Dr. Abdelbaset-Ismail was born and grew up in Province of El-Sharkia, Egypt. In 2000, Dr. Abdelbaset-Ismail received Bachelor’s degree (BVMSc) in Veterinary Medical Science at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagazig University. Dr. Abdelbaset-Ismail was consequently employed as a Teaching Assistant at the Department of Animal Surgery, Radiology, and Anesthesiology. As recognition of his outstanding records and capabilities, he was employed as an Assistant Lecturer at the same Department, after obtaininghisMaster’s degree (MVSc). During the era(2008-2011) at University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, he gained much experience in experimental surgery, CT imaging and regenerative medicine using adipose derived-MSCs. After he received the PhD, he was appointed as a Lecturerat Department of Animal Surgery. Later on, Dr. Abdelbaset-Ismail then has joined the Stem Cell Institute at James Graham Brown Cancer, University of Louisville, as a Visiting Scholar from September 2013 to March 2014, where he has been then employedas a Postdoctoral Associate beginning May 2014. Dr. Abdelbaset-Ismail is one of the founding members of International Perinatal Stem Cells Society, and hehas received the very prestigious 2015 Abstract Achievement Award from the American Society of Hematology. Dr. Abdelbaset-Ismail has developed remarkable technical skills in cell transplantation for various animal models, molecular characterization, propagating cells in vitro and in vivo. He has also gained salient experience in various experimental setupsusing hematopoietic stem cells, bone marrow, cord blood-derived and adipose tissue-derivedMSCs, very small embryonic-like stem cells, leukemic cells, and germline-derived cells.He has also much experience in context of homing, mobilization, and engraftment of hematopoietic stem cells and cancer research.
-Stem cells
-Regenerative medicine
-Veterinaty Surgery, anesthesia
-Animal Imaging
1. Evaluation of A Marker Set for the Characterization of Pluripotency in Canine Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells.Ismail AA, Murua Escobar H, Langner K, Wagner S, Bullerdiek J, Bintig W, Ngezehayo A, Samy MT, Abd El-Aal AM, Nolte I, Wefstaedt P. (Submitted)
2. Novel evidence that pituitary gonadotropins directly stimulate human leukemic cells -studies of myeloid cell lines and primary patient AML and CML cells.Ahmed Abdelbaset-Ismail, Sylwia Borkowska, Anna Janowska-Wieczorek, Torsten Tonn, Cesar Rodriguez, Marcin Moniuszko, Lukasz Bolkun, Janusz Kloczko, Andrzej Eljaszewicz, Janina Ratajczak, Mariusz Z. Ratajczak, Magda Kucia Oncotarget 2015 - 6.359 Impact Factor.
3. Evidence that a lipolytic enzyme-hematopoietic-specific phospholipase C β2-promotes mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells by decreasing their lipid raft-mediated bone marrow retention and increasing the pro-mobilizing effects of granulocytes.M Adamiak • A Poniewierska-Baran • S Borkowska • G Schneider • A Abdelbaset-Ismail • M Suszynska • A Abdel-Latif • M Kucia • J Ratajczak • M Z Ratajczak •Leukemia: 11/2015; DOI:10.1038/leu.2015.315 - 10.43 Impact Factor.
4. Extra cellular nucleotides and purinergic signaling as noval, underappreciated, pro−metastaticc factorsfor human lung cancer cells. Gabriela Schneider, Talita Glaser, Ahmed Abdelbaset Ismail, Henning Ulrich, Mariusz Z. Ratajczak Molecular Cancer 12/2015; 14(1) - 4.380 Impact Factor.
5. Human haematopoietic stem/progenitor cells express several functional sex hormone receptors.Ahmed Abdelbaset-Ismail • Malwina Suszynska • Sylwia Borkowska • Mateusz Adamiak • Janina Ratajczak • Magda Kucia • Mariusz Z Ratajczak.Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 10/2015; DOI:10.1111/jcmm.12712 - 4.01 Impact Factor.
