Endoscopic skull base surgery, Minimal invasive Neurosurgey, Neuroendoscopy, Minimal invasive Spine surgery.
1) Master thesis " Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ". In November 2010.
2) Oral presentation "Meta-analysis of mortality following Subthalamic and Pallidal deep brain stimulation for patients with Parkinson's disease" In International Surgical Conference (ASiT 2015), Glasgow, United Kingdom. 27 February to 1 March 2015.
3) Book chapter with title "Trans-ciliary Approach" in Book " Operative Neurosurgical Anatomy" accepted to be published by Thieme in April 2017.
4) "Meta-analysis comparing Subthalamic and Pallidal deep brain stimulation for patients with Parkinson's disease": International Journal of Surgery, Vol. 23, S25. November 2015.
5) Oral presentation : "Endoscopic And Minimal Invasive Surgeries For Sellar And Parasellar Tumors: Cadaveric Data." { published in International Journal of Surgery; I.F=1.53}
6) “Cystic Craniopharyngioma; Simple Technique Using Single Burr Hole For Insertion Of An Ommaya Reservoir Drainage System And Its Advantages Over Open Craniotomy Approach”{ published in Journal of Neuro-oncology; I.F=3.07}
7) "Children with Intractable Temporal and Extratemporal Seizures : Correlation of The MR spectroscopy And EEG Findings In The Surgical Planning" { published in the Movement Disorders journal, online edition.; I.F= 5.68 }
8) " Endoscopic And Endoscopic assisted Approach For Sellar And Parasellar Tumors: Cadaveric And Clinical Data" Submitted for publication in Journal of clinical neuroscience