Dr. Chen currently is an associate professor of nursing department, whose expertise is microbiology, and is interested in studies about probiotics, anti-bacterial peptides, and issues about antibiotic-resistant infections. His findings provide useful information regarding the influence of lactoferrin on specific probiotic strains and these could help in the development of new applicable approaches of using lactoferrin as a prebiotic agent. Moreover, his efforts have shown that that human milk from healthy donors could contain various antibiotic-resistant bacteria and diverse commensally bacterial strains, and that several opportunistic pathogens can colonize the milk as well.Otherwise, he also investigates the mutagenic effects of a variety of food or environments wastes.
Probiotic bacteria and lactic acid bacteria related studies.
Anti-bacterial peptides, antibiotic resistance issues, and bacterial pattern in human milk.
Dissect the mutagenicity of municipal solid waste and mutagenicity of food items.
EBV virus and host interaction.
1. Chen PW, Tseng SY, Huang MS. Antibiotic Susceptibility of Commensal Bacteria from Human Milk.2015. CurrMicrobiol. 2015 Oct 22. IF: 1.423 (Accepted]
2. Chen PW, Liu Z-S, Wun M-J, Ran C-L. 2015. Evaluating the mutagenicity of leachates obtained from the bottom ash of a municipal solid waste incinerator by using a Salmonella reverse mutation assay. Chemosphere, 124: 70-76. IF: 3.499
3. Chen PW*, Ku YW, Chu FY. 2014. Influence of bovine lactoferrin on the growth of selected probiotic bacteria under aerobic conditions. Biometals, 27:905-914(NSC 102-2320-B-562 -001)IF: 2.68
4. Chen PW*, Jheng TT, Shyu CL, Mao FC*. 2013. Antimicrobial potential for the combination of bovine lactoferrin and its hydrolysate with probiotics against food-borne pathogens. Journal of Dairy Science, 96 :1438–1446. (NSC100-2320-B-562-001 and NSC 100-2313-B-562-001)IF:2.55, R/C= 2/52
5. Chen PW, Lin C,Chung CD, chen WY, Mao FC*. 2013. Chromium levels in insulin-sensitive tissues and thighbone are modulated by prednisone and high-fat diets in mice. Biometals, 26:347–354 (NSC100-2320-B-562-001, NSC 100-2313-B-562-001 and A101-A500-01)IF: 2.68
6. Pan WR, Chen PW(co-first author), Chen YLS, Hsu HC, Chen WJ*. 2013. Bovine lactoferricin B induced apoptosis of human gastric cancer cell line AGS by inhibition of autophagy at a late stage. Journal of Dairy Science, 96:7511-20.(NSC 100-2313-B-562-001)IF:2.55, R/C= 2/52
7. Chen PW*, Jheng TT, Shyu CL, Mao FC*. 2013. Synergistic antibacterial efficacies of the combination of bovine lactoferrin or its hydrolysate with probiotic secretion in curbing the growth of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). J Medical Microbiol, 62: 1845–1851(NSC100-2320-B-562-001 and NSC 100-2313-B-562-001) IF:2.297
8. Lin C, Chen PW (co-first author), Chen W-Y, Sun CC, Mao FC*. 2013. Glucagon and insulin have opposite effects ontissue chromium distribution in an obesemouse model. J diabetes invest, 4:528-532(NSC100-2320-B-562-001, NSC 100-2313-B-562-001 and SMC100-I-14) IF:1.77
9. Chen YS, Li JH, Yu CY, Lin CJ, Chiu PH,Chen PW, Lin CC , Chen WJ. 2012. Novel cationic antimicrobial peptide GW-H1 induced caspase-dependent apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines. Peptides36:257-265 IF:2.522
10. Chen PW, Lin SJ, Tsai SC, Lin JH, Chen MR, Wang JT, Lee CP, Tsai CH. 2010. Regulation of microtubule dynamics through phosphorylation on stathmin by Epstein-Barr virus kinase BGLF4. J BiolChem 285:10053-10063. IF:4.6
11. Tsai SC, Lin SJ, Chen PW, Luo WY, Yeh TH, Wang HW, Chen CJ, Tsai CH. 2009. EBV Zta protein induces the expression of interleukin-13, promoting the proliferation of EBV-infected B cells and lymphoblastoid cell lines. Blood 114: 109-118. IF:9.775, R/C=2/68
12. Chen PW, Ho SP, Shyu CL, Mao FC. 2004. Effects of bovine lactoferrin hydrolysate on the in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli strains isolated from baby pigs. Am J Vet Res65: 131-137.(Impact factor: 1.269, SCI, R/C: 40/145)
13. Chen PW, Mao FC. 2004. Detection of lactoferrin in bovine and goat milk by Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. J Food Drug Anal12: 133-139.(Impact factor: 0.643, SCI, R/C: 89/128)
14. Chen PW, Chen WC, Mao FC.2004. Increase of lactoferrin concentration in mastitic goat milk. J Vet Med Sci66: 345-350.(Impact factor: 0.851, SCI, R/C: 68/145)
15. Chen PW, Yang CB, Hsu JT, Mao FC. 2004. Evaluation of lactoferrin concentrations in goat milk from udder inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus. T Vet J30: 11-19.
16. Chen PW,Shyu CL, Mao FC. 2003. Antibacterial activity of short hydrophobic and basic-rich peptides. Am J Vet Res2003; 64: 1088-1092.(Impact factor: 1.269, SCI, R/C: 40/145)