Seyed Mohammad Ebrahim Jalil Zorriehzahra is Head of Aquatic animal Health & Diseases Dept ,Head of Iranian Coldwater Fishes Scientific Society (CFS),Manager of Caspian Sea Environment Program (CEP) Project in Coldwater Fishes Research Center (CFRC).Jalil Zorriehzahra has done Ph.D degree of Aquatic Animal Health & Diseases,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Putra Malaysia (UPM).He has Good number of Journal Papers,Conferences and Many more Publications.
1)Aquatic animal Health
2)Fish diseases
3)General Animal Anatomy
4)General Animal Physiology
5)Hygiene and Prevention of Animal diseases
6)Animal Diseases
1. Zorriehzahra,M.E.J. (1991,1992). Study on Newborn Diarrhea Syndrome in ruminants.Pajouhesh-va-sazandegi,Iranian scientific and Research, quarterly journal of Ministery of Jahad-e- Sazandegi, Winter 1991,pp: 91-93 and Spring 1992, pp: 115-119.
2. Fallahi R., Soltani S., Kargar R., Zorriehzahra M.E.J., Shchelkunov I., Hemmatzadeh F., Nouri A. (2003) Isolation and identification of the Infectoius Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHNV) - like agent from farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from Iran. Arch. Razi Ins. 56, 37-45.
3. Fallahi R. , Soltani M. , Zorriehzahra M.E.J. , Hemmatzadeh F.(2003). Serological Diagnosis of Infectious Haematopoietic Necrosis Disease (IHN) in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test. Journal of Veterinary Research,Vol.61, No. 1, pp: 19-22.
4. Zorriehzahra, M..E.J., Soltani, M., Sharifpour, I., Saiedi., A.A., Mehrabi., M., (2005). Preliminary study of infectious agents (Viral and Bacterial) of Rainbow trout (Oncorynchus mykiss) Fry Mortality Syndrome in Iran. Iranian Fisheries Research Organization (IFRO), Final research report. No.84/470, pp.290 (In Persian).
5. Zorriehzahra, M.E.J.; Nakai,T.; Sharifpour,I.; Gomez,D.K.; Chi,S.C.; Soltani,M.; Hassan,H.M.D.; Rohani,M., Saidi,A.A. (2005). Mortality of wild golden grey mullet (Liza auratus) in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea associated with viral nervous necrosis-Like agent Iranian Journal Fisheries Science Vol.4, No.2, pp: 43-58.
6. Farahi,A., Sudagar,M., Hoseini,S.A., Zoriehzahra,M.E.J. (2011). Effects of Ovaprim (Sgnrha+Dampridon) and Luteotropin Releasing Hormoned-Ala Analog (LRH-A2) on Artificial Reproduction of Captive Caspian Brown Trout (Salmo trruta caspius) Kessler, 1870, Journal of Reproduction and Infertility (JRI), Vol. 2 No. 1, pp: 557-564.
7. Zorriehzahra, M.E.J., Hassan, H.M.D., Nazari,A., Gholizadeh,M., Farahi,A. (2012). Assessment of environmental factors effects on enteric redmouth disease occurrence in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farms in Hamedan province,Iran. Journal of Comparative Clinical Pathology Research. 01/2012; 13(Vol.1, No. 2, pp: 30 – 73).
8. Farahi,A., Sudagar,M., Zorriehzahra,M.E.J., Kasiri,M. (2012). Study on some characteristics of Caspian brown trout milt during different times after the hormonal stimulation. Journal of Comparative Clinical Pathology Research. 01/2012; 1(Vol.1, No. 2, pp: 40-46).
9. Farahi A, Kasiri M, Sudagar M, Soleimani Iraei M, Zorriehzahra M.E.J. (2012). Effect of dietary supplementation of Melissa officinalis and Aloe vera on hematological traits, lipid oxidation of carcass and performance in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research, 2(1): 01-05.
