involved in primary neurogenesis in Xenopus laevis in a complementary manner with X-Delta-1” Development Genes and Evolution, 2001, 211(8-9), 367-376
26. Toshiyasu Goto, Kouichi Hasegawa, Tsutomu Kinoshita and Hiroshi Y. Kubota“A novel POZ/zinc finger protein, champignon, interferes with the convergent extension movements during gastrulation in Xenopus” Developmental Dynamics, 2001, 221(1), 14-25
27. Kouichi Hasegawa, Nobuko Sakurai and Tsutomu Kinoshita“Xoom is maternally stored and functions as a transmembrane protein for gastrulation movement in Xenopus embryos” Development Growth Differentiation, 2001, 43(1), 25-31
28. Kouichi Hasegawa and Tsutomu Kinoshita“Xoom is required for epibolic cell movement of animal ectodermal cells in Xenopus laevis gastrulation” Development Growth Differentiation, 2000, 42(2), 337-346
29. Kouichi Hasegawa, Toshinori Shiraishi and Tsutomu Kinoshita “Xoom: a novel membrane protein maternally expressed and involved in the gastrulation movement of Xenopus embryo” The International Journal of Developmental Biology, 1999, 43(6), 479-485
30. Mari Abe, Koichi Hasegawa and Hiroshi Hosoya “Activation of chicken gizzard myosin light chain kinase by Ca2+/calmodulin is inhibited by autophosphorylation” Cell Structure and Function, 1996, 21(3), 183-188