6. Downregulation of heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) activity in hematopoietic cells enhances their engraftment after transplantation.Mateusz Adamiak • Joseph B Moore Iv • John Zhao • Ahmed Abdelbaset-Ismail • Kamil Grubczak • Sylwia Borkowska • Marcin Wysoczynski • Mariusz Z Ratajczak. Cell Transplantation 10/2015 - 3.13 Impact Factor.
7. Human rhabdomyosarcoma cells express functional erythropoietin receptor: Potential therapeutic implications.Agata Poniewierska-Baran • Malwina Suszynska • Wenyue Sun • Ahmed Abdelbaset-Ismail • Gabriela Schneider • Frederic G. Barr • Mariusz Z. Ratajczak International Journal of Oncology 08/2015; 47(5) - 3.03 Impact Factor.
8. Evidence for induction of a tumour metastasis-receptive microenvironment for ovarian cancer cells in bone marrow and other organs as an unwanted and underestimated side effect of chemotherapy/radiotherapy.Pranesh M Gunjal • Gabriela Schneider • Ahmed Abdelbaset Ismail • Sham S Kakar • Magda Kucia • Mariusz Z Ratajczak Journal of Ovarian Research 03/2015; 8(1):20 - 2.43 Impact Factor.
9. An emerging question about putative cancer stem cells in established cell lines—are they true stem cells or a fluctuating cell phenotype?Pranesh Gunjal, Daniel Pedziwiatr, Ahmed A. Ismail, Sham S. Kakar, and Mariusz Z. Ratajczak. Journal of Cancer Stem Cell Research (2015), 3:e1004
10. Novel evidence that crosstalk between the complement, coagulation and fibrinolysis proteolytic cascades is involved in mobilization of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs).S Borkowska • M Suszynska • K Mierzejewska • A Ismail • M Budkowska • D Salata • B Dolegowska • M K J Ratajczak • M Z Ratajczak Leukemia 03/2014; 28(11) - 10.43 Impact Factor
11. Effects of High Mobility Group A Protein Application on Canine Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Vitro.Ismail AA, Wagner S, Murua Escobar H, Willenbrock S, Sterenczak KA, Samy MT, Abd El-Aal AM, Nolte I, Wefstaedt P. Veterinary Medicine International 2012, article ID 752083, 10 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/752083.
12. Reticular Diaphragmatic Hernia in Egyptian Buffaloes: Clinical, Hemato-Biochemical and Ultrasonographic Findings Ahmed Abdelaal • Shaimaa Gouda • Ahmed Abdelbaset-Ismail • Mohamed Gomaa Pakistan Veterinary Journal 05/2014; • 1.39 Impact Factor
13. Investigating the Relationship between Claw Disorders and Milk Yield Before and After Claw Trimming Using Modified Dutch Method in Three Egyptian Dairy Farms Mohamed Gomaa, Ahmed Ismail El-Azzazy, Fathy El-Seddawy, Mahmoud Abdel Maboud, Ahmed Behery, Abdel-Basit Abd El-Aal:J. Anim. Health Prod. 2 (3): 40 – 45, 2014.
14. Determination of epiphyseal line closure time of stifle joint in donkeys. Samy MT, Behery AE Shaaban IA, Abd Elaal AM, Ismail AA.. Vet. Med. J. Giza. Vol.55, No.1. pp: 57-65, 2007.
15. Determination of epiphyseal line closure time of hock joint in donkeys. Behery AE, Samy MT, Shaaban IA, Abd Elaal AM, Ismail AA. Vet. Med. J. Giza. Vol.55, No. 1 pp: 45-56, 2007.
16. Therapie des chronischen Hustens beim Hund.Wefstaedt P • Ismail-Abdelbaset Ahmed • Nolte I Der Praktische Tierarzt 03/2011; • 0.09 Impact Factor
17. Novel Practical Insight into Application of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Combination with Bioresorbable Silicate 45S5 Bioactive Glass for Bone Defect Repair: an Experimental Study in a Rabbit Model. Mohamed T Samy, Ismail A Shaban, Ahmed A Ismail El-Azzazy and Islam F Mandoh.Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 2 (8): 424 – 432, 2014.