10. Zorriehzahra, M.E.J., Ghasemi, M., Koohkan, O. (2012).Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN) Disease in Aquatic animals: Past, Present and Futurer. (Rieview Article). Journal of Aquaculture Development, (Vol.6, No.1, pp:19-56).
11. Koohkan, O., Abdi, R., Zorriehzahra, M.E.J., Movahedinia, A., Sharifpoor,I. (2012). Acute mortality of Liza klunzingeri in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea associated with nervous necrosis. Comparative Clinical Pathology, Springer-Verlag,(Oct.2012), DOI:10.1007/s00580-012-1625-0.
12. Talebi, M., Khara, H., Zoriehzahra,M.E.J., Ghobadi, Sh., Khodabandelo, A., Mirrasool, E., (2013). Study on Effect of Red Bell Pepper on Growth, Pigmentation and Blood Factors of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). World Journal of Zoology, (1): 17-23, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wjz.2013.8.1.7136.
13. Soltani, M., Zarifmanesh, T., Zorriehzahra, M.E.J., (2013). Effect of Zataria multiflora essential oils on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykis) com lement com onent activity and lyso yme . Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, (Vol.21, No. 4, pp: 13-22).
14. Talebi, M.; Khara, H.; Zorriehzahra, M.E.J.; Ghobadi, Sh.; Khodabandelo, A.; Mirrasooli, E. (2013). Effects of Astaxanthin on Pigmentation, Growth and Blood factors on Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Aquatic Animals & Fisheries., Vol.3, No.9, pp: 75-83.
15. Ghiasi, M.; Zorriehzahra, M.E.J.; Bahonar, A.R.; Pourgholam, R.; Farabi, S.M.V.; Binaii, M.; Saeedi, A.A. (2013). Evaluation of Health management of Breeding and Rearing Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Fisheries, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr Branch; Vol.7, No. 3, pp:103-112.
16. Zorriehzahra, M.E.J.; Ghasemi, M.; Mehrabi, M.R.; Kakoolaki, Sh.; Radkhah,K; Nazari,A; Rohani,M.S.; Haghighi Karsidani, S.; Pakniat, Y; Roustaei, E. (2013). The study on histopathology changes of four ornamental fish species due to invasion of virus of Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN). Journal of Aquaculture Development, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan Branch; Vol.7, No. 2, pp:25-40.
17. Ghasemi, M. ; Zorriehzahra, M.J. ; Sharifpour,I. ; Haghighi Karsidani, S. (2013). Detection of Betanodavirus antigen associated with viral nervous necrosis (VNN) in tissue sections of market size golden grey mullet, Journal of Aquaculture Development, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan Branch, Vol.7, No. 3, pp:53-61.
18. Zamini,A.A; Gholipour Kanani,H; Esmaeili,A.A; Ramezani, S; Zorriehzahra, M.E.J.(2014). Effects of two dietary exogenous multi-enzyme supplementation, Natuzyme® and beta-mannanase (Hemicell®), on growth and blood parameters of Caspian salmon (Salmo trutta caspius), Journal of Comparative Clinical Pathology, Vol. 23, No.1, pp: 187-192. 19. Dargaei, Z. ; Sharifpour, I ; Zorriehzahra, J. (2014). UV-B impacts on morphology and retina of Oncorhynchus mykiss larvae, Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, Vol.13, No.2, pp:289-302.
20. Zorriehzahra, M.E.J. ; Ghiasi, M. ; Binaeii, M. (2014). The study on some haematological and biochemical parameters in Golden grey mullet (liza auratus) in southern Caspian Sea of Mazandaran province following the occurrence of an emerged disease, Journal of Aquaculture Development, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan Branch, Vol.7, No. 4, pp:25-33.
21. Nazari, A.; Hassan, M. D.; Bovo, G.; Zorriehzahra, M. J.; Azmi,T. I. and Arshad, S.S.(2014). Pathogenicity of viral nervous necrosis virus for Guppy fish, Poecilia reticulate, Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, Vol.13, No.1, Pp:168-177.