Darlene Yee-Melichar is Professor and Program Director of Gerontology at San Francisco State University (SF State) where she also serves as Coordinator of Long-Term Care Administration. She is active as a faculty leader on both the Executive Committees of the SF State campus and CSU system Academic Senates.
Dr. Yee-Melichar’s research interests in healthy aging, long-term care administration, minority women’s health, and safety research and education are reflected in 4 books, 107 journal articles, book chapters, book reviews, technical reports, and numerous professional and scholarly presentations. She has served on the NIH Advisory Committee for Research on Women's Health, NIH Review Committee for Research Enhancement Awards Program, and AHRQ special emphasis panels on "Translating Research into Practice" and "Health Research Dissemination." She has served on and chaired the U.S. DHHS-OWH Minority Women’s Health Panel of Experts, appointed twice to the U.S. DHHS-Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' Advisory Panel on Outreach and Education, appointed multiple times to U.S. DHHS-OWH Region IX Women’s Health Advisory Council, and elected to chair the Program Committee for the Gerontological Society of America and to chair the Region IX Regional Health Equity Council’s Community Outreach and Education Committee.
Dr. Yee-Melichar is a Charter Fellow of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America, Fellow of the AAHPERD Research Consortium, and Full Member of Sigma Xi, the national research society. She is the recipient of numerous awards and honors for her teaching excellence and contributions to the campus, community and profession. She was awarded the Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year Award from York College/City University of New York (1988), the Outstanding Award for Teaching from the University of Texas Medical Branch twice (1989, 1990), the Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Instruction from San Francisco State University (1991), the Distinguished Teaching Award from the California Chapter of the American College of Health Care Administrators (1995), and the Distinguished Teaching Award from the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (2007).
In terms of service contributions, Dr. Yee-Melichar is the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award from the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (1998); Distinguished Alumna Award from Teachers College, Columbia University (2001); Distinguished Faculty Award for Excellence in Service from San Francisco State University (2007); Distinguished Service Award for GSA Task Force on Minority Issues in Aging (2009); and Outstanding Faculty Advisor Leadership Award (2014). She has served on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Gerontological Social Work, and continues to serve on the Board of Directors for the California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform, and President of SF State’s Chapter of Sigma Xi, the national research society.
Aging and continuum of care
Assisted living administration
Educational gerontology
Healthy aging
Long-term care administration
Minority women’s health
Nursing home administration
Safety research and education
*Yoo, G. J., Musselman, E., Lee, Y-S., and Yee-Melichar, D. (2015). Health Disparities in Older Asian Americans. Generations 38(4).
*Yee-Melichar, D., Renwanz-Boyle, A., Wanek, L, and Pawlowsky, S.P. (2014). Resilience in Geriatric Rehabilitation from a Cultural Perspective. Geriatric Nursing 14(9): 1-4.
*Brown, M. and Yee-Melichar, D. (2014) Review of Annual Editions: Aging 12/13 edited by Harold Cox. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal.
*Yee-Melichar, D., Flores, C.M., and Cabigao, E.P. (editors) (2014). Long-Term Care Administration and Management: Effective Practices and Quality Programs in Eldercare. New York, Springer Publishing Company.
*Miller, E. and Yee-Melichar, D. (2014). Review of Universal Design as a Rehabilitation Strategy: Design for the Ages by Jon A. Sanford. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal40 (2), 154-156.
*Gupta, R. and Yee-Melichar, D. (2013). Review of Transforming Social Work Education: The First Decade of the Hartford Geriatric Social Work Initiative edited by Nancy R. Hooyman. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal 39 (4), 281-283.
*Cabigao, E.P. and Yee-Melichar, D. (2013). Review of Quick Reference to Adult and Older Adult Forensics: A Guide for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals by Kathleen M. Brown and Mary E. Muscari. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal 39 (4), 279-280.
*Flores, C.M. and Yee-Melichar, D. (2013). Review of Geriatric Mental Health Disaster and Emergency Preparedness edited by John A. Toner, Therese M. Mierswa, & Judith L. Howe. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal 39 (3), 222-224.
*Hermoso, J. and Yee-Melichar, D. (2011). Review of Social Work Practice in Nursing Homes: Creativity, Leadership and Program Development by Julie Sahlins. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal 37 (10), 942-943.
*Hines, L.D. and Yee-Melichar, D. (2011). Review of Nursing Homes and Assisted Living: The Family’s Guide to Making Decisions and Getting Good Care by Peter S. Silin. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal 37 (9), 833-834.
