DrLysimachos G Papazoglou qualified from the School of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 1986 and obtained a PhD in 1992. He received postgraduate training in small animal soft tissue surgery in Aristotle University Greece (1987-1993) and University of Cambridge UK (1994). He was visiting professor of small animal soft tissue surgery in Colorado State University, University of Missouri and University of Florida USA. He is currently Professor in Small Animal Surgery at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He published over 130 surgery articles in refereed international journals and has spoken in national and international meetings. He is secretary of the International Veterinary Ear Nose and Throat Association.
His main clinical and research interests include all aspects of soft tissue surgery and especially upper airway, cardiothoracic, abdominal, plastic and reconstructive and oncologic surgery.