I was born (1980) in Jolfa city at northwest in boarderline Iran-Azerbaijan. I recieved BSc, RN and MSn in Tehran universities between 1980-2005, and Ph.D in Surgical Nursing branch at Egean University between 2005-2010 in Turkey. In 2003, I won the third at national RN and MSn examination in Iran. In 2011, I joined the Surgical Nursing Department of Adnan Menderes University as lecturer Doctor position until 2014. Now I am working in Assistant Professor at the ADU, Turkey. My research interesting fields are Fever, Haemodynamic parameters, ACS Neurosurgery, Nursing Education, Acute pain and MI. Now I am working in a common project on venous Leg Ulcers as a correspond researcher in Turkey.
Fever, Haemodynamic parameters, ACS Neurosurgery, Nursing Education, Acute pain and MI
1- Asgar Pour. H, Mohhamadi. I, Memariyan. R. Effect of Self Care Program on Quality of Life in Hemophilia Adolescents, Daneshvar Journal. 2007;14(69):1-8.
2- Asgar Pour. H, Demir. F, Determination of The Time and Type of Direct Care Given to Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft. A Cardiothoracic Multimedia Journal/ The Heart Surgery Forum Journal. 2008; 11(2).75.(Abstract)
3- Asgar Pour. H, Demir. F, Nursing Care after Open Heart Surgery, Journal of Aegean Nursing School 2010;26(1):77-86.
4- Asgar Pour. H, Demir. F, Determination of The Time and Type of Direct Care Given to Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft . Journal of Aegean Nursing School 2010;26(2): 27-36.
5- Asgar Pour. H, Yavuz. M, Effet of Fever On Hemodynamic Parameters, Journal of Turkish Neurosurgery. 2010;20. 250.
6- Asgar Pour. H, Yavuz. M, Effect of High Body Temperature on Hemodynamic Paramethers (Review), Journal of Maltepe School Nursing, 2010;3(3):73-79.
7- Asgar Pour. H, Çam. R, Evaluation of Men's Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviors About The Self Testicular Examination and Testicular Cancer, Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 2014; 22 (1).
8- Asgar pour H, Yavuz M. Effects of Fever on Haemodynamic Parameters in Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unite Patients, Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Journal, 2014; 30: 325—332.
9- Asgar pour H, Yavuz M. Effects of Peripheral Cold Application on Core Body Temperature and Haemodynamic Parameters in Febrile Patients, International Journaol of Nursing Practice, 2014, 20: 156-163.
10- Asgar pour H, Norouzzade R, Heidari MR. Risk Factors Associated With Typical and Atypical Symptoms of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Elderly. American Journal of Cardiology. 113(7): 11. DOI:10.1016/j.amjcard.2014.01.031.Abstract.
11- Asgar Pour H., Norouzzade R., Heidari MR., Ogut S., Yaman H., Gokce S. Therapeutic Properties of Zingiber Officinale Roscoe: A Review. European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 2014; 4(12): 1431-1446.
12- Asgar pour H, Norouzzade R, Heidari MR. Gender Differences in Symptom Predictors Associated with Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Prospective Observational study. International Emergency Nursing. Accept 2015, Doi.org/10.1016/j.ienj.2015.06.008.
13- Asgar Pour H., Tıpırdamaz B., Kunter D., Yönem H., Özsoy H. Hospital-Acquired Infections in Internal-Surgical Intensive Care Unit Patients: A Retrospective Study. Clinical Medicine Research. 2015. Accept.
Books/ Writing Books Section:
1- Hamidizade. S, Asgar Pour. H, Maternal and Child Health, Kanun Farhangi Amuzesh and Sanjeshe Aval Publisher. I.edition Tehran 2005.
2- Asgar Pour. H, and etal, Companion Textbook of Nursing 1, Mir Publisher, IX edition,Tehran 2006.
3- Asgar Pour. H, Hamidizade. S, Mahammadi I, The Companion Guide of Medicine Emergency, Shahre Kord University Publisher 2007.
4- Yavuz M, Kaymakçı Åž. Operation room Nursing. Asgar Pour H. Ultrasonic Surgery, Chapter. Meta Publisher 2015. Turkey.
Moderate, Reviewer and Scientific Committee Member Position:
Modrate Position: - Global Nursing Research: Patient Safety Concerns, Sigma Theta Tau Internationals, 23. International Nursing Research Congress, 30 Julay-3 Augusts 2012, Brisbane, Australia.
Reviewer: Journal of Clinical Nursing 2014.
Scientific Committee Member Position: 9.Ulusal Türk Cerrahi ve Ameliyathane HemÅŸireliÄŸi Kongresi.