Overall, I am having nearby 10 years of experience in Pharmaceutical Industry after completing my Masters & Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) B.H.U., India with 16 research publication of my research work. All these years I have gained expertise in development of sterile and non-sterile products (Injectable, Solid oral, liquid, soft gel, Dry syrups, Ophthalmic, ointments etc). I also headed the Analytical research and development department and gained expertise in Method development, Validation, analytical testing and cGLP compliance etc. A very sound knowledge of Para IV filling and Product development for U.S. FDA, MHRA and CIS countries. Under my leadership, Company got DSIR approval of New R&D, set up by me. I also provided new technology platforms to the companies i.e. Aqueous based injections, conversion of suspension eye drops to solution form, Preservative free eye drops, Nano-particle based drug delivery systems, OROS based Drug delivery systems, Herbal eye drop, Sustained release suspension, quick and high penetrating topical delivery systems etc. Under my leadership companies got 8 patented technologies on different dosage forms. In addition to above achievements, I also have established R&D setup’s for two companies along with manpower and SOP’s control. I also have filed the dossier of 7 products for approval in CIS countries as per CTD/ ACTD formats. In all, I have developed 15 products for USFDA/ MHRA, 20 products for CIS countries and more than 70 products for domestic markets. Heading Research and Development Centre (NDDS) of Akums Drugs and Pharmaceuticals for last 3.9 years.
Development of Solid orals, Solution, Oral drops, Dry syrups, Semi-solid, Sachets, Suspension Dosage forms, injectables, Ophthalmic dosage forms.
Development and commercialization of NDDS Projects i.e. Nanogel, Nanoemulsion, Microspheres etc.
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Preservative free eye drops
OROS based Drug delivery systems
Nano-particle based drug delivery systems.
1. P. Kumar: Use of oral methadone as an analgesic: Review of the cardiotoxic side effects. Clinical Medicine Insight: therapeutics.
2: 299-310, 2010. 2. P. Kumar, S. Singh and B. Mishra: Development and biopharmaceutical evaluation of extended release formulation of Tramadol hydrochloride based on osmotic technology. Acta Pharmaceutica. 59: 15-30, 2009.
3. P. Kumar, S. Singh and B. Mishra: Floating osmotic drug delivery system of Ranitidine hydrochloride: Development and Evaluation: AAPS Pharm. Sci. Tech. 9: 480-485, 2008.
4. P. Kumar, S. Singh and B. Mishra: Colon targeted delivery systems of Metronidazole based on osmotic technology: Development and evaluation: Chem Pharm. Bull. 56: 1234-1242, 2008
5. P. Kumar, S. Singh and B. Mishra: Development and evaluation of Elementary osmotic pump of highly water soluble drug: Tramadol hydrochloride. Current Drug Del. 6:130-139 ,2009
6. P. Kumar, S. Singh and B. Mishra: Gastroretentive drug delivery system of Ranitidine hydrochloride based on osmotic technology: development and evaluation. Current Drug Del. 5: 332-342, 2008.
7. P. Kumar, S. Singh and B. Mishra: Elementary osmotic pump of Tramadol hydrochloride containing swellable polymer as release retardant. Indian Drugs 45: 904-907, 2008.
8. P. Kumar, and B. Mishra: Comparison of in-vitro dissolution profiles-An overview. Pharma Review. 4: 94-110, 2008.
9. P. Kumar, and B. Mishra: Colon targeted delivery systems- An overview. Current Drug. Del. 5: 186-198, 2008.
10. P. Kumar and B. Mishra: An overview of recent patents on oral osmotic drug delivery systems. Recent Patents on Drug Del. & Form. 1: 236-255, 2007.
11. B. Mishra, Bharti V. Bakde, P.N. Singh and P. Kumar: Development and In-vitro evaluation of oral sustained release formulation of Tramadol hydrochloride. Acta. Pharm. Sciencia. 48: 153-166, 2006.
12. P. Kumar, S. Singh, A.K. Srivastava, P.S. Rajinikanth. and B. Mishra: An overview of osmotic pressure controlled release oral formulation. J. Pharm. Res. 5: 34-45, 2006.
13. P. Kumar, A.K. Srivastava, and B. Mishra: Studies on Fructose based osmotic Controlled Tablets of Naproxen Sodium: J. Pharm. Res. 4: 61-64, 2005.
14. P. Kumar and B. Mishra: Studies on elementary osmotic pump tablets of naproxen sodium, Acta Pharm.Turc. 46:35-41, 2004.
15. P. Kumar, C. Sankar and B. Mishra: Delivery of macromolecules through skin - An overview, The Indian Pharmacist. 3: 7-18, 2004.