Dr.C.Regunathan is a conscientious Aquaculturist who made rapid strides in his field of expertise with shrimp and fish over two decades. Having graduated from the Center of Advanced Studies in Mariculture (CMFRI; FAO/UNDP Program) from Cochin, the Doctoral research program from MS University was exclusively focused on the Indian white shrimp with true commercial objectives. Dr.Regu schooled further his erudition levels with Groupers and Red Sea bream on separate training missions in Situbondo, Indonesia and Fremantle, WA. His early debut was with the corporate Thapar Waterbase, India followed by an empowering assignment with Aquaveritas projects on better management practices for monodon along East and West coasts of India addressing critical zootechnical issues of research interest. Dr.Regu set the landmark on Hadramaut, Yemen building the first semi-commercial white shrimp hatchery on Indian ocean-front waters. Having set newer milestones in Oman with Qurriyat aquaculture, defining the near-shore carrying capacities for a host of finfishes within record time. His next pursuit on aquaculture responsibilities included both Kuwait and Iran projects on consulting, advisory and broad provision of regional technical advice in parallel on mutual-participative pilot-research works with MFD-KISR. The comprehensive shrimp sectoral planning for Al Oula group at Chabahar, Iran spanning 1500 hectares deserves credible mention. Recently Dr.Regu held the reins of project R&D control of the World class aquaculture establishment and leader, ‘NAQUA’ and progressively moved to the Shrimp Hatchery division complexes and sustainably managing the core shrimp germplasm production for vannamei till date. With an extensive series of aquaculture publishing as reputed research manuscripts, book chapters, manuals, reports and opular articles on issues of critical current interests, His analytical deeds as an esteemed chair for eminent conference/ seminar proceedings are notable. His benevolent approach and economically sound proven decisions have enlivened aquaculture challenges with every endeavour till date and for the posterity.
Shellfish / finfish farming with freshwater & marine environs ; Aquaculture Nutrition ; Biosecurity ;
Marine Agronomy; EIA ; Bioremediation ; Aquaculture governance and regulatory framework ; Aquaculture
economics and sustainability.
Conformation of phylogenetic relationship of Penaeidae shrimp based on morphometric and molecular investigations, Cytology and Genetics, 2014, 48 (6): 357-373.
Effect of Diet Regimes on Growth, Trypsin Activity and RNA: DNA Ratio in Fenneropenaeus indicus Postlarvae, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2014, 14, 299-308.
Sea cucumber ban in India - is it a silent mockery of science and conservation? Aquaculture Europe. 37, Sept. 2012, 23-25.
Lax biosecurity threatens whiteleg shrimp health on shrimp farms: A policy and research challenge to India. World Aquaculture, June 2012; 57-58.
Need for an evaluation monitoring framework on the ecological footprints of L.vannamei in Indian marine ecosystem. Aquaculture Europe magazine, 37, Dec 2012, 11-13.
Chapter entitled “Industry Perspective of Aquaculture In The Middle East - Status And Issues ‘ pages 103-153 in book entitled “Aquaculture in the Middle East and North Africa: Status and Research Needs”, Nova Science Publishers, USA, 2011, 324 pp.
Drugs from the Indian seas – more expectations, Current Science, 2009, 97 (12), 1705-1706.
Matching science and economics with Dunaliella for India. Current Science. 2009, 97 ( 1), 8.
Radioecological sensitivity in coastal marine food resources of India need for a reference model database, Current Science, 2009. 96 (1) 12-13.
Variation in Reproductive Performance and Egg Quality between Wild and Pond-Reared Indian White Shrimp, Fenneropenaeus indicus, Broodstock. Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 2008, 20(01), pp. 1 - 17.
Marine fish farming – Can India learn from its mistakes? World Aquaculture, 2007, 38(3): 18-20.
Outpacing sibling Cannibalism. Hatchery International, Canada. 2006, 7(3): 34.
Pigment deficiency correction in shrimp broodstock using Spirulina as a carotenoid source, Aquaculture Nutrition, 2006, 12: 425 – 432.
Bioengineering tools control harmful blooms in shrimp ponds. World aquaculture, 2005 36:4 December: 12-14.
Control of Vibrio spp. in shrimp hatcheries using the green algae Tetraselmis suecica, Asian Fisheries Science, 2005, 17: 147-158.
Indices for shrimping suceess . World Aquaculture., 2001, 32(1): 58 - 61.
Aquaculture in Yemen - Exploitation of marine resources and prospective investments. World Aquaculture, 1998, 29(3): 12- 15.
An industrial photosynthetic system for Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve in the arids. Journal of Applied Phycology, 1999, 11(4): 391-397.
A study on the black clam Villorita cyprinoides (Gray) as protein source in prawn diet. In: Rengarajan, et al. (eds.) Mariculture Research under the Postgraduate Program in Mariculture. CMFRI, Cochin, India. CMFRI Spl. Publ., 1993, 55: 97â€106