*Redman, D. and Yee-Melichar, D. (2011). Review of Health Promotion and Aging: Practical Applications for Health Professionals by David Haber. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal 37 (7), 651-652.
*Hanklotubbe, D. and Yee-Melichar, D. (2011). Review of Health Aspects of Aging: The Experience of Growing Old by Gari Lesnoff-Caravaglia. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal 37 (2), 191-192.
*Yee-Melichar, D. (2010). Resilience in Aging: Cultural and Ethnic Perspectives. In: Resilience in Aging. Edited by Barbara Resnick, Lisa Gwyther and Karen A. Roberts. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
*Yee-Melichar, D., Renwanz-Boyle, A. and Flores, C. (2010). Assisted Living Administration and Management: Effective Practices and Model Programs in Elder Care. New York, Springer Publishing Company.
*Chou, F-Y. and Yee-Melichar, D. (2010). Review of Critical Care Nursing of Older Adults: Best Practices edited by Marquis D. Foreman, Koem Milisen and Terry T. Fulmer. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal 36 (12), 1100-1101.
*Yee-Melichar, D. (2010). Key Moment in History, 1987: GSA Launches Minority Issues Task Force. Gerontology News, 6 (1), 7.
*Madrigal, C. and Yee-Melichar, D. (2010). Review of Human Behavior for Social Work Practice: A Developmental-Ecological Framework by Wendy L. Haight and Edward H. Taylor. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 36 (7), 638-639.
*Prive, A. and Yee-Melichar, D. (2010). Review of Guided Care: A New Nurse-Physician Partnership in Chronic Care by Chad Boult, Jean Giddens, Katherine Frey, Lisa Reider, and Tracy Novak. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 36 (6), 545-546.
*Yee-Melichar, D. (2010). Housing: Experts Corner, Assisted Living. The Aging Network: A Guide to Programs and Services for Older Americans. Edited by K. Niles-Yokum and D.L. Wagner. New York, Springer Publishing Company.
*Yee-Melichar, D. and Renwanz Boyle, A. (editors). (2007). Minority Womens’ Health: Current Issues in Research, Education and Practice. Copley Custom Textbooks, Ann Arbor, MI.
*Yee-Melichar, D. (2007). Review of Enhancing Mobility in Late Life edited by Heidrun Mollenkopf, Fiorella Marcellini, Isto Ruoppila, Zsuzsa Szeman and Mart Tacken. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal 33 (7), 608-609.
*Grabinski, J, Parrott, T, Silverstein, N, Spencer, M, Takayanagi, P and Yee-Melichar, D. (2007). Part-time and Adjunct Faculty in Gerontology: Challenges and Solutions. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education. 27 (4): 69-83.
*Yee-Melichar, D. (2007). Review of Nursing Home Administration by James E. Allen. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal 33 (2), 165-166.
$ Yee-Melichar, D. and Renwanz Boyle, A. (editors) (2005). “Aging in Contemporary Society: Translating Research into Practice.” XanEdu, Ann Arbor, MI.
* Yee-Melichar, D. (2005).“Aging Asian Americans and Health Disparities.” In Closing the Gap: Improving the Health of Minority Elders in the New Millennium. Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.
* Markson, E. and Yee, D. (2004). The Older Woman. In AGHE brief bibliography: A selective annotated bibliography for gerontology instruction [CD-ROM]. Washington, DC: Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.
$ Yee, D. “Graduate Education after WASC: Some New Challenges and Opportunities.” In Perspectives on Assessment. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA. Spring 2003.
* Melichar, J.F. and Yee, D. “Assessment and Intervention Strategies in Driver Safety and Health Promotion for Older Adults.” 2003.
* Yee, D. “Educational and Employment Opportunities in Long-Term Care Administration for New Professionals.” 2003.
* Markson, E. and Yee, D. “The Older Woman.” Association for Gerontology in Higher Education: Washington, DC. 2002.
* Yee, D. “Resource Briefs.” AGHExchange, Volume 26, Number 2, November /December 2002.
* Yee, D. “Resource Briefs.” AGHExchange, Volume 26, Number 1, /September/October 2002.
* Richards, M., Yee, D. et al. “Eldercare: The Best Resources to Help You Help Your Aging Relatives.” Issaquah, WA: Resource Pathways, Inc., 1999.
