Dr. Jai Prakash is INFPIRE faculty in chemical engineering department at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, India. He received PhD in 2012 from India. He workedas a postdoctoral researcher at Aix-Marseille University(AMU), France (2012-2013), Universite Libre deBruxelles (ULB), Belgium (2013-2014) and University of theFree State (UFS), South Africa (2015-2016). Hehas been awarded as a senior research fellow and youngscientist (fast track) by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Departmentof Science and Technology (DST), India respectively. He has been invited as aguest scientist by NIMS, Japan in 2014. Recently, he received the prestigious DST-INSPIREfaculty award (2015) by DST, India. His major field of interest is nanotechnology and materials science which includes, noble metal andmetal-oxides nanoparticles,nanocompositesand ion beam modifications innanomaterialsfor optical, sensing, SERS and LED applications.
 Nanomaterials, Surface Science, Thin Films, Composites Materials, Nano biocomposites.
 Ion beam induced synthesis, modifications and characterizations of nanomaterials.
1.Jai Prakash, R. A. Harris, H. C. Swart, Embedded Plasmonic nanostructures: synthesis, fundamental aspects and SERS applications. Int.Rev.Phys.Chem. 35 (2016) 353 (Imp fact 7.04) 2. Jai Prakash, V Kumar, R. E. Kroon, K. Asokan, V. Rigato, S. Gautam, K. H. Chae, H. C. Swart, Optical and surface enhanced Raman scattering properties of Au nanoparticles embedded in and located on a carbonaceous matrix.” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18 (2016) 2468 (Imp Fact 4.5) 3. Jai Prakash, J. C. Pivin, H. C Swart, Metal nanoparticles embedding in polymeric materials: Fundamentals to Applications. Adv. Coll. and Interface Sci. 226 (2015) 187-202 (Imp fact 7.8) 4. P. Kumar…Jai Prakash, A. Agarwal, M. M. Ahmad, H. C. Swart, Plasmonic resonance of Ag nanoclusters diffused in soda lime glasses, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17 (2015) 8596. (IF 4.5) 5. M C Mathpal,…. Jai Prakash, A Agarwal , Opacity and plasmonic properties of Ag embedded glass based metamaterials, RSC Adv. 5 (2015) 12555 (IF 3.84) 6. Yu Pu Lin... Jai Prakash, .. S. Clair, J. C.Valmalette, J. M. Themlin, “Nitrogen doping processes of graphene by a versatile plasma based method. Carbon 73 (2014) 216. (IF 6.2) 7. Jai Prakash,..V. Rigato, D. K. Avasthi, K. Asokan, Phenomenalogical understanding of dewetting and embedding of metal NPs in thin films by ion beam irradiation. Mat. Chem. Phys. 147 (2014) 920. (IF 2.72)