18. Anwendung mesenchymaler Stamm-zellen aus dem Fettgewebe zur Prävitalisierung von Knochenrekonstrukten Ahmed Abdelbaset Attia, Hugo Murua Escobar, Siegfried Wagner, Dina Rittershaus, Kathrin Friederike Annika Langner, Ingo Nolte und Patrick Wefstaedt.TiHo Journal 2011.
19. Concise Review: Appreciated Signaling Role of High Mobility Group –A Protein for Regulation the Proliferation, Pluripotency and Self−Renewal of Adult Stem Cells. Ahmed Abdelbaset Ismail. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 2015. 3(5): 276-282
20. The Effect of Bioactive Glass and Platelet - Rich Plasma on Bone Healing. Mohamed T Samy, Ismail A Shaban, Ahmed A Ismail and Islam F Mandoh. Egypt. J. Basic Appl. Physiol 2013.
21. Evaluation of Pluripotency of Canine Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Extension Properties on Poly lactic- Co- Gycolic Acid Scaffold. Ismail Ahmed A, Murua Escobar H, Langner K, Schwenke A, Willenbrock S, Abd El-Aal AM, Nolte I, Wefstaedt P, Samy MT. Egypt. J. Basic Appl. Physiol., 11(1):17- 29 (2012).
Abstracts 1. Human Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells (HSPCs) and Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) Express Several Functional Pituitary and Gonadal Sex Hormone Receptors - Identification of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) As New Growth Factors for HSPCs and MSCs. Ahmed Abdelbaset-Ismail • Malwina Suszynska • Sylwia Borkowska • Mateusz Adamiak • Janina Ratajczak • Magda Kucia • Mariusz Z Ratajczak. Proceedings of 57th the American Society of Hematology [ASH] Annual Meeting & Exposition, Orlando, Florida December 5-7, 2015.
2. Transient Ex Vivo Inhibition of Heme Oxygenase 1 (HO-1) in Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells (HSPCs) By Small-Molecule Inhibitors Enhances Their Migratory Responsiveness to Bone Marrow (BM)-Secreted Chemoattractants a Novel and Simple Strategy to Improve Homing of HSPCs Mateusz Adamiak • MS • Joseph B Moore IV • John Zhao • BS • Ahmed Abdelbaset-Ismail • Marcin Wysoczynski • Mariusz Z Ratajczak • MD • American Society of Hematology 2015 / Blood Journal 2016, Orlando - Florida; 12/2015
3. Novel Evidence That a Lipolytic Enzyme - Hematopoietic-Specific Phospholipase C Beta 2 - Promotes Mobilization of Hematopoietic Stem Cells By Decreasing Their Lipid Raft-Mediated Bone Marrow Retention and Increasing the Pro-Mobilizing Effects of Granulocytes Mateusz Adamiak • MS • Agata Poniewierska-Baran • Gabriela Schneider • Ahmed Abdelbaset-Ismail • Malwina Suszynska • Ahmed Abdel-Latif • MD • Magdalena Kucia • Ph.D • Janina Ratajczak • Mariusz Z Ratajczak •American Society of Hematology 2015 / Blood Journal 2016, Orlando - Florida; 12/2015
4. Embryonic rest hypothesis of cancer development revisited: functional gonadotropic hormone receptors are expressed by normal and malignant hematopoietic cells and erythropoietin receptor is expressed by germ line−derived tumors.Malwina suszynska, Katarzyna Mierzejewska, Agata Baran, Ahmed Abdelbaset Ismail, Gabriela Schneider, Pranesh Gunjal, Janina Ratajczak, Sham S. Kakar, Magda Kucia, Mariusz Z. Ratajczak American Association for Cancer Research, April 18−22, 2015. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
5. Extra cellular nucleotides and purinergic signaling as noval, underappreciated, pro−metastaticc factorsfor human lung cancer cells. Gabriela Schneider, Talita Glaser, Ahmed Abdelbaset Ismail, Henning Ulrich, Mariusz Z. Ratajczak American Association for Cancer Research, April 18−22, 2015. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
6. Novel Evidence that Pituitary Gonadotropins Directly Stimulate Human Leukemic Cells – Studies on Myeloid Cell Lines and Primary Patient AML and CML Cells.