Dr.Afshin Shorofi has attained his PhD from Flinders University of South Australia, where he subsequently started working as a Research Associate in Health Care for Older People. He is currently an Adjunct Research Fellow at Flinders University (Australia), and an Assistant Professor at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences (MUMS-Iran).In addition, Afshin is the deputy head of the Traditional & Complementary Medicine Research Center and the Center for History & Ethics Studies at MUMS. Afshin is holding adjunct academic positions in two research centers at MUMS, Traditional & Complementary Medicine Research Center and Orthopedic Research Center. He is nationally well known for his publications so that he has published 17 books in the fields of Nursing, Midwifery and Medicine irrespective of his papers in peer-reviewed journals. Afshin is also serving severalwell-reputed journals as an editorial board member or editorial advisory board member. Afshin has been awarded prizes and honors for teaching excellence, outstanding research and overall academic achievement.
Aged care
Complementary and alternative medicine
Holistic care
Research issues in health
Pain management
Palliative care
Shorofi SA, “Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) among Hospital-Based Nurses: Personal and Professional Use, Reasons for Use, CAM Referrals, and Socio-Demographic Predictors of CAM Users”. [Pending Article]
Shorofi SA, “Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine among Nurses and Patients”. [Pending Article]
Shorofi SA, Hosseini A, Gholizadeh F. “A Systematic Review of Randomized and Controlled Clinical Trials of the Analgesic Effect of Lavender Essential Oil”. [Pending Article]
Shorofi SA, Taherian T. “A Review of Clinical Effectiveness of Ice Massage on Hugo Point”. [Pending Article]
Shorofi SA, Karimzadeh M, Yazdani Charati J (2015), “Nurse Burnout and Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care in Dialysis and Cardiac Care Units”. [Pending Article]
Shorofi SA, Karimzadeh M, Yazdani Charati J (2015), “Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care and Its Socio-demographic Predictors in Dialysis and Cardiac Care Units”. [Pending Article]
Bagheri-Nesami M, Shorofi SA, Ghafari R, Yazdani Charati J, Darbeheshti M, Rezaei-Nodehi M (2016), “The effect of Pleasant Olfactory Mental Imagery on the Incidence and Extent of Atelectasis in Patients with Open Heart Surgery”. [Pending Article]
Mozafari O, Shorofi SA, Shirzadi MR,Yosefi SS (2016), “Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Treatment in Persian Medicine”, Iranian J Publ Health, In Press.
Mozafari O, Shirzadi MR, Shorofi SA, Mozafari A (2016), “Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Traditional Persian Medicine”, Iranian J Publ Health, In Press.
Bagheri−Nesami M, Shorofi SA, Nikkhah A, Espahbodi F (2016), “The Effects of Aromatherapy with Lavender Essential Oil on Anxiety and Depression in Haemodialysis Patients”, Journal of Nephropathology, In Press.
Shorofi SA, Jannati Y, Roohi Moghaddam H, Yazdani Charati J (2016), “The Psychological Needs of Families of Critically Ill Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICU): Nurses’ and Family Members’ Perspectives”, Nigerian Medical Journal, In Press.
Bagheri−Nesami M, Shorofi SA, Jafari A, Khalilian A, Ziabakhsh Tabari S (2016), “The Relationship between Stressors and Anxiety Levels Before and After Surgery in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft”, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, In Press.
Bagheri−Nesami M, Shorofi SA, Nikkhah A, Espahbodi F, Ghaderi Koolaee FS (2016), “The Effects of Aromatherapy with Lavender Essential Oil on the Fatigue Levels in Haemodialysis Patients”, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 22(--):33-37.
Shorofi SA, Bagheri−Nesami M, Rezaei M (2015), “Effects of Olfactory Mental Imagery on Respiratory Function: A Systematic Review”, Journal of Clinical Excellence, 4(1): In Press.
Yousofpour M, Kamalinejad M, Esfahani MM, Iran-nejad S, Shorofi SA, Shams J (2015), “Non-pharmacological Interventions for Depression in Persian Medicine”, TANG [HUMANITAS MEDICINE], 5(4):1-7.
Bagheri−Nesami M, Shorofi SA, Hashemi-Karoie SZ, Khalilian A (2015), “The Effects of Sesame Oil on the Prevention of Amiodarone−induced Phlebitis”, Iranian Journal of Nursing & Midwifery Research, 20(3):365-370.
Shorofi SA, Karimzadeh M (2015), “Factors Associated With Burnout in Nursing Staff: A Review Article”, Journal of Clinical Excellence, 3(2):56-68.
Shorofi SA, Jannati Y, Roohi Moghaddam H (2015), “The Psychosocial Needs of the Families of the Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Units: A Review of Literature”, Journal of Clinical Excellence, 3(1):46-57.
Manoochehri H, Azimi Lolaty H, Hassani P, Arbon P, Shorofi SA (2014), “Iranian Senior Nursing Managers’ Experience and Understanding of Social Capital in the Nursing Profession”, Iranian Journal of Nursing & Midwifery Research, 19(5):464-472.
