Belayneh kefale is a Assistant Lecturer,Ambo University, College of Medicine and Health Sciences.
Drugs effect, outcomes researches in chronic illnesses and medication therapy management in practice-based research
Clinical outcomes in mental health and drug abuse substances (neuropharmacology); Medication therapy management and practice-based researches in DM, cardiology and HIV-AIDS
Management of infection and study of microbial sensitivity in newer and established medications.
Antibiotic optimization
Clinical toxicology; poison control and surveillance; drug identification and surveillance; clinical outcomes of poisoning treatment and prevention.
1. Belayneh Kefale Gelaw et al. Non adherence and contributing factors among ambulatory patients with antidiabetic medications in Adama Referral Hospital. Journal of Diabetes Research, Volume 2014, Article ID 617041, 9 pages, 2014.
2. Kefale B. And Kefale Y. knowledge, attitude, practice and determinants of condom use among people living with HIV/AIDS in Gondar University Hospital, North West Ethiopia. J Phys Pharm Adv 2013, 3(10): 247-260
3. Belayneh Kefale Gelaw and Yitayih Kefale Gelaw. Assessment of adequate use of asthma in halational medication administration in children in Gondar University Teaching Hospital, North West Ethiopia. Global Journal of Medical research: B Pharma, Drug Discovery, Toxicology and Medicine Volume 14 Issue 2 Version 1.0 Year 2014.
4. Belayneh Kefale Gelaw et al. Assessment of adherence of patients with anti-hypertensive medication and factors for non-adherence in Amhara Region Dessie Referral Hospital, Ethiopia. Int J Chem Natur Sci. 2014, 2(1): 51-57
5. Belayneh Kefale Gelaw et al. Retrospective drug use evaluation of gentamycin use in Ambo Hospital, Oromia region state, West Shoa, Ethiopia. International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences 3(4): July-August 201.
6. Belayneh Kefale Gelaw et al. Medication adherence among patients with schizophrenia treated with antipsychotics at Adama Hospital, East Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State. Indo American Journal of Pharm Research.2014:4(08).
7. Gobezie Temesgen Tegegne, Belayneh Kefale Gelaw, Amsalu Degu Defersha, Belay Yimam, Elias Ali Yesuf. Drug therapy problem among patients with cardiovascular diseases in Felege Hiwot Referral Hospital, North East, Bahir Dar Ethiopia. Indo American Journal of Pharm Research. 2014:4(06).
8. Ayinalem GA, Gelaw BK, Belay AZ, Linjesa JL. Drug use evaluation of ceftriaxone in medical ward of Dessie Referral Hospital, North East Ethiopia. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2013; 2(6): 711-717
9. Mohammednur Hussein, Jimma Likisa Lenjisa, Minyahil Alebachew Woldu, Gobeze Temesgen Tegegne, Gurmu Tesfaye Umeta, Hunduma Dinsa and Belayneh Kefale Gelaw. Assessment of Drug Related Problems Among Hypertensive Patients on Follow up in Adama Hospital Medical College, East Ethiopia, Clinic Pharmacol Biopharmaceut 2014, 3:2
10. Gobezie Temesgen Tegegne, Awoke Shiferaw, Belayneh Kefale Gelaw, Amsalu Degu Defersha, Minyahil Alebachew Woldu & Jimma Likisa Linjesa. Glycemic Control and self-care practice among ambulatory diabetic patients in Ambo Hospital, West Shoa, Ethiopia. Global Journal of Medical research: B Pharma, Drug Discovery, Toxicology and Medicine Volume 14 Issue 7 Version 1.0 Year 2014.
11. Biru, Tessema Tsehay, Amsalu Degu Defersha, Belayneh Kefale Gelaw, and Gobezie Temesgen Tegegne. 2014. Drug utilization review of ciprofloxacin in the outpatient department of Boru Meda Hospital, South Wollo Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 3 (1), 171-178.
12. Abebaw Nigussie Ayele, Belayneh Kefale Gelaw, Amsalu Degu Defersha, Gobezie Temesgen Tegegne, Getasew Amogne Ayinalem. Attitudes and behaviours of practicing pharmacy professionals towards patient counselling in Awi Zone, North West Ethiopia. Indo American Journal of Pharm Research. 2014:4(06).