Dr. Sekongo Yassongui Mamadou, Medicine Doctor, is hematologist specializing in blood transfusion. Internal hospitals of Paris and Nice. Holds a degree in management and treatment of infections in onco-hematology from the University of Paris 12, a university degree in transfusion biology obtained at paris 12, a BIOSAS master\'s from the Nice University, a degree in legal redress of injury. He is an expert near Abidjan court in injuryand also a Researcher at National blood transfusion center of Cote d’Ivoire. He is currently conducting a research thesis on the geographical diversity of blood groups in Côte d’Ivoire. He is also a member of the French Society of Hematology, the Francophone African society of hematology, African society of blood transfusion and founding member and general secretary of the Ivorian society of hematology, immunology, oncology and blood transfusion (SIHIO-TS).