Azimi Lolaty H, Bagheri-Nesami M, Shorofi SA, Golzarodi T, Yazdani Charati J (2014), “The Effects of Family-Friend Visits on Anxiety, Physiological Indices and Well-Being of MI Patients Admitted to a Coronary Care Unit”, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 20(3):147-151.
Jafari H, Mohammadi E, Ahmadi F, Kazemnejad A, Shorofi SA (2014), “The Experience of Nursing Instructors and Students on Professional Competency of Nursing Academic Staff: A Qualitative Study”, Global Journal of Health Science, 6(4):128-135.
Bagheri−Nesami M, Shorofi SA (2014), “Cultural and Socio-Economic Factors on Changes in Aging among Iranian Women”, Global Journal of Health Science, 6(3):145-154.
Bagheri−Nesami M, Espahbodi F, Nikkhah A, Shorofi SA, Yazdani Charati J (2014), “The Effects of Lavender Aromatherapy on Pain Following Needle Insertion into Fistulas in Hemodialysis Patients”, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 20(1):1-4.
Bagheri−Nesami M, Shorofi SA, Zargar N, Sohrabi M, Gholipour-Baradari A, Khalilian A (2014), “The Effects of Foot Reflexology Massage on Anxiety in Patients Who Have Undergone Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial”, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 20(1):42-47.
Manoochehri H, Azimi Lolaty H, Hassani P, Shorofi SA, Arbon P (2013), “Non-Traditional Roles of Iranian Senior Nurse Managers in Developing the Profession: A Qualitative Study”, International Journal of Community Based Nursing & Midwifery, 1(4):191-199.
Shorofi SA (2011), “Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) among Hospitalised Patients: Reported Use of CAM and Reasons for Use, CAM Preferred during Hospitalisation, and Socio-Demographic Determinants of CAM Users”, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 17(4):199−205.
Shorofi SA, Arbon P (2010), “Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Professional Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): A Survey at Five Metropolitan Hospitals in Adelaide”, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 16(4):229−234.
Shorofi SA, Arbon P (2010), “Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) among Hospitalised Patients: An Australian Study”, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 16(2):86−91.
Shayesteh Azar M, Kariminasab MH, Sajjadi M, Shafiae SE, Shorofi SA (Spring 2008), “Are Prophylactic Antibiotics Necessary Before Every Orthopedic Operation?”, Teb va Jamehe: Journal of Medical Council of North of Iran, -- (1):54-56. [Persian]
Shayesteh Azar M, Shorofi SA, (Fall 2004), “The Role of Prophylactic Antibiotic in Orthopedic Surgeries”, Persian Journal of Clinical Orthopedics, 1(4):23−25. [Persian]
Haydari Gorji MA, Haydari Gorji AM, Mahmoodi Alami G, Shorofi SA, Khalilian A (Spring 2003), “The Complications of Streptokinase in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction”, Shakiba, 2(34):1−5. [Persian]
Mahmoodi Alami G, Jannati Y, Shorofi SA, Haydari Gorji MA, Jafari H (Winter 2002), “The Effects of Assertive Therapy on the Level of Education-related Anxiety in Students”, Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 12(37): 39−45; ISSN (old): 1561-4123; ISSN (new): Print: 1735−9260; Online: 1735−9279. [Persian]
Shorofi SA, Afzali MA, Haydari J, Khalilian A (Spring 2002), “How Do Nursing Students Spend Their Leisure Time?”, Shakiba, 2(2):28−34. [Persian]
Shayesteh Azar M, Kariminasab MH, Shorofi SA, Khalilian A (2001), “An Epidemiological Study of 1000 Musculo-Skeletal Trauma Cases in Sari in 1998−1999”, Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 11(30): 16−21; ISSN (old): 1561−4123; ISSN (new): Print: 1735−9260; Online: 1735−9279. [Persian]
Shorofi SA (2001), “The Principles of Scientific Articles”, Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 11(30): 80−86; ISSN (old): 1561−4123; ISSN (new): Print: 1735−9260; Online:1735−9279. [Persian]
b. Books
Shorofi SA, Jafari H (2005), Dialysis: Principles and Nursing Care, Salemi Company, Tehran, Iran, ISBN: 964-8760-01-2.
Shorofi SA (2004), Nursing Care in Patients with Kidney and Urinary Tract Disorders, Tchehr Company, Tehran, Iran, ISBN: 964-409-159-0.
Shorofi SA (2002), Nursing Care in Patients with Gastrointestinal Disorders, Tchehr Company, Tehran, Iran, ISBN: 964-409-134-5.
Shorofi SA, Namavar H, Moghadam L (2001), Nursing Care in Patients with Liver, Biliary System, and Exocrine Pancreas Disorders, Tchehr Company, Tehran, Iran, ISBN: 964-409-117-5.