* Yee, D. et al. “Health Science Teacher Preparation in California: Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Subject Matter Programs.” Sacramento, CA: California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, 1999.
$ NIH-ORWH et al. “Volume 1 – Agenda.for Research on Women’s Health for the 21st Century.” A Report of the Task Force on the NIH Women’s Health Research Agenda for the 21st Century, Executive Summary; NIH Publication No. 99-4385, 1999.
$ NIH-ORWH et al. “Volume 2 – Agenda for Research on Women’s Health for the 21st Century.” A Report of the Task Force on the NIH Women’s Health Research Agenda for the 21st Century; NIH Publication No. 99-4386, 1999.
$ NIH-ORWH et al. “Volume 3 – Agenda for Research on Women’s Health for the 21st Century.” Public Testimony; NIH Publication No. 99-4387, 1999.
$ NIH-ORWH et al. “Volume 4 – Agenda for Research on Women’s Health for the 21st Century.” Influences of Sex and Gender on Health; NIH Publication No. 99-4388, 1999.
$ NIH-ORWH et al. “Volume 5 – Agenda for Research on Women’s Health for the 21st Century.” Sex and Gender Perspectives for Women’s Health Research; NIH Publication No. 99-4389, 1999.
$NIH-ORWH et al. “Volume 6 – Agenda for Research on Women’s Health for the 21st Century.” Differences Among Populations of Women; NIH Publication No. 99-4390, 1999.
$ Yee, D. “Functional Independence: Older Women’s Health in the United States.” In Proceedings of the Bi-National Israel-USA Conference on Promoting Women’s Health Across Generations. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 3(3): 1-13, 1998.
$ Yee, D. “Overview of Older Adults As Research Subjects.” In Proceedings of the 1998 AAHSA Annual Meeting and Exposition. Washington, DC: American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, 1(2):25-29, 1998.
$ Yee, D. “Overview of Asian American Women As Research Subjects.” In Proceedings of the First National Clinical Trials and Asian American Women Summit. Washington, DC: National Institutes of Health, 3(3):1-12, 1998.
* Yee, D. “The Development and Implementation of an Academic Emphasis in Long-Term Care Administration at San FranciscoStateUniversity.” College of Education Review, 9(1): 29-34, 1998.
$ Yee, D. "Issues and Trends Affecting Asian Americans, Women and Aging." In Women and Aging: A Research Guide. Edited by Jean M. Coyle. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 1997.
* Yee, D. Review of "Measurement and Evaluation of Health Education." Family and Community Health, 19(2): 83, 1996.
$ Yee, D. "Health Education and Promotion, Not Double Jeopardy, for Minority Elders." InIn The Rough: A Teaching Strategies Directory for Cultural Diversity in Health Education. Edited by Eva I. Doyle. Denton, TX: Texas Women's University, 1995.
* Yee, D. and Melichar, J.F. "The Health, Mobility, and Safety Laboratory at San Francisco State University." Resources in Education, 025320, 1994.
* Yee, D. and Pelham, A.O. "Long-Term Care Administration at San Francisco State University." Resources in Education, 025311, 1994.
* Yee, D. and Melichar, J.F. "Accident Prevention through Driving Skills Assessment and Interventions for Older Drivers: A Programmatic Research Project." Resources in Education, Ed 371 127, 279 pages, 1994.
* Yee, D. "Report on the Development and Evaluation of the Survey of Undergraduate Alumni and the Survey of Graduate Alumni in Health Education at San FranciscoStateUniversity." Resources in Education, ED 372 102, 52 pages, 1994.
* Yee, D. and Melichar, J.F. "Health Promotion and Disease Prevention." The Gerontologist, 33(3): 431-432, 1993.
$ Yee, D. and Melichar, J.F. "Final Report" on Accident Prevention Through Driving Skills Assessment and Interventions for Older Drivers: A Programmatic Research Project. AARP Andrus Foundation, 1992.
$ Yee, D. "Evaluation Report" on Manual for the Computer Implementation of the Young Driver Attitude Scale: An Instrument to Measure Young Driver Risk-Taking Attitudes. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 1992.
* Yee, D. Review of "Lifestyle Workshops." Journal of Health Education, 23(2): 120, 1992.
* Smith, D.L., Yee, D., Yee, B.W.K. and Fleishman, R. "Health Promotion and Older Adults: Developing Guidelines for Senior Centers." The Southwestern, 8(1): 18-27